KC balita


Part of The Cross

KC balita
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BULACAN. The five councils comprising District 10 held a conference on May 24 and 25 in Barasoain, Mololos, Bulacan. The coun­ cils which participated were Malolos Coun­ cil 3710, Barasoain Council 3817, Obando Council 4105, Hagonoy Council 4110 and Saint Augustin Council (Baliuag) 4317. BARASOAIN, MALOLOS. Senator Em­ manuel Pelaez spoke before the Barasoain Knights of Columbus and the Daughters of Isabella during tHeir recent joint fourth an­ niversary program recently. The Senator advocated the revamp of the educational system by giving emphasis to science and techonological subjects. Senator Pelaez also exhorted school authorities to put more em­ phasis on morality to help raise the moral values of the youth and reduce juvenile de­ linquency. A highlight of the program was *#***#***#*#**********W'**iHHHf*1HHHHHh will be. an inspiration to the incoming of­ ficers to try to make a similar record dur­ ing the coming year.” APARRI, CAGAYAN. In its June meet­ ing Aparri Council 4366 of Cagayan re­ elected almost all of its officers. This was a tribute to the splendid showing of the Council during the year, one of the best in the history of the Knights of Columbus of that town. Grand Knight Cesar Genuino of San Fernando, Pampanga hands the initial sum of P500 to Bishop Emilio Cinense, D.D. of the San Fer­ nando Diocese to help needy seminarians. San Fernando Council 3709 will make the contribution yearly. the presentation of the Star Council Certi­ ficate to Grand Knight Teodosio A. Apdian by District Ceremonials Chairman Fortuna­ to E. Limpo. (Reported by Bro. Constancio Santiago) GUIMBA, NUEVA ECIJA. Thanks to Bro. Bienvenido P. Wilwayco and his wife, Mrs. Juana G. Wilwayco, Galvan, a barrio of Guimba, can now boast of a beautiful chapel. The chapel was blessed on June 22, 1958 by Rev. George Haggenburg, M.S.C. and* Rev. Henry de Hey, chaplain and assist­ ant chaplain respectively of St. John Council 40-74, of which Bro. Wilwayco is member. SAMPALOC, MANILA. Our Lady of Lo­ reto Council 4288 has copped fourth place in Division IX of the world-wide member­ ship program of the Order, which concluded on April 21, 1958. The trophy is being en­ graved and will be shipped from the United States soon. A special presentation ceremo­ ny is being arranged. Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart in his letter of congratulations to Grand Knight Francisco G. Tonogbanua said: “I am sure that this accomplishment SAN FERNANDO, PAMPANGA. San Fernando Council 3709 has decided to sup­ port a deseving seminarian with P500 yearly until he is ordained priest. The initial donation was recently handed to Bishop Emilio Cinense of the San Fernando Diocese by Grand Knight Cesar Genuino. The San Fernando Knights observed that their province, the population of which con­ tinues to increase considerably, acutely lacks priests. In starting the project, the Coun­ cil hopes that other Catholic Action groups will follow. KALIBO, AKLAN. Kalibo Council 4491 has launched a fund drive for the purchase of a steel tabernacle for the local church. The goal of the campaign is Pl,000. As of May 28, it was reported that one-half of the goal has been reached. Collections are un­ dertaken during the Council monthly meet­ ings. The drive is also aided by the Kali­ bo KC choir. JOLO, SULU. The Knights in Jolo recent­ ly spearheaded a fund drive for the repair of the local convent, it was reported by the 14 THE CROSS ****************************************** Balita *.* I • * * «»«********************•*******************president of the Center, Bro. Ramon Yanga, Jr. The Center has helped to organize re­ ligious processions and other parish activi­ ties. It sponsors yearly a Rizal Day orato­ rical contest. DAGUPAN CITY. The Knights of Colum­ bus and the Daughters of Isabella here re­ cently donated blood to the Red Cross. Those, who were unable to donate went around re­ cruiting donors. CAPITOL, QUEZON CITY. Capitol Coun­ cil 3695 recently tendered a despedida party for their chaplain, Rev. Ambrosio Manaligod, SVD, who will soon leave for Rome. Father Manaligod is the Faithful Friar of the Padre Gomez General Assembly of the Fourth Degree, National Father Prior of the Columbian Squires, and Father Prior of the Capitol Squires Circle 784. BAUANG, LA UNION. The local Knights, Archbishop Sancho Council 3714, helped to manage the recent town fiesta celebration. Grand Knight Ireneo Gacad, now District Deputy, was fiesta manager, while Financial Secretary Jesus Floirendo was the munici­ pal council chairman on the celebration. The Bauang members took charge of the print­ ing of souvenir program, benefit ball for the construction of a basketball court, and pre­ pared a float that won a prize during the civic parade. PUNTO PRINCESA, CEBU. A group of prospective members from this town recent­ ly filed an application to establish a coun­ cil. Th? application was endorsed to the Supreme Board of Directors by the Ter­ ritorial Deputy and District Deputy Ismael Alvarez. The proposed council would be the seventh in the province of Cebu. BALINGOAN, MISAMIS ORIENTAL. The new Balingoan Council was inaugurated last May 25. The Territorial Deputy, Rev. George J. Willamnn, S.J., was present. LICAB, NUEVA ECIJA.-The Licab Cen­ ter hai recently applied for councilhood. The Center is attached at present'to Manila Council 1000. BALANGA, BATAAN. Another inter­ council conference of the different Councils in Bataan was held in Balanga on May 25, with the local Council 3887 as host. Some members from nearby council attended with their wives. Mass and Communion and fra­ ternal breakfast preceded the confab. Among the speakers were District Deputy Pablo Salaverria and Balanga Grand Knight Toribio Sioson. The next inter-council meet for the Bataan District is slated for Dec­ ember. TUGUEGARAO, CAGAYAN.' This town was the site of the 3-day conference of District 2 under District Deputy Manuel Aranz from June 13 to 15, 1958. On the first day, the welcome address was given by Grand Knight Gregorio M. Reyes for the host Bishop Jurgens Council 3704. The. other KC groups that participated were Council 3705 of Hagan, Isabela; Council 4275 of Santiago, Isabela; Council 4365 of San Mateo, Isabela; and Council 4366 of Aparri, Cagayan. A Third Degree exempli­ fication was conducted on June 14. At the closing session, Bishop Teodulfo Domingo, D. D. delivered the concluding remarks. BAGUIO CITY. A movie benefit is being planned by Fr. Carlu Council 3363. The Ba­ guio Knights will use the proceeds from the fund-raising project to finance the proPILAR, BATAAN. Rev. Esteban Camilon of Abucay, Bataan, organizer and former Chaplain of Pilar Council 4352, recently played host to the Pilar Knights on the oc­ casion of their monthly MassContmunion and Breakfast. Brother Knights from Abu­ cay were present. Fr. Cami­ lon is shown flanked by De­ puty Grand Knight Joaquin A. Cornejo and Grand Knight Amando P. Calimbas on his left and right, respectively. July, 1958 15 GUIMBA. NUEVA ECIJA. St. John Council 4074 has started the construction of its clubhouse recently. Picture shows two of the members contributing labor. The build­ ing will also serve as the parish Catholic center after it is finished. jects and operations of their Council. The Council recently elected Bro. Laureano Abando, Sr. as Grand Knight. SOLANO, NUEVA VIZCAYA. Members of Council 3749 here helped to raise funds for the last St. Loius patronal fiesta. The total amount raised was Pl,600. The Solano Knights are the organizer of the local chap­ ter of the Holy Name Society. KIANGAN, MT. PROVINCE. Kiangan Council 4207 recently undertook an atten­ tion-catching project when it helped to fin­ ance and arrange an operation on a poor patient suffering from an acute respiratory obstruction. The members themselves con­ tributed financially and solicited contribu­ tions from civic-spirited citizens. SAN JOSE, NUEVA ECIJA. The Knights of Council 4073 here are giving aid to mis­ sionary priests and nuns. Recently they bled for the Red Cross blood bank. PARASAQUE, RIZAL. Some members of the local Council 3713 are doing social work by visiting and consoling the poor and the sick of the town and giving them mate­ rial assistance, when possible. The Paranaque Knights are supporting the project of the town to put up a playground for poor kids. BAYOMBONG, NUEVA VIZCAYA. The “best informed member” receives a prize in Council 3706 here. The winner is decided by the Chaplain who examines participants in religion and current events. Several Bayombong Knights go to the barrios to teach catechism. BONTOC, MT. PROVINCE. St. Vincent School here received equipment for its gym­ nasium and 10 bags of cement for the im­ provement of its campus, all donated by Bontoc Council 4006. Hospitalization and cash assistance are arranged by the Coun­ cil for its members in times of sickness and death. CALBAYOG CITY. Bishop Singzon Coun(Continued on page 25) ZAMBOANGA CITY. A testimonial plaque was given by Zamboanga City Council 3362 to His Excellency, Most Rev. Luis del Rosario, SJ., D.D., recently named Arch­ bishop, on the occasion of his Silver Jubilee as a Bishop. Grand Knight Pedro A. Ro­ driquez hands the plaque to jMsgr. Del Rosario as District Deputy Rafael Paredes (left, seated) and Very Rev. Alfre­ do E. I. Paguia, S.J.. KC Chaplain, look on. THE CROSS ■vyent on a biking expedition to Boystown in Marikina recently. The Pasig Squires have also started background garden pro­ jects in conjunction with the food' produc­ tion campaign. x Squires Enter Stm, Turn KC In recent months several graduates of the Columbian Squires have either entered the seminary or joined the Knights of Colum­ bus. Angel Abaya, Jr., former Deputy Chief Squire of Circle 784 entered the Sacred Heart Novitiate to begin study for priest­ hood in the Jesuit Order. Luis Angsiapco of Circle 1009 went to the Oblates’ San Jose Seminary. Former members of Circle 784, 809 and 7030 have joined the Knights of Co­ lumbus through the Councils sponsoring their respective Circles. Hold I’r. Willmann Investiture: District No. 7 of Columbian Squires con­ ducted an investiture of members jn a class named after Fr. George J. Willmann, S. J. last June 29, birthday anniversay of the KC Teritorial Deputy. Mary Immaculate Cir­ cle No. 1063 of Pasig, Rizal played as host Circle, and provided the biggest number of. candidates. The ceremonials were exempli­ fied by a team from Capitol Circle No. 784 of Quezon City. Installation of Officers of Pasig Circle was held too. Supervising the affair was Chief Councelor Anacleto Siiva and Lucas Agbayani of Circle 1063 and 784 respectively with the cooperation of Bro. Virginio Valle, District Chairman for Squires. Invited to the activity were KC officers and members of Mary Immaculate Council No. 3937 and the National Commit­ tee for Squires, KC-PI. More Progress Notes Inquiries on the Columbian Squires pro­ gram have been received from Amandiwing Council No. 4326 of Jaro, Leyte; and from Council No. 4491 of Kalibo, Aklan. NOTICE AU KC Councils and Assemblies are requested to send the results of their elections of officers to the Office of the Territorial Deputy for pos­ sible publication in the August issue. KNIGHTS IN THE... • (Continued from, page 5) Penafrancia Council 3976 of Naga City was pro­ moted from provincial fiscal of Camarines Norte to judge of the' Court of First Instance of Lanao. Brq. Nunieriano C. Estenzo, Grand Knight of San Nicolas Council 4276, Cebu, and Bro. Vicente N. Cusi, Jr.,' Past Grand Knight of Cotabato Council 3504, have also received their judgeship in the Court of First Instance recently. Rt. Rev. Msg;. Valentin Reamon, pastor of Le­ gaspi Port in Albay, recently returned from a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. He is a member of Legaspi Council 3610. Two teen-age boys, found guilty of robbing a 25-year old woman of POO in her house, were meted out with 10 to 12-year jail term by Judge Bienvenido Tan, Sr. Both boys were aged 18. By the stiff penalty, Bro. Tan served a stern warning to other juvenile delinquents. Special presidential prober, Commander Marceli­ no Calinawan, has shifted his guns from the Bu­ reau of Customs to the Central Bank. Bro. Calinawan of Mary Immaculate Council 3937 of Pasig, Rizal, is investigating "irregular dollar allocations to firms” in the CB. Bro. Jaime de la Rosa of Capitol Council 3695 is in Singapore making a picture for the Run Run Shaw film company. The newly elected Chancellor of Manila Council 1000, Bro. Narciso Pena, has resigned as deputy land registration commissioner, in order to devote his time to law practice. He is also teaching in a number of law colleges. K. C. BALITA.... (Continued from page 16) cil 3288 is helping to distribute “Seeds of Democracy” from Catholic Action of the Philippines in this city. The members have replaced the old pews of their church. They are also helping the local Ordinary to-pay catechists. LAO AG, ILOCOS NORTE. Members of Council 3693 here have been active in the Nocturnal Adoration movement since Nov­ ember, 1957. The Council is sponsoring a circle of Columbian Squires under its youth activity group. LUCENA, QUEZON. The Knights here are actively helping in the fund campaign for the reconstruction of the Cathedral. Lucena Council 3469 A'so sponsors college .scholarship for deserving students. July 1958 25