New service program replaces 6-point plan


Part of The Cross

New service program replaces 6-point plan
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
“Surge with Service” New Service Program Replaces 6-Point Plan Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt has announced the establishment of a new “Serv­ ice Program’’ which will be­ come effective throughout the Order on July 1, 1971. The new program will replace the now existing Six Point Program. In making the announcement, McDevitt stated that the new pro­ gram will provide members with more opportunities for direct in­ volvement and personal commit­ ment. “This program constitutes further evidence of the determina­ tion of our Order to be a relevant society ready to help meet the needs which face our Church, our coun­ try and our community.” Undei- the direction of the Su­ preme Council Service Department, the new program will encompass two major areas—programs and membership. A program director and a membership director will be named on state and council levels. Each program director will be re­ sponsible mainly for the leadership, guidance and direction of council programming. Membership directors will handle recruitment and reten­ tion for the council and insurance promotion. Individual directors will be ap­ pointed for Church, community, council and youth activities. It will then be the responsibility of each council to undertake those programs and activities needed in its area. PROCEDURE Proper steps for implementing lhe new "Service Program” include: a) Grand Knight names program director and membership director. b) Following consultation with the grand knight, the program di­ rector appoints individual directors for Church, Community, Council and Youth Activities. c) Complete “Service Program Di­ rectors Report Form” (#365) and forward to supreme and state coun­ cils. d) Grand knight disseminates program information. Hold meeting for directors to discuss and plan programming for fraternal year. e) Establish essential commit­ tees within “Service . Program” structure and name committee chairf) When the above steps have been completed, your council is ready to “Surge... with Service.” APPOINTING DIRECTORS The "Service Program” must ac­ complish two important objectives. First, the program must enable the largest number of members possi­ ble to contribute their time, efforts and abilities to the council’s welfare and progress by working on pro­ jects and enjoying affairs compa­ tible with each member’s own per­ sonal abilities and interests. Second­ ly. the program should attract other Catholic men to membership and en­ courage them, in turn, to make si­ milar contributions to our Order. To accomplish these objectives, in­ dividual directors will be appointed for each of the major areas of ac­ tivity which include: Church, Com­ munity, Council and Youth. Each director will be responsible for pro­ viding the council with new and ef­ fective programs in his particular field. Establish essential committees within the “Service Program” structure and name your commit­ tee chairmen. For example, there may be a need ir. your area for the following community-oriented com­ mittees: anti-abortion, decency, so­ cial action, mental health, etc. These activities should be made a part of the community activity program and committee chairmen should be ap­ pointed by the director of commu­ nity activities for these particular committees. Chairmen will then se­ lect and appoint committee members from the council membership. This same procedure should be followed' by directors of Church/council and youth activities when establishing their committees. In the case of the membership di­ rector, he will make direct appoint­ ments for the chairmen of the re­ cruitment, retention and insurance committees. These committee chair­ men will also select and appoint their committee mrmbe>-< from council membership. Page 14 May-June, 1971