K of C community services


Part of The Cross

K of C community services
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K of Community Services" MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Our Lady of Beautiful Love Coun­ cil No. 5922, Moville Park, Parathiquc. Rizal has set up a special committee for its "Manpower De­ velopment Projvet" whose main objective is to train and employ the unemployed. Bro. Estelito Casal was appointed as chairman while Bros. Edgardo Chavez, Armando Navar­ rette. Johnny Santos, Romy Luat and Danny Rodriguez were appoint­ ed as members. Top priority in their agenda is the utilization of the fa­ cilities of the Veterans Center of the South Super Highway. They will have the cmijiel'ation of the Citizens Council on Peace and Older and the Knights of Columbus Community Services, Inc. for this particular un­ dertaking. Photo s/noz-.s Judge Ktli.c f'crrcr, (hand Knight of Htleolod Council .Vo. 3348, Ha eolod City, presentiny athletic equipment to the Negros Occidental Provincial Jail as Shown also are the Knights of Columbus of Cagayan de Oro Council No. 3108, Cagayan de Oro City, posing before their backyard garden which is situated at the council clubhouse. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ASSIST TONDO FIRE VICTIMS In response to the appeals for as­ sistance to Tondo (1st district of Manila) fire victims, various Knights of Columbus Councils and individual members heeded the re­ quests immediately by donating food, clothes, cash money and serv­ ices. Among them were Gomburza Council No. 5310. Brixton Hill, Que­ zon City: Marian Council No. 5311. Ermita, Manila; Bro. Enrique Tor­ res, Bro. Alfredo Lustre, Bro. Cesar Ongpin and a number of anony­ mous members. In addition, the Knights of Columbus Fraternal As­ sociation, Inc. donated P5,000.00 worth of chnned milk. San Rafael Council No. 5124, Balut, Tondo, Ma­ nila and the Daughters of Isabella Holy Rosary Circle rendered their services by wrapping, packaging and distributing these goods. The Xaxier House, Immaculate Concep­ cion Academy and the Jesuit Philip­ pine Province donated also some cash money and valuable items. OPERATION GULAY With the cooperation and assist­ ance of the Cotabato Social Action Center under Auxiliary Bishop Antonino Nepomuceno, OMI, Cotabato Council No. 3504, Cotabato City, jointly with the reactivated Colum­ bian Squires Circle No. 1515, is undertaking a survey to determine who among the city residents have vacant lots or backyards. With these spaces, the Knights hope to employ wayward and do-nothing boys to till them for raising vegetables. This project expects to shoot two birds with one stone, figuratively speak­ ing; that is, to give these boys an opportunity to work and earn and at the same time, help give impetus to food production. In this connection, the Knights joined hands with City Execu­ tive Assistant Johnny Ty and Ro­ sary Heights Barrio Captain John­ ny Roales in launching the “Opera­ tion Gulay” project. Under this pro­ ject, varieties of vegetable seeds are being distributed free to families who responded to the call for back­ yard gardening. It is believed that this project will go a long way to­ wards helping alleviate the difficul­ ties now being experienced by city residents, owing to the skyrocketing prices of food in Cotabato City. BRO. VIRGILIO VALLE JOINS THE KCCS LEGAL STAFF Bro. Virgilio | Valle of Gomburza Council No. 5310, former National Chairman of Columbian Squires in the Phil., who recently passed the bar examinations, has joined the legal staff of the Knights of Co­ lumbus Community. Services. He will take care of charity legal cases, especially in the Quezon City Jail. May-June, 1971 Page 17