Knights in action


Part of The Cross

Knights in action
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KNIGHTS INACTION,' Gumaca, Quezon MEDICAL AID TO INDIGENTS A medical clinic was established recently by lhe members of Gumaca Council No. 3609 to render free consultation and treatment of indigenfs in the mui| nicipality. Medicines are also occasionally distri- . ' touted free by the Knights. Among the active spon^l sors of the clinic are: Bros. Diego Lax ides. Alfredo^ ! Dansico, Eulogio Tantokchie. Gil Nesas and Pio M. ' Claricia. , Cotabato City KCs SPONSOR BENEFIT SHOW Cotabato Council No. 3504 of this city sponsored recently a cultural fare to raise funds for the im­ provement and beautification of the Immaculate Con­ ception Cathedral plaza and Children’s playground. The benefit show featured "Father Barry’s Cultural Dance Troupe" of the Notre Dame of Kiamba Col­ lege, Southern Cotabato. The presentation was held at the Notre Dame Auditorium with cultural heri­ tage in songs and dances as main attractions. Among the features exhibited are a four-part program of (Igorot Mountain Dance). Los Bailes de los Ahos Pasados, Muslim dances and Mga Sayaw sa Kabukiran. Licab, Nueva Ecija 20th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The members of St. Christopher Council No. 4655 of this town celebrated the 20th annivesarv of their council with fitting ceremonies last March 7. The celebration was highlighted with a thanksgiving mass and communion at the Licab Parish Church, offi­ ciated by Rev. Fr. Romeo C. Nietes. Chaplain of the Council. A surprise program followed the fra­ ternal breakfast tendered by S. K. Felizardo J. Car­ los. Grand Knight and S. K. Manuel Castro, Jr. Deputy Grand Knight. The affair was attended by Brother Knights from the neighboring councils of Quezon and Sto. Domingo. Nueva Ecija. The an­ niversary rites also included the initiation to the first degree of the members of San Jose Council No. 4073 and the installation of its officers. Catmen, Bohol ANNIVERSARY RITES AND PAPAL TRIBUTE The 89th anniversary celebration of the K of C Founder’s Day in honor of Rev. Fr. Mechael J. McGivnev, founder of the Order of the Knights of Co­ lumbus was observed recently by the members of Fatima Council No. 5672 with simple ceremonies at the Carmen Parish Church. A regular literary and musical program was held during the anniversary celebration to climax the Membership Drive as a Papal Tribute in honor of His Holiness, Pope Paul VI. A letter of Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt on the membership drive was read. Another Papal Tribute made-was the exemplification of new can­ didates for membership to the Order of the Knights of Columbus. Page 18 San Fernando, La Union KCs WAR ON LEWD FILMS The members of San Guillermo Council No. 3712 of this town put up an open war against lewd films and pornography by initiating the picketing by groups of students coming from three colleges in town of a local theater which exhibited a “bomba" film recently. The council’s board of decency also presented a resolution to the Municipal Board to i create a local hoard of censors in the municipality which will find ways to combat the showing of lewd films and sale of pornographic literature in the town. The board of decency is headed by Bro. Daniel Bolong with the following as members: Bros. Pedro Arriaga, Juan P. Aquino, Quintin Balcita, Victorio Flores and Leon R. Alviar. Iloilo City LEADERSHIP TRAINING A seminar on leadership training was conducted by 12 members of the USA Council a few months ago at the Calinog Agricultural and Industrial School with District Deputy Mosing Martirez as seminar group leader. The seminar was conducted at the request of Rev. Francisco G. Tantoco, Jr., National Secretary of the Knights of Columbus. Some 26 participants attended the seminar which was en­ livened with a hearty breakfast tendered,.by Bro. Cone Ravena and his wife. To make the seminar, more effective, the group dynamics were made in­ teresting with skits, lecture problems and games. The seminarians were hosted by Mayor Ricardo Provido, a Knight and one of the participants at his house after the affair. Olongapo City LETTER TO VIET POWs lhC|pt,-.W2 R- Wagner, PWC CO and President of lhe Subic Bay Post of the Society of American Mili­ tary Engineers has written a letter of»appeal to all KCs to write letters batting for humane treatment T^?*?Can pr,90ner8 of war held by the Viet Cong. The letter requests the following: A letter to the government of North Vietnam, a letter to ambassa­ dors of foreign governments, a letter to your gov­ ernment and church leaders, a letter to civic organ’*u'Ons “rg,n.g.a resolution to ask for— a)*the the nam0^8 0Ws “ S00n as Po9sible',-b) the names of all POWs, c) allowing all POWs to May-June, 1971 exchange mail with their families, d) inspection of all prisoner facilities by an impartial body, and e) proper diet and medical care for all POWs. Baguio City INSTITUTION RITES The Saint Vincent Council, a new addition to the several K of C Councils in Baguio City was instituted last April 11 at the St. Vincent Parish Hall, this city. The institution rite was preceded by a Mass What It Means To Be a K of C By PERFECTO SISON WORTHY BROTHERS. FRIEXDS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: IT IS INDEED « gnat ptirih <i< for m< to give some words of ndvici after tin- iitstullulion of the in w officers of this Caancii. A bmthei Knight once ask'd mi mid expn ssid his mis­ givings ns to why hi ten? a number of the knights of Columbus. H< caught nn by surprise bi cause I had known hint as a good member of the Order. He told- me he had been a- member of the Knights of Columbus for the last 8 yniis but up to noir, he docs not know and could not undi island why he is a member of the organ­ ization. Then I asked him if he had been properly ini­ tiated to the Order and promoted to higher degrees of the Order. I asked him further if he is reading the pub­ lication* of tin Knights of Columbus and whether he had been athiidiiiy lhe meetings regularly. He said, “Yes! hut there semis to be something lacking in me that I cannot understand—why / am a member of the Knights of Columbus.'' I asked him if he had been elected as officer of the Council where he belongs: if he had also been appointed to head certain committees or membership in the Sir-Ponit Program. Hi said he was only a mere member of some committees. The next question I asked him was whither he has been participating as active member in thisc committees. He said no because there have barn no incentives for him to do so. He further said he was not given any responsibility so he has never done any tangible thing to make him claim as his accom­ plishment. Then I asked him if he is proud to be a member of the Knights of Columbus. He replied that he was when he entered the organization, but later on, he does not know what is meant by belonging to the Knights of Columbus since he feels that he is not con­ tributing anything to the Order except the monetary contiibution and “I am glad,” he said, “to say that I am up-to-date with my dues.” He asked me whether that is all to be a member of the- Knights of Columbus. My Brothers, I am presenting this case to you because this seems to be one of the problems of several other members of our Order. They do not feel that they are benefiting from the membership in the Knights of Co­ lumbus. please don't misunderstand me. These few re­ marks 1 am making tonight are not directed to any par­ ticular council, much less your council. If I were to ask you this question, how would you solve this problem of this Brother Knight I In analyzing this problem of this Brother Knight, what can you give to make him realize that membership in the Knights of Columbus is a desirable one for a good Catholic and a pood citizen. Is this not a challenge to us officers and leaders of the-Order? How can you motivate your mem­ bets to make them feel that they belong and they are May-June, 1971 and Communion at St. Vincent Church and attend­ ed by the new members and guests. Former Am­ bassador Bro. Oscar Ledesma, President of the K of C Community Services, Inc., was the guest of honor. He was introduced by Bro. Moises P. Cating. The inaugural address was delivered by Bro. Anto­ nio S. Romero, Grand Knight. Rev. Paul Bollen, CICM, chaplain of the council, said that the new council will be a big boost to the social and Catholic action activities of the Parish. proud to belong to our Organization? Of course, every mt mln r knows that in the Knights of Columbus our actinHits i evolve around with the four cardinal principles of Charity, I'nity, Fraternity and Patriotism. I don't med to discuss in details about these four car­ dinal principles of our Order because you have had enough of these things when you were initiated in the Order and piomoted to the higher degrees. I wish to remind you that the Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men whose aim is to develop Christian fraternity mid charity and to manifest in their lives their loyalty to God, to church and to our country. In what organization cun you find such a complete program of activities where a human being could involve himself? h; order to accomplish all these objectives of our Or­ ganization, there is a special feature in our Organization to carry out all these objectives and that is the Six-Point Program. You might ask why or what is the Six-Point Program? I should say that the first purpose of the Six-Point Program is to insure success of the Council's program of activities, not merely organization for organ­ ization sake or for regimentation. Second, is to enable lhe members to “put something into” council’s program of activities. It is this objective where each member’s sptcial inti rests or talents should be promoted and utilized. These interests and talents of the members must be recognized by the officers and members of the Council. The third is to establish the Council as an influential and important force in our community. Do we belong to am community as good citizens and as good Catholics? If you are contributing something good for your commu­ nity and our Church, there is no reason why you are not proud to wear the emblem of the Knights of Columbus. The fourhl objective is to make our Organization a sound and efficient, businesi-like in its operation. ‘ If you will go over the coverage of the six-point pro­ gram of our organization, you will readily find that they embrace and cover a wide field—almost any activity is included where every member is assured of a place for his interests and talents. Now another question is how could we make a .council attain its success? One way I could offer is for the council to increase its membership. It is an important obligation for every member to make his Council grow. As followers of Christ, we must be fishers of men. This is to continually revitalize the membership of the council to inject new blood and new ideas. We should examine our “Council conscience” frequently to find possible reasons why a member loses interest in maintaining membership in our order and provide possible solutions to this problem. Naturally, we agree that there could be many varied rea­ sons. Let’s look at just three of them which, on the (Continued on page 23) Page 19