Knights in action (special report)


Part of The Cross

Knights in action (special report)
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mights in ncTion Special Report CHARITY ACQUIRES SPIRIT AND MEANING IN DAVAO KNIGHTS CIVIC ACTION PROGRAM Charity, Unity, Frater­ nity and Patriotism - this phrase, consisting of five words, has become to Knights all over the world not just a “guideline” or a “pledge” nor yet a “mot­ to” or a “shibboleth.” To the honest-to-goodness Knight who knows the meaning of his involvement with the Columbian movement that phrase is a way of life. The word “Charity”, one will notice, is the first word in the phrase - - maybe because it is one of the most far-reach­ ing of Christian virtues. And, alas, in our times often too hard to give spirit and meaning to. And, perhaps, this also explains why charity when given full meaning and spirit in a truly beautiful way makes good copy and lands in the front pages of newspapers. I Which was what happened in Davao City recently when i Council No. 3289, under Grand Knight SK Benito T. Tan, j J held civic action services on behalf of the less fortunate and indigents of Talomo District, with the coordination of the Benedictine Sisters. The very relevant - - and highly Chris­ tian--project made such good copy, it landed on the I front-pages of newspapers and was aired over most of ' Davao City’s 16 radio stations. That the humanitarian project made good copy was not | surprising. It was one of the most massive civic action ' i services program ever held in Davao. It was also among the ! most far-reaching community projects undertaken by Coun- i cil No. 3289. I For one thing, more than 600 barrio folks, coming I ( from several barangays, were given medical services and I dental assistance besides free medicines. The well-planned ' I program also included information and education features through lectures by competent human resources. j I Turn to page 26 ; Self-help project JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1981 Page 23 Deputy Grand Knight and project di­ rector Andronico S. Mendoza (4th from left) poses with laborers during a break in the construction of a com­ munity toilet, a self-help project in sitio Dumlog, Poblacion, JVew Wash­ ington, Aklan. The project was con­ structed with the assistance of Facto de Sangre Council 7035. ! Special Report . . . Continuation Grand Knight Tan, with the assistance of Council Officers and members, credits the success of the massive human-development project to the all-out support of the different government and non-government entities, as well as medical firms who contributed not only manpower, skills and talents but also medicines and resource speakers. | Among the coordinating entities were the City Health I Office, the Philippine National Red Cross, the PC/INP Regional Command II, The Ministry of Health, Caritas de Davao, Office of the Civil Relations and the United American Pharmaceuticals and Richardson Merell. The last two entities, along with the PC/INP and health agencies, donated valuable medicines. The whole-day services were graced by no less than Msgr. Antonio LI. Mabutas, Archbishop of Davao and some 20 doctors together with 15 technologists and assistants. Also present were City Health Officer Nonoy Maravilla; Drs. Paquit Saludo, Hermie Villano, Ben Cruzada, Remy Javiers, et al. Grand Knight Tan also credits the following for their valuable support and participation: Brig. Gen. Buenaventura C. Casefias, Regional Com­ mander of the PC/INP Regional Command 11; Mrs. Edna Kimpo of Caritas de Davao; Ms. Victoria G. Beltran, PNRC-Davao Chapter; Reg. Dir. Edilberto Fernando of the Ministry of Health; Nurse Emma Victoriano of the Talomo Health Center; and Pharmacist Editha Mejorada. He said Council Officers who, along with him, spear­ headed the humanitarian project included Ato Sta. Ana, Community Services Director; Abe Macavinta, Past Grand Knight; Pinong Mayor, Program Director; Rannie Beltran, Recorder; Rey Sorongon, Sr., Doming Avanzado, Ben Andes, Nareo Balagat and others. The Recorder of Council No. 3289 for four consecutive j Columbian Years (for which he is a recipient of an award) and currently the Manager of Pillsbury-Mindanao Flour Milling Co., Inc. (PILMICO), Davao Branch, Grand Knight Tan said that other humanitarian projects have been lined-up by his Council. These, he added, will be imple­ mented during the first few months of the coming year. Grand Knight Tan also cited the dynamic leadership of SK Carlos A. Millete, currently District Deputy of District No. 144, whose sense of organization in humanitarian services planning serve as an inspiration for the Council to get more deeply involved in community development efforts. Sisters Mary Waldetrudis, OSB and Mary Michael, OSB of the Benedictines (Davao City) were vital human resources during the civic services. • Officers Directory (1980-1981) G.K. F.S. D.G.K. C. R. T. A. W. Trustees Based on reports received by the National Headquarters as of August 31, 1980 — Grand Knight - Financial Secretary — Deputy Grand Knight — Chancellor - Recorder - Treasurer — Advocate - Warden _ 1st-One Year - 2nd-Two Year - 3rd - Three Year — Inside Guard - Outside Guard - Chaplain I.G. O.G. Chap. Part II Page 26 CROSS