Knights in action


Part of The Cross

Knights in action
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KHI6HTS in flCTIOn Continuation ATTRACTIVE AND CLEAN RESTROOMS Families along the beach of New Washington (Aklan) are starting to get attractive community toilets and wells. Thanks to their own initiative and the assistance of the PACTO DE SANGRE COUNCIL 7035. Through the initiative of GK Rustico -Icamina and DGK Andronico Mendoza, the Council has constructed one community toilet with concrete well in sitio Dumlog of Poblacion, New Washington. Costing around P4,500.00, it is a picture of coopera­ tion between the Knights of Columbus and the local residents. The Knights raised funds to buy cement, hollow blocks, steel bais, and other processed materials while the local residents donated labor and cons­ truction materials available in their locality such as gravel and sand, bam­ boo, nipa thatches, rattan, etc. - The restrooms they constructed are a two-room affair with concrete water sealed bowls. Small concrete water re­ ceptacles were made to store water for flushing the bowls. A well is cons­ tructed a few meters away as the main source of water. “ Ihis project is meaningjess with­ out the people using it and maintain­ ing the same property,” said Bro. Andronico Mendoza, Deputy Grand Knight and project director. To make it workable, Bro. Mendoza, who is a physician by profession, organized the families using the community toilet so that cleaning is assured daily. The indi­ vidual families around the project take turns in cleaning and filling the water receptacles with water. A series of fund raising activities have been lined up to boost the cons­ truction of more community toilets in the municipality. - Bio. Gabriel M. Delfin KC MULTIPURPOSE EDIFICE MSGR. JAMES T.G. HAYES COUNCIL 7443, Camaman-an, Caga­ yan de Oro City. - The members of this Council will build a multi-purpose edifice an a site near the Our Lady of Fatima chapel in Camaman-an, accord­ ing to Grand Knight Jose Ch. Borja. GK Borja made the announcement during the council’s charter-day cele­ brations held recently. The charter anniversary rites start­ ed with a morning mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Alfeo F. Villanueva, SSJV, parish priest of Nazareth, this city. Also held were sodo-civic and sports activities and a literary-musical proThe projected KC multipurpose center, it was learned, will not only serve as jumping ground or venue for KC activities but also accommodate dtizens’ civic action groups in the furtherance of their community proj­ ects. Orientation on food production Rage 24 CROSS The Knights of Columbus shown above who attended the District No. 129 Council Officers ’ meeting held at tite Central Mindanao University in Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon visit the Nubian goat project of the university as part of their orientation on food production and community develop­ ment. Mutal aid fund for seminary Photo shows Faithful Navigator, SK Lolito S. Tumbocon, of Bishop Casimiro M. Lladoc Assembly, Bacolod Qty, turning over to Very Rev. ft. Vicente Salgado, Rector, Sacred Heart Seminary, Bacolod City, a check for Pl,000.00, the an­ nual aid fund for Seminarians. Looking on is SK Ceciho M. Kakilala, Faithful Scribe of said Assembly. Big boost for charities Photo shows Msgr Francisco Tantoco, Jr., K of C Phils. National Secretary receiving a check far Pl1,857.95 from DD SK Col Rizahno P Lacuna, Overall Chairman of the 3RD K of C National Golf Tournament as SK Felipe S Aldana,Grand Knight of Host, Sta. Rita Council No. 4610 (center) and PGK Cesar V Rejante looks on. Said amount represents the share of the National Office from proceeds of said Tournament which will benefit the "National Fund for Charities". JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1981 Page 25 CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM UNITY PADAGIAN COUNCIL 6713, Pagadian Gty. - The need for unity and understanding among brother Christians and Muslims was under­ scored during the fraternal dinner and program held recently as part-of the Fifth Anniversary of this Council’s founding. The dinner-program held at the Provincial Canteen, Pagadian City was attended by aU Brother Knights and their ladies. The guest speaker, Hon. Ulbert Ulama Tugun, Chairman, Lupong Tagapagpaganap ng Pook (Regional Executive Council), was given a long ovation when he said that “we are just one under the same Creator and God.” Earlier, the members of this Coun­ cil, together with Brother Knights from KC councils under District 134, held various games and athletics com­ petition as part of their anniversary and Columbus Day observance. Several Knights under District 134 who were elected/appointed to high government positions were given special awards.