Builder of Credit Unions and Cooperatives


Part of The Cross

Builder of Credit Unions and Cooperatives
De Castro, Ben S.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
REMEMBERING BRO. AUGUSTO GUI SALA MIER Builder of Credit Unions The void that was left by someone in the ranks of the Knights of Colum­ bus in the Philippines, his family and friends, is still felt since the passing away of a brother Knight just a few months ago. The hollowness is even more vivid in those places where his person strode, at times in haste, while in the performance of liis apostolate for the good of his brethren. This man was the late Bro. Augusto Guisala Mier, member of Manila Coun­ cil 100, who once again comes to our memory as we stand witness to the present visit of Pope John Paul II who, a year ago (Dec. 21, 1979), granted the “Pro Ecclesia Et Pontificae” award to Bro. Mier. In the ranks of the KCs in the Phil: ippines. this coveted award shines and comes to the fore as Pope John Paul lingers in this land where not a few KCs are now keepers of the award, in, eluding those now resting in peace, one of them the late Rev. Fr. George J.Willmann. Pope John Paul II, who has gained the distinction the world over as the “traveling Pope” is here on another and Cooperatives pastoral visit to his flock - a personal service to his sons and daughters in these parts of the world and which he brings to their doorsteps. Providentially, it is along this style of apostolicity that the KCs in the Philippines exercise service towards their fellowmen - always extending a helping hand, especially to the needy, in the manner of the apostolate. Bro. Mier’s mode of service towards his fellow men was natural - a way of life - all those who had occasion to have their paths cross his and even the people who had the least chance of knowing him. remember and speak of him as a man who gained numerous friends and never lost anyone of them. Bro. Mier is remembered most as a man who was sincerely dedicated to his job; who walked along with a like­ able personality. These traits spelled out the success of the movements he ably steered into motion until they gained permanence and stability. This refers specifically to the estalishment and promotion of credit unions and cooperatives which the K of C in the Philippines spearheaded under the Knights of Columbus Com­ munity Services (KCCS) in coopera­ tion with the different parishes in ma­ ny parts of the country. With the prin­ cipal objective of setting up an organi­ zation that would help small commuCOUNCILOFFICERS DIRECTORY 1980 - 1918 Eduardo Marquez, C.; Felipe Macabudbud, R.; Papeniano Adorable, T.; Wilfredo Tamin, A.; Sulpicio Bayawa, Sr., W.; Bernardo Josue, Filome­ no Prantilla & Nonito Franje, Trustees; Rev. George Kirchgessener, Chap. SINDANGAN COUNCIL 5121 - POBLACION, SINDANGAN, ZAM­ BOANGA DEL NORTE - Bartolome R. Lira, Jr., G.K.; Bartolome Lira, III, F.S.; Proceso Benlot, D.G.K.; Winnie Albos, C.; Juan Lamayo, R.; Esteban Matabalan, Jr., T.; Jacinto Labastida, A.;Glonno Cabanog, W.; Simeon Cadido, Isidro Velayo & Prodencio Apdua, Trustees; Rev. Luis Lapiidd, Chap. CENTRAL LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY COUNCIL 5204 - MUNOZ, NUEVA ECUA - Marcelo Roguel, G.K.; Pedro Abella, ES.; Rolando Ferrer, D.G.K.; Rafael Guerrero III, C.; Buenaventura Malabayabas, R.; Jose Areias, T.; Chsimiro Arceo, A.; Danilo Eligio, W.; Dionisio Orden, Isaac Vera Quz, Antonio Fernando, Trustees; Rev. Reiner van Glansbeek,,Chap. continuation ST. JAMES THE GREATER COUNCIL 5225 - ALLEN, NORTHERN SAMAR - Demetrio B. Castillo, GJC.; Alberto Bermefo, F.S.;Arnulfo Lim, D.G.K.; Samuel Pajares, C.; Salvador Carmelo, R.; Potenciano Are, T.; Arturo Seragon, A.; Julio Dalucapas, W.; Alfonso Puaso, Leonardo Qjandab & Jose Pascual, Trustees; Rev. Nicomedes Ricalde, Chap. BALAOAN COUNCIL 5374 - BALAOAN, LA UNION - Santiago A. Dumaling, GJC.; Gregorio Morales, F.S.; Vicente Concepcion, DGJC.; Francisco Collado, C.; Asterio Berero, R.; Jesus Flores, T.; Nicolas Peralta, A.; Jovencio Chmat, W.; Fidel Lopez, Valentin Fajardo & Anselmo Obejas, Trustees; Rev. Slmplicio Rulloda, Chap.; Fidel Lopez, I.G.; Arturo Andrada & Honesto Sansano, O.G. DR. PONCIANO S. REYES COUNCIL 5431 - POBLACION SUR, STA. MARIA, ILOCOS SUR - Godofredo Reyes, G.K.; Florentino Empleo, F.S.; Benjamin Escobar, D.G.K.; Joaquin Guillermo, C.; Aurelio Darang, R.; Vicente Antolin, T.; Bernardino Segundo, A.; Amante Cabatu, W.; Samson Pagatpatan & Benito Dolor, Jr., Trustees; Rev. Magdaleno Estonilo, Chap. Page 38 CROSS nities and the needy, through the pro­ motion of thrift, honesty, frugality and cooperation among the parish­ ioners, the late Fr. George J. Willmann could not have made a better choice in the selection of a man to go forth and implant the need for credit unions and cooperatives in the people’s hearts and to cultivate the desirability of these benefits among them. Thus in 1965, Bro. Mier was ap­ pointed by Fr. Willmann as field secre­ tary of the KCCS, charged with the mission of organizing more credit unions and cooperatives in different parishes. By then, he was a freshman member of the K of C, Manila Council 1000 but had long been associated with Fr. Willmann in community parti­ cipation of KC projects. Not a few people who knew Bro. Mier have told this writer they truly have fond memories of him and that other stories related about him were si­ milarly told by others in different places. During those times when most of the existing 250 credit unions and cooperatives were still in the process of organization, Bro. -Mier literally wove his way and his mission into the people’s hearts. Patiently he got them to know the rudiments of a credit union or a consumers cooperative and. how it would affect their lives so­ cially and economically. Because of his common touch approach and down to earth style in driving home his mes­ sage, he was always accredited with avid listeners in the community assem­ blies he had convened. Msgr. Francisco G. Tantoco, Jr., KC national secretary, who recommended him for the distinguished Papal award, said of Bro. Mier: “In his work, he has hid to travel throughout the length and breadth of the Archipelago, braving all kinds of weather and roads, availing himself of the cheapest means of transportation and staying with pa­ rish priests most of the time. He has wanted it this way for he is a man of simple ways and manners. Thus, his job. has taken him away from his home for weeks on end, yet he remained de­ voted to his family.” As a family man, Bro. Mier’s cohe­ sive force in his home circle is summed up by what a family friend said of him: “Even if he is in the field doing his job and is away for weeks, his family never seemed to miss him - there was deco­ rum in the household as if he was there guiding everyone, as they knew he would be back anytime. The entire household would be -relaxed, and each time he returned, the warmth of the family affection shared by each other became a stronger bond that held them together. A brother Knight in the national headquarters of the K of C also tells of Bro. Mier: “There’s no dull mo­ ment here if he’s around. We have truly missed his jokes.” Bro. Mier was bom in Bulan, Sorsogon on December 13, 1909. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Commerce degree at the Far Eastern University and was a Dale Carnegie Course graduate. He was married to the former Francisca Jazmin and had four chil­ dren: Sister Zenaida Mier (Sis of St. . .his family never seemed to miss him — there was decorum in the household as if he was there guiding everyone, as they knew he would be back anytime.” Paul de Chartres), Milagros, Augusto, Jr. and Demetrio. Bro. Mier’s exemplary life of service and simplicity will always stand as a model to every Christian who wishes to lead a life of fulfillment. He proved without doubt that one does not need to do great or heroic deeds in order to be of service to people. What is important, as his life demonstrated, is to love one’s fellowmen deeply, to love one’s country sincerely, and to love God devoutedly. 0 - BEN S. DE CASTRO MSGR. PIANI COUNCIL 5464 - FORBES PARK VIL., MAKATI,. METRO MANILA - Eduardo Elegir, G.K.; Conrado Felix, F.S.;Pablo ' Jazmines, D.G.K.; Fernando Ordoveza, C.; Martin Policarpio, R.; Carlos Certeza, T.; Renato Montenegro, A.; Pablito Baquiran, W.; Manuel Artefido, Jose Chbrera & Rodolfo Lanoco, Trustees; Rev. Francisco Reyes, Chap. STA. ANA COUNCIL 5600 - BALASAN, ILOILO - Manuel Ganzon, G.K; Enrique Navarra, F.S.; Inocentes Adaniel, D.G.K.; Benjamin Cbbardo, C.; Vicente dela Quz, R.; Tomas Bedez.T.;Paulino Panes, A.; Johnny Dolar, W.; Edgar Baylen, Simeon Ganzon II & Teodoro Gonzales, Jr., Trustees; Rogelio Diamante, I.G.; Nathaniel Guboyan, O.G.; Rev. Santiago Y. Silva, Chap. SARA COUNCIL 5603 - SARA, ILOILO - Honoiato delaRosa, GK.; Toribio Molina, F.S.; Rodolfo Bernal, D.GK.; Toribio Molina, C.; Simplicio Apologjsta, R.; Dominador Apaso, T.; Roberto Javellana, A.; Simplido Bacabac, W.; Simplicio Billones, Conrado Penaflor & Argelino Barrios, Trustees; Jose D. Diva, Chap. ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER COUNCIL 5655 - PRESIDENT ROXAS, CAPIZ - Ray Abagatnan, G.K.; Cesar Lena, F.S.;Fredelino Fortaleza; D.G'.K.; lldefonso Villa, C.; Giov.anni Tupaz, R.; Leodegario Camacho, T.; Bernardo Beltran, A.; Simplicio Bermejo, W.; Abenir Simpasim, Antonio Diaz & Nazario Baitar, Trustees; Rev. Alberto Vito, Chap. FATIMA COUNCIL 5672 - CARMEN, BOHOL - Nicodemes Ganade, G.K.; Isdro Lucero, F.S.; Cecilio Mascarinas, D.G.K.; Salvador Vano, Q; Guillermo Yecyec, R.; Eduardo Cepe, T.; Luciano Binangbang, A; Glicerio Bag-ao, W.; Florentino Ampoloquio, Alfredo Galang & Emiliano Digao, Trustees; Rev. Melquiades Ag'undd, Chap. ST. ROSE OF LIMA COUNCIL 5691 - PANIQUI, TARLAC - Jose Labutong, G. K.; Jose Quz, Jr., F.S.; Felix Ramos, D.GK.; Melenclo Austria, C.; Arturo Acorda, R.; Orlando de Vera, T.; Marianito Monte, A.; Juan Domingo, W.; Guillermo Tawatao, Julio Austria & Arturo Llobera, Trustees; Msgr. Eleuterio S. Itliong, Chap. JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1981 Page 39