An Educational role


Part of Woman's Home Journal

An Educational role
Ylagan, Flora A.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Contributions of the women’s organizations to the adult education movement.
WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL 7 June, 1936 ' /a . UE to the fact that the future of a nation does not wholly rest on the enlightened youth but also on the education of the adult Contributions Of The Womens Organizations To The Adult Education Movement In The Philippines reading centers have been or­ ganized in Manila so that population, the adult educa­ tion movement has taken on more meaning and is receiv­ ing the cooperation and sup­ port of educational agencies and social organizations. In our country, the women play a very important part in every progressive movement and it will not be amiss to By Mrs. Flora A. Ylagan graduates of the literacy classes may be encouraged to read during their leisure hours. Such an interest has say that the objective of adult education, such as “the train­ ing for home life and health, citizenship training and adult responsibility for national security as well as vocational generally confined to t h e practical aspects of the im­ mediate home problems and membership in the associa­ tions stimulate the women to think more carefully about them. These organizations, become a center where “com­ munity visions are conceiv­ ed and pursued, where friend­ ships are formed in commun­ ity tasks and where the wo­ men find the revivifying * ex­ cooperative buying, to train women how to prepare ba­ lance diets for their families and ultimately to help them with their small income to evolve a fairly satisfactory way of home life.” 2. Literacy Campaign—In order to help reduce the thirty per cent illiteracy in the Phil­ ippines, literacy classes have been held both in the pro­ vinces and in Manila. Several been aroused by the Federa­ tion in its literacy booth at the Philippine Carnival of this year, that in ten-days’ time over 300 came to the booth for training and invi­ tations from teachers, muni­ cipal officials, doctors, nurses and landowners were received to visit their towns so that the campaign may be ex­ tended. 3. Better homes—Realizing that the homes are the mainguidance”, has been initiated by women’s o r g a n i z ations long before the adult education program has dev­ eloped tangibly as it now has. Outstanding associations here such as the National Federa­ tion of Women’s Clubs, the Catholic Women’s League, the Asociacion de Damas Filipinas, the Philippine Associa­ tion of University Women, the Filipino Association of Nurses, and the Young Wo­ men’s Christian Association, may not have been organized for adult education purposes but they are all efficient and vital agencies for it. They are each one an educational unit for the cultivation and pro­ motion of the education of our adult women population. Each one is a training ground for dynamic citizenship, train­ ing their members to take their places more efficiently and productively in the social group. These associations have been organized for civic and social service and one must admit that the organ­ izational life of a community presents the major opportun­ ity for adult education. Their projects and activities are perience of quickened thoughts and associations”, an experience that is not found in the passive life of a small barrio or town, or in the active life of a city. In their program of activ­ ities, the different clubs and associations mentioned above figure most prominently the education of the adult wo­ man: * * * The National Federation of Women’s Clubs, becausejjf i t s extensive orgpjiMation, has perhaps tW-freatest fa­ cilities to help in this work and covers a greater field of all the organized women’s clubs in the Philippines. The Federation counts with pro­ vincial federations, local wo­ men’s clubs in the towns, all in all representing 500 clubs. A few of the outstanding pro­ jects and activities in its pro­ gram of work are: 1. The Diet Kitchen—This is based on the idea of a com­ munity kitchen. This project aims “to show how house­ keeping can be improved upon with its present resources, to emphasize the advantage of (Continued on page 39) Smart women know that make-up should only heighten a woman’s natural coloring ...never become a mask of conspicuous paint! Tangee lipstick isn’t paint! On your lips it changes color magically, becomes a natural blush-rose that blends with your complexion... and its special cream base keeps your lips always soft, smooth and youthful looking. For those who require more color, especially for evening use, there is Tangee Theatrical. Ml World’s Most Famous Lipstick We also have NOVELTIES in BUCKLES and DISHES of genuine MOTHER of PEARL. rfline and see them at our store No. 460 Calle Dasmannas '"“•lA BUTTON FACTORY, INC. I enclose 25 ctvos., to cover postage, packing, etc. » 4-PIECE miracle make-up set Muller. Maclean ft Co., P. O. Box 1345. Manila. Send Miracle Make-Up Set of miniature Tangee Lipstick. Rouge Compact, Creme Rouge, Face Powder. Addrett ........................................................... City ...................................................... WH