Humanizing criminal justice


Part of Woman's Home Journal

Humanizing criminal justice
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Manila, June, 1936 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL 11 Humanizing, Criminal Justice Adult Probation Makes Its Bow in the Philippines TO the majority of us here in the Philippines, “probation” is but a mere term, part of a jargon that holds the vaguest mean­ ing—an unknown quantity. It is through no fault of the in­ dividual that this is so, for the aftermath of crime is rarely sensational, following a rou­ tine of punishment that touches public consciousness but lightly. After the com­ miserating cluck that a casual news reader usually vouch­ safes a criminal sentenced from ten to twenty or even to thirty years in prison, the case, for him, is dismissed, finished forever. The Marked Man In the old days, even for those more closely concerned, the officers of the prisons, the final sentence ended the case of a prisoner. The serv­ ing out of justice was a rou­ * * Protected! Babies need the soothing, comforting protection of Mennen Borated Powder. It eases chafing ... irritation ... guards delicate skin against infection. After every diaper change — after every hath, use this silky soft talcum gen­ erously. It will help keep your baby healthy, happy, and comfortable. BORftTSb TALCUM tine procedure which promis­ ed nothing and led to nothing. A convict was a marked man, more poorly situated than if he had lost an arm or a leg or something quite as vital. Shame hounded him wherever he went, driving him hither and yon till all perspective is marred by need and he once more resorts to crime. This, however, was a long time ago, and criminal justice has long since taken a turn for the bet­ ter. The ban of shame is being lifted from the prisons, and the humanitarian spirit is seeking its way into the cells. More and more, the state is taking a paternal at­ titude towards the prisoners, introducing reform in its most lasting aspect. Adult probation is part of this human reform, a decid­ ed step towards the humani­ zation of crimnal justice. Here in the Philippines, it has already been initiated. ★ The” Probation Office was established in Manila on Nov­ ember 4, 1935. Within the half year, this office has han­ dled forty-five cases in all. Out of these forty-five cases, sixteen have been released on probation under the supervi­ sion and guidance of the Pro­ bation Office; nineteen have been denied probation on the ground that it would be for the greater interest of jus­ tice and the protection of so­ ciety to let them serve their terms in prison; the rest are still pending investigation. What is Probation? But what, exactly, is pro­ bation? Probation may be de­ fined as the suspension of the execution of judgment in a case, giving the offender an opportunity to improve his conduct while living as a member of the community, and subject to conditions which may be imposed by the court, and under the super­ vision and friendly guidance of a probation officer. Pro­ bation removes the blindfold from justice and reveals the circumstances, the chances and the hopes for reform that attend every prisoner that is not a dyed-in-the-wool crim­ inal. In the light of this knowledge, the court can de­ termine what action to take in the individual case. Thus the blindfold is removed. Of the sixteen probation cases mentioned above, good reports have been given. The little human failures that ac­ company probation cases as a rule have been reduced to such a negligible degree that they are not worth mentioning. In every case, proper observance of religious practices have been established. Work has been found or sought by each and it is not strange to find the probationer with an in­ come of his own, buying back his self-respect and his place in the community through the sweat of his brow. The advantages of proba­ tion to the probationer are (Continued on page 31) Neat ^OMEN, particularly, desire a fountain pen which will not leak and leave an inky trail on fingers and clothes or in the handbag. They use the non-leaking Doric EVERSHARP which at all times and under all conditions remains perfectly dry and clean. Tku p&c cant leak! The new E VEItSHA RP can’t flood and stain your fingers— purse—or clothes. For when you screw on the cap you auto­ matically shut-off the flow of ink in the pen barrel. Gives Tailored Writing—holds more ink—fills with one stroke —shows when to refill. In the famous Doric model and beautiful color combinations. “Guaranteed for Life” Yours For P3 Down (Rest in easy installments) Send for Circulars and Contract Form Philippine Education Co. Manila Manila, June, 1936 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL 31 HUMANIZING . . . {Continued from page 11) manifold. It removes the stig­ ma of the prison from him. It restores him to those whom he loves and effects adjust­ ments for him which other­ wise would be most difficult. It gives him back his self-res­ pect and the right to work for those whom he is in duty­ bound to support. It relieves him of the dangers of bad company while awakening him to faith in God, in his fellowmen and in himself. Its Two-Fold Purpose Probation, too, brings eco­ nomies to the state. It re­ lieves the government of the task of supporting the family which a man in prison leaves to its mercy. This burden is of course inflicted on every taxpayer, thus turning hon­ est money into the support of crime. The probation system requires the probationer to support his family and pay whatever indemnity he had brought upon himself. Pro­ bation therefore serves a two­ fold purpose: discipline and economy. In Manila alone, the proba­ tion office has reported one case where an amount of Pl,000.00 had been paid as indemnity to the offended party. Another case had sec­ ured a job and had earned P600 within ten days. An­ other receives a monthly sa­ lary of P100, while still an­ other' is learning to read and write. stride which justice has taken —a stride that combines jus­ tice with mercy in such boun­ tiful measure. The attitude towards criminals has under­ gone a great revolution, one that is only a little less great than the distance between the centuries. A turn of the wheel of time and the foul dungeons, the pillory and the block were relegated to the host of use­ less antiques. No longer can a man be killed for stealing a loaf of bread. Criminal law became a means of protec­ tion, not an instrument of tor­ ture. Reformation ceased to be a mere word which had an austere sound. It became real, a goal that can be achieved with patience and willingness. This humanizing of justice has now another tool—probation, the crowning point in the systematic deve­ lopment of a universal task. Real Reformation But these are minor triumphs when compared with the wonderful gift of freedom and reformation that is every probationer’s share, and the chance to work out his term in the company of those whom he loves. These are little things when measured by the spoil the beauty of your smile KEEP TEETH WHITE AHD BRIGHT WITH PEPSODEHT Beauty-wise Women Use Mercolized Wax Any woman can give her skin a com­ plete beauty treatment at home with Pure Mercolized Wax. This lovely cream is a combined cleansing, clearing, softening and beautifying agent. It gently melts off the dingy, discolored surface skin par­ ticles, revealing the healthy, beautiful underskin. Mercolized Wnx is so simple to use. too. Just pat it on the skin every night like cold crenm. Bring out the hid­ den beauty of your skin with Mercolized Wax. At all drug and department stores. If your teeth are to be white and glistening, your smile alluring, you must remove film from teeth. For film dulls and discolors them, obscures their natural beauty. And the safest . . . most effective way to remove film from teeth is with Pepsodent Tooth Paste. Pepsodent is a special film-removing tooth paste. It contains a cleansing and polishing material unexcelled in keeping teeth free from that gummy, sticky substance called film. Yet it does this safely. For Pepsodent contains no ^rit, nothing that might injure or harm tooth enamel. PEPSODENT Try Pepsodent Tooth Paste today. Note how clean your teeth feel . . . how much brighter they look . . . after only one brushing. Then use Pepsodent regularly twice a day. THE SPECIAL FILM-REMOVING TOOTH PASTE MORE TOOTH PASTE FOR LESS MONEY now In a HEW 10% LARGER TUBE