Filipino girls in sports


Part of Woman's Home Journal

Filipino girls in sports
Friedlander, Albert
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
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Manila, June, 1936 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL 15 Filipino Girls in Sports By Albert Friedlander “MAN must turn to athletics and otliei- forms of physical activity to protect himself from the social ills prevalent today.” Dr. Jesse F. Williams, professor of Education of Teachers College, Columbia Uni­ versity, declared in a survey, “The Challenge to Health”, made public recently. When Professor Williams gave out this very enlighting statement he also had in mind the members of the weaker sex. For women today the world over are indulging in all forms of athletic pastime. The Philippines started rather late but our modern girls have taken to sports like duck takes to water. Although our girls have indulged in different athletic pas­ times, mostly of the less strenuous variety, it was not until recently that we have been developing comTooth cleanliness is tooth loveliness CLEAN, gleaming teeth—fra­ grant breath — how pre­ cious they are to beauty! Colgate’s Ribbon Dental Cream cleans teeth thoroughly —every fissure, every crevice. It beautifies, because it con­ tains the same polishing pow­ der that dentists use. Colgate’s flavour is delightfully refresh­ ing-leaves the mouth pure and fragrant. Buy a tube today. Use Colgate’s night and morning, faithfully for 5 days. Then no­ tice the new beauty of your teeth! Bad Breath is often caused by decaying food par­ ticles lodged bepetitors of first class caliber. To­ day Filipina girls have invaded al­ most every popular sport. .Tennis ARE WOMEN GOOD SPORTS? By M. VICTORIANO To the question “Are wo­ men as good sports in athle­ tics as men?” my answer, based on past observations while writing sports stories for the newspapers, would be invariably this: Women arc not only as good a sports as men in athletics but, more often, better ones. Women are generally ideal­ ists and possess what men lack—the motherly instinct of eternal understanding and to­ lerance. How sporting women can be in sports was brought home to the spectators again and again in athletic competitions all over the world and of course, here. In a recent women’s tennis singles championship, the fin­ alists, both young, and eager, were playing stroke for stroke, matching skill for skill and temperament fon tem­ perament to the last and de­ ciding set. As almost every game was deuced and each point marked with long-drawn, thrilling ral­ lies, the match up to the last crucial stroke remained a tossoff. At such a heartbreaking juncture, however, the um­ pire, for unknown reasons, erroneously (to impartial obververs) several times called out footfaults against one of the players who was forced to doublefault in her services, worrying over her feet. The calls were apparently unjus­ tified. That occasion gave rise to one of the grandest gestures of sportmanship seen in local courts. With everything at stake, the other woman play­ er subtly, without obxious at­ tempt at grandstanding, dis­ dained her advantage, throw­ ing away subsequent points until the other had regained enough composure. Then, they went again after each other with slash and smash and the best girl won. In another women’s cham­ pionship. the better player volley-ball, bowling, track and field, swimming and basketball have pass­ ed the experimental stage. apparently suddenly cracked up under the strain and al­ though possessed of better strokes and experience, lost out to her rival. A few, however, came in the know, so to speak and learned that she had deliber­ ately allowed herself to be bested as her victory would have been heartbreak and misery for someone very close to her adversary and who had staked everything on the match in a blind faith. Need more be said for wo­ men in sports? 420 Shades of fast Colours — They Boil! For details apply to the Sole Distributors OTTO GMUR Inc. 116 Muelle de Binondo, MANILA Minda Ochoa, present national tennis “singles” champion and hol­ der of the All-Comers and Metro­ politan titles is perhaps one of the best net stars in the Orient today. With her sister, Aida Ochoa, they have cleaned up all opposition in the doubles. Daughters of a for­ mer champion racquet-wielder, it is but natural that the Ochoa sisters take up the sports which has given their mother, Elisa Ochoa, fame and glory in the athletic field. Barely in their teens, the Ochoa sis­ ters are destined to become more famous in the years to come. To enumerate the achievements of the in the local tennis world would require a vol­ ume. Every sports lover is acquaint­ ed with their prowess with the rac­ quet. Besides the Ochoas, other lesser lights have forged ahead in this sport, among them being Belen Calma and Estrella Alburo, for{(Continued on page 40)