Women on the honor roll


Part of Woman's Home Journal

Women on the honor roll
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
18 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL Manila, June, 1936 WOMEN ON THE HONOR ROLL ' Judge Natividad Almeda-Lopez Dr. Honoria Acosta-Sison Acting Judge, Manila Juvenile Court Member, Scientific Advisory Board of the American Medical Editors and Authors Association Judge Almeda-Lopez A LAWYER and a so­ cial worker, Mrs. Na­ tividad Almeda Lopez now sits as acting judge of the Manila Juvenile Court. How well she qualifies in this position is proven by the 100 to 150 cases she tries daily. And records show that not many are appealed. Acting Judge Natividad Al­ meda Lopez was relieved of her duties as assistant attor­ ney in the Department of Jus­ tice where she has served for more than 18 years and was appointed to fill the tempor­ ary vacancy in the juvenile branch of the court presided over by Judge Arsenio Rol­ dan. Judge Roldan is acting head of the parole section in the department of justice. This was sometime last Dec­ ember. When Judge Jose Bernabe went on leave last March, Acting Judge Natividad Lo­ pez had to pinch hit for him and took over the duties of this branch. Judge Bernabe returned after more than a month’s leave but Judge Ar­ senio Locsin, senior judge, considered the necessity of giving himself a vacation. He turned over the duties of his court to Acting Judge Na­ tividad Almeda Lopez who in addition to her judicial func­ tions has to take charge of the administrative work of supervising the clerical and business side of the court. Serving her eighth time as acting municipal judge, Mrs. Almeda Lopez is thoroughly familiar with the work of the municipal court. She has IMPORTED DIRECT FROM THE U. S. A. The patterns that will give you the longest service. Good weight, 18% nickel silver base for all pieces with stainless knives. Soft gray finish handles and bright bowls. 26-pcs. Chest—consist of 6-each Dinner knives. Tea spoons, Forks, Soup Spoons, one each Butter Knife and sugar shell .... P13.50 51-pcs. Chest — consist of 12-each Dinner Knives, Forks, Soup Spoons, Tea Spoons, one each Soup Ladle, Sugar bowl and Butter Knife ............................................................................ ?25.00 “BB” SILVER PLATED ON 18% NICKEL SILVER BASE tablewares are just what every housewives wants to have. Just remit to us 10% of the price and we will send you this nice gift for your home. IDEAL FURNISHING COMPANY 608 610 CU UNJIENG BUILDING Escolttn. Manila Phone 2-89-05 P. O. Box 1006 THE first Filipino wo­ man to practice medi­ cine, Dr. Honoria Acos­ ta-Sison has been heaping on herself deserved honors and, in this way, has helped pave the way smooth for the lat­ ter generation of women to acquire rights to professional recognition. Again honor has come to her—this time from a for­ eign organization. She has been appointed member of the scientific advisory board of the American Medical Edi­ tors and Authors’ Associa­ tion, which has headquarters in New York. This distinc­ tion gains further significance when it is remembered that Dr. Acosta-Sison’s works have been done without the accompanying flourishings and blares. But they acquired speed and uncanny efficiency in cross examining witnesses but she says she re­ lies in no little degree on the knowledge and background that her social work has given her. nevertheless achieve their end. Science is so much the richer for her contribu­ tions, and scientific groups sit up and take notice. An obstetrician of the best stand­ ing and an associate profes­ sor of obstetrics and gyneco­ logy of the U. P. college of medicine, she has written va­ rious scientific papers accept­ ed and published by leading medical journals in the United States. Though medicine has al­ ways been her chief interest, Dr. Acosta-Sison finds deep pleasure in writing. She has a large number of familiar essays published in local ma­ gazines. Her writings on her impressions of places she tra­ velled while on a round-theworld tour drew comments from literary circles. Mrs. Lopez was a com­ mittee member of the Free Legal Aid to indigent women conducted by the Manila Wo­ man’s Club. She did a re­ markable amount of work without renumeration in the matter of recovering wages, preventing broken homes, and protecting as far as it lay in her power the children who have become street waifs. This was long before the day of the Juvenile Court and the Probation Work. Other welfare activities of this woman acting judge have given her an insight to the people that are brought to her court. For 20 years she has been connected with the Gota de Leche, an association for the protection of first in­ fancy, first as its secretary and now as its president. She is also one of the founders and directors of the Asociacion de Damas Filipinas which maintains a “Settle­ ment House” for orphaned children. She is also a board director of the National Fed­ eration of Women’s Clubs and of the Catholic Women’s Lea­ gue of the Philippines.