Custom amends overtime rates paid by clients to its staff.


Part of Business Day

Custom amends overtime rates paid by clients to its staff.
Business Day Volume XIV (No. 132) August 29, 1980
Customs administration--Officials and employees.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Friday, August 29, 1980 Business Day Page 13 ESCANO LINEsI W ■ Pier 16, North Harbor Metro Manila SAILING SCHEDULES VESSELS PORT OF CALLS DEPARTURE/ MANILA ™T'"» MAA5,nm'XTaoavan x?oo.E,rsAN° THUnjbAV.e^.a X^B,UOA" SUR,<:Am”AN/CE0U FR,D:.7“rr’ v"vSno!».° SURICAO/BUTUAN . satu.r’aj.’ert-‘ ^.TOQ^“LAPAI CC.U/SUA.OAO/.UTUAH wtoNESOAv.sePT. 10 “‘“COWMAN'"*™*" We accept CARG DAY, including S NIGHT, for shlpm Our weekly Sailin the TIMES JOUR only in the BULL In BUSINESS DA' iOES at Pier 16 Warehouse EVERYUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS, DAY and ents to above ports of call. g schedules are published Monday. In INAL and ORIENT NEWS. Tuesdays ETIN TODAY. Mondays and Fridays (ABOVE SCHEDULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE.) For any assistance needed, please contact the following: OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: Tel. Nos. 21-16-11 to 12 MARKETING DEPARTMENT: Tel. Nos. 21-16-14 & 21-16-15 FOR NIGHT SHIFT PLEASE CONTACT OFFICER ON DUTY French fishermen admit defeat in week-long blockade vfi4* SHOWA LINE FULL CONTAINER SERVICE Customs amends overtime rates paid by clients to its staff PARIS (AFP) - French trawlermen in the Mediterranean yesterday admitted defeat and de­ cided to end their week­ long battle to blockade the vital oil port of Fossurmer as the French cabinet restated its aim to keep the country’s main ports open. But while fishermen in the south decided to end their skirmishing tactics following a clash with the French Navy last night in which four of their colleagues were slightly injured, trawler­ men in the north con­ tinued to block shipping The channel port of Boulogne was paralyzed with fishmongers and lorry drivers blocking traffic. As a result even hovercraft traffic was brought to a standstill and some companies diverted passengers to Calais. A mass meeting was scheduled for later today in Boulogne, where the fishermen's protest was launched over two weeks ago. Tug crews at the port of Le Havre have ended their strike and 16 ships have been able to move. The communist led CGT Union Federation condemned the use of the navy in the oil port of Antifer and Le Havre yesterday and at Fos for the third time in a week. The union said the move, showed the government “does not hesitate to put lives at risk.” Th e French cabinet agreed at its weekly meet­ ing to keep major ports open because “they are not concerned by the problems of the fisher­ men.” The government also said it regarded Dec. 31, 1980 as the deadline for agreement on a European Community policy cover­ ing all kinds of fish. The government ap­ proved measures by transport minister Joel le Theule to improve con­ ditions for the fishing industry concerning re­ gional studies of the problems facing inshore fishermen. PQ80DLC-508 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION ATTENTION SHIPPERS VESSEL Clows nlla Sa Ms Tokyo Kobe Relay Vessel At Tokyo or Kobe LA OAK/ SF SEA TTLE Dynamics Ace V-69 9/1 9/3 9/11 9/13 Hiel Maru V-97 9/24 9/25 Hlkawa Maru V-77 9/21 Eastern Polaris V-15 CN 9/3 9/« 9/14 REFER CARGO ONLY Electro Ace V-48 9/11 9/13 9/21 9/23 Hakusan Mar.u V-88 1 10/2 10/3 Lions Gate Bridge V-79 10/10 New tariff rates The Bureau of Customs has amended the regulations governing claims for overtime, traveling expenses, board and lodging and meal allowances and other expenses of customs officers payable by steamship and airline companies, importers, exporters and customs brokers. According to a new administrative order, the overtime rates per hour are: PIO for the collector of customs (MIA); for supervisors, appraisers, examiners, wharfingers, boarding officers, en­ trance and clearance officers and inspectors, P9; security guards, gate­ keepers and warehouse­ men (storekeepers) P8. MEALS. Meal allowances will be Pl 4 per meal for every category of cus­ toms officer. Meal allow­ ance will be given if the overtime service falls during the following per­ iods: breakfast from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m.; lunch from noon to 1 p.m.; supper from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.; and midnight re­ past from 11 to 1 a.m. Customs officers ren­ dering overtime services at airports are entitled to midnight repast on all days. Customs officers performing underguard­ ing service outside their official stations are en­ titled to meal allowances. September 1, 1980 INVITATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION TO BID All parties to bld for the ERECTION ANO INS­ TALLATION OF 69 KV, 3-PHASE, TRANSMISSION LINES UNDER TWO (2) SCHEDULES FOR THE 7th POWER LOAN PROJECT, are Invited to prequalify for the forthcoming biddings thereof. Application for prequallflcatlon Is open to any Philippine Construction Company duly licensed by the Philippine Licensing Board for Contractors at least Category C and classified as General Engineering Contractors and/or Specialty Electrical Contractors. The work involves the erection and Installation of 69 KV Transmission Lines and Is divided Into two (2) schedules! as follows: Schedule I — 1. Bangued-Licuan........ 33.81 kms. 2.Tap-Bangued-Manabo . . 22.40 kms. Schedule II — l.Tap-Lallo-Baybayog-Baggao . .9.82 kms. 2.Camalanlugan-Gonzaga . 33.44 kms. Continued from Wednesday) 23.07 Sweetened forage; other preparations of a kind used in animal feeding: [ .....................................................................................Unified rate of ad val. 50%) A. PREPARATIONS FOR USE IN MAKING THE COMPLETE FEEDS OR SUPPLEMENTARY FEEDS (PREMIXES); FEED ADDITIVES;TRACE MINERALS AND CHOLINE CHLORIDE, FEED GRADES.......................................... AD VAL. 10% B. OTHER........................................................................... AD VAL. 30% 25.31 Feldspar, leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite; fluorspar:! Unified rate of ad val. 20%) A. FLUORSPAR................................................................. AD VAL. 10% B. OTHER......................................................................... AD VAL. 20%_27.10 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or TIDAL AND ASTRONOMICAL PREDICTIONS Tides Sun Moon Day Time Height Rise Set Rise Set h.m. meters h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. 30 0103 1.06 0544 1809 2143 0932 Saturday 0632 0.61 1305 1.23 1929 0.62 31 0138 1.16 0.544 1809 2232 1031 Sunday 0752 0.60 1402 1.05 1948 0.68 Prospective bidders must submit. In three (3) copies the PREQUALIFICATION FORMS (PART III) duly accomplished and complete with all supporting docu­ ments required therein on or before October , 1980. All data and Information submitted by Prospective Bidders will be considered strictly confidential. NAPO­ COR will not accept or act on complaints whatsoever regarding either procedure or results of the Prequallflcatlon. Notice to prospective bidders of the Prequali­ fication result Is expected to be released on or before November 5,1980. Financing Fund required for this project shall be an affidavit or a duly executed Instrument Issued by a re­ putable bank or financing Institution acceptable to the Government stating that the bidder has established a credit line with the said bank or financing Institution In the following amount: Schedule I — P160.000 (One Hundred Sixty Thou­ sand Pesos) , Schedule II — P150.000 (One Hundred Fifty Thou­ sand Pesos) included, containing not less than 70% by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations: A. PROPYLENE TETRAMER (TETRAPROPYLENE) ... AD VAL. (30%) 10% B. [A.] Articles not included in subheading A, C or D hereof AD VAL.[30%)30% C. [B.l. Lubricating oil, including lubricating oil basestock, when imported with prior joint authorization by the Board of Investments Tariff Commission and the [Oil Industry Commission) BOARD OF ENERGY; heavy oils, gas oils, fuel oils, aviation gasoline, white spirit ang naphtha............................................................... adval- (20%) 20% D. [C.l Lubricating oil, including lubricating oil besestock, except when imported with joint prior authorization by ’ the Board of Investments, Tariff Commission and the [Oil Industry Commission] BOARD OF ENERGY .. . adval [50%] 50% 32.12 Glaziers' putty; grafting putty; painters fillings; non-refractory surfacing preparations; stopping, sealing and similar mastic. New weekly direct sailings to: ^k TAGBILARAN Ther Ozarmz llioan .Ozamit, FRIDAY 10 A.M. MV MISAMIS OCCIDENTALThe first luxury ship to serve The Manila-Tagbilaran route k SAN JOSE (MANGARIN) PUERTO W PRINCESA then J CORON WEDNESDAY 11 A.M. MV ELIZABETH WILLIAM LINES, INC. I DOMESTIC CONTAINER SHIP­ PING FIRM OF THE YEAR. We Leodl ’0 jj-vx Proposal Bond required for this project shall either be In cash, certified/manager’s check or bank draft or guarantee against any reputable bank or surety bond acceptable to the Government or any combination thereof payable to the National Power Corporation In the amount based on the following table: Bid Price Bld Bond (In Pesos) (In Pesos) up to 100,000 10% of the amount Above 100,000 to 10,000 plus 5% of amount In 1,000,000 excess of 10(1,000 Above 1,000,000 to 55,000 plus 4% of amount In 5,000,000 excess of 1,000,000 Above 5,000,000 to 215,000 plus 3% of amount In 10,000,000 excess of 5,000,000 Schedule I — 210 calendar days Schedule II — 180 calendar days Prequalification documents will be available for Issue to prospective bidders at the office of the National Power Corporation, 11th Floor, NPC Building, Anda Circle, Port Area, Manila, upon payment of Eighty Pesos (P80.00) per copy which Is not refundable. Plans and Specifications, Including five (5) copies of the prescribed Bidding Form, will be made available qply to prequalified bidder on November 5, 1980 upon a non-refundable payment of Two Hundred Pesos P200.00) per set. Additional Information will be furnished upon re­ quest. Address all communications to "The Sr. VicePresident, Engineering, National Power Corporation, P.O. Box 2123 Manila, Philippines." (SGD.) J. U. JOVELLANOS Sr. Vice-President Aug. 29, Sept. 5 & 12/80 including resin mastic and cements: [.......................................Unified rate of ad val. 30%) A. ARTICLES NOT INCLUDED IN SUB HEADING B HEREOF....................................................................... ADVAL. 30% B. POLYESTER BODY FILLER (MASTIC)...................... AD VAL 50% (To be continued) India launches first training sail ship NEW DELHI (AFP)-India yesterday became the first country in Asia to have its own sail training ship for the sea cadets. “Varuna,” an 80-ton brig, was formally launched at Bhavnagar, on the western coast, by Phyllis Pereira, wife of the chief of the naval staff, Admiral Pereira, re­ ports said. The sail ship, built at the state-run Mazaaon dock at Bhavnagar, was to provide training in sea­ manships and designed to provide education in other maritime skills such as navigation, com­ munication and marine engineering