Market reports.


Part of Business Day

Market reports.
Business Day Volume XIV (No. 132) August 29, 1980
Capital market.
Capital market--United States.
Capital market--United Kingdom.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Friday, August 29, 1980 Business Day Page 11 Market Reports Commodities Meh 1041 May 1060 Jly 1080 Sep 1101 Dec 1123 1042 1062 1081 1105 Sales: 2,225 Tone: About steady 1130 572 250 30 Prices mixed End-session selling in New York in Comex cop­ per futures all but erased earlier gains of more than 1 cent as prices closed mixed, little changed on the day. Near September and October posted 0.05-cent losses at 89.60 and 90.40 cents respectively, while more distant months gained 0.15 to 0.20 cent. Copper wirebars in London ended the day up Stg5.5 for both cash and three-months. The afternoon market found further covering support induced by the tone of US futures with threemonths trading at Stg874 in the rings before softe­ ning under profit-taking on the kerb to Stg870. World sugar futures in New York closed 0.35 to 0.20-cent up in new-crop months after deflecting what initially was per­ ceived as a bearish EEC sale of sugar. Old-crop months tren­ ded separately, settling 0.30 to 0.24-cents down on a concentration of switch selling. Coffee futures in New York erased losses to close an erratic session up 0.33 cent in spot September at 131.08 cents, while other active contracts gained 1.71 cent to 2.85 cents. Prices in New York for cash edible oils were mostly firmer in quiet ^ trading, dealers said. * Coconut oil dealers said overnight trades in­ cluded afloat and Aug/ Sep at 27-1/2 cents a lb, Nov/Dec at 27-3/4 cents a-lb, Dec/Jan at 27-7/8 cents a lb and Jan/Feb at 28 cents a lb all basis CIF New York. Oct/Nov and Nov/Dec were offered at 28-1/4 cents a lb, they added. The rubber market in Singapore closed slightly higher with September 1 RSS buyers quoted at 305 cents per kilo, up one cent from yester­ day’s close, dealers said. — Reuter FUTURES QUOTATIONS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1980 PEPPER (NY) — cents per lb., sellers Spot Afloat * * * METALS * * * COPPER (NY) — cents per lb. Close 89.00L/B9.40H 90.40 92.00L/92.50H 92.95 93.50L/94.20H 95.60L/96.10H 97.00 98.40 90.50B/90.70A 91.00B/91.60A 93.20B/93.30A 94.00B/94.05A 95.20B/95.25A 96.60B/96.70A 97.70B/97.80A 99.20B/99.50A 101.20B/101.60A_____ 101.80B/102.50A 101.00 103.60B/103.70A 102.25 104.30B/104.70A 103.50 Meh 1728B/1730A Jly 1760B/1770A Jly 1808B/1810A Sep 1840B/1850 Dec 1990B/1910A Jan 1920B/1930A Meh 1960B/1930A May 2000B/2010A 1765L/1766H 1804 1843.5 Malabra Lam pong White Muntok Sarawak Black Brazilian Black Malabar CIF: SON 113N 82N 79N 86N 82N 107N 82N 78N 108N 77N per 100 kilos, FOB Mill) Sep/Dec 129 unch sir Malaysian (Dollars per long ton) Sep/Oct 600 down 5 Oct/Nov 605 Nov/Dec 607.50 Dec/Jan 610 unchanged COCONUT OIL Philippine Basis 3 Max 4 (Dollars per long ton) Aug/Sep 617.50 sir Sep/Oct 625 up 2.50 sir Oct/Nov 627.50 up 2.50 sir Nov/Dec 627.50 down 5 sir with 622.50 paid Dec/Jan 627.50 paid SOYBEANS (Chicago) — cents per bu. METALS KERBS (London) — pound stg. per metric ton Open Close COPPER Bars: 1,700 tons ‘ 3 months 873.00 870.00/871.00 TIN STANDARD: 125 3 months 7,115 LEAD: 475 tons 3 months 377.50 ZINC: 300 tons 3 months 340.00 ALUMINUM: 925 tons 3 months 718.00 NICKEL: 90 tons 3 months 2,750 1902 1921.5 1921.5 2000.5 LampongClF: 77.50 1 White Muntok CIF 100N Sarawak Black CIF: 84.SON Est. sales: 4,100 (5,000 troy oz.) Prev. sales: 2,509 FOOD 8t SPICES Close tons 7,125/7,130 377.00/378.00 339.50/340.50 720.00/721.00 2,755/2,759 GOLD (NY) — dollars per troy oz. Sep 630.5 Oct 639.0 Dec 654.0 Feb 669.0 API 683.7B/684.7A Jne 702.0 Aug 714.7B/715.7A Oct 730.3B/731.3A Dec 746.3B/747.3A Feb 762.3B/763.3A API 778.3B/779.3A Jne 794.3B/795.3A Est. sales: 18,500 (100 Prev. sales: 20,552 632.3 638.5 L/639.0H 643.0L/654.0H 668.0L/669.5H 683.0U685.5H 699.0L/699.5H 715.5 730.0L/731.0H 747.2 763.3 779.5 796.0 troy oz.) GOLD (Chicago) — dollars per troy oz. Open 633.0 Meh API Jne Jly 653.0L/654.5H 663.0 677.0H/676.5L 701.0L/701.5H Close 631.0L/633.0H 639.1B 654.0H/653.0L 661.5A 678.0T/677.0A 686.6B 701.0B/702.0T 709.5B GOLD (Hong Kong) — US dollars per troy oz. Dec Feb Apr Aug Oct Clsg. 653.90/654.10 670.00/672.00 684.00/686.50 700.50/702.50 715.50/717.50 731.50/734.00 Prev. Clsg 648.70/649.10 661.00/663.50 679.50/681.50 695.00/696.00 709.50/711.50 724.00/726.00 SILVER (NY) -cents per troy oz. Open Sep 1612B/1620A Oct 1621B/1635A Dec 1667B/1669A Jan 1689B/1695A Close 1608L/1613H 1627 1666L/1670H 1685.5 31.95L/32.00H 32.65L/32.75H 33.70 34.45 L/34.50H 33.75 L/33.84H 32.80L/32.85H 31.55B/31.75 A 30.50B/30.90A 27.25L/27.50H 31.00L/31.10H 31.85L/31.90H 33.25B/33.45A 34.30L/34.35H 33.85 33.00L/33.05H 30*90 27.50 BLACK Sarawak Asta Sarawak Special WHITE Muntok Asta ‘ Sarawak 100 pct 332.50 100 pct 300.00 100 pct 425.00 100 pct 420.00 Sep Nov Meh May Jiy Aug Sep 767H/766.50L 789H/785L 802L/804H 820H/818L 825H/824.50L 825H/823L 816 765.50H/764.50L 785L/788H 800L/802H 816L/817H 823 823 817 798 SOYBEAN OIL (Chicago) — cents per lb. 322.50 338.50 345.55 340.50 326.20 315.00 294.00 1.70 Seller Close Sales 1044 80 6030 514 110 27 10 131.50 130.50L/132.00H. 137.25IU138.00H 139.00L/140.00H 142.00tU142.49H 142.00L/144.00H 144.75lU144.90H 146.00L/148.00H 145.90B/146.40A 147.00B/149.70A 146.00B/148.50A 150.00B/150.50A 146.00B/154.00A 149.75B/150.00A 1116 1160 1195 1190 1200 1210 1201 Seller 1120 1163 1198 1195 1204 1240 1250 Sales 1084 1824 740 273 173 Nil Nil Open Sett f 95.65L/95.75H 95.75 S 2,175IU2,176H 2,170 2 2,258L/2,259H 2,253 2 2.300B/2.310A. 2,305 2 2,345B/,360A 2,354 2 2,395 2,400 2 2,4256/2,475A - 2 COCOA (London) — pound stg. per metric ton PSett Sep* Dec Meh May Jly Sep Dec 95.25 2,169 2,250 2,300 2,347 2,389 2,149 Sales Sep Dec 954 997 456 832 •»* OILS & GRAINSEEDS*** VEGETABLE OILS (US) - cents per lb. COCONUT OIL (Philippines): Crude CIF New York bulk Oct/Nov 28-1/4A Crude FOB tankcars gulf Spot Unq Aug Unq Sep Unq Oct 29-1/4A DESICCATED COCONUT (Philippines): FOB W. Coast in 10,000 lb lots 80N LINSEED OIL: Crude FOB Minneapolis,tankcars 30N TUNG OIL (Argentine): Crude FOB tankcars New York 44N CASTOR OIL (Brazil) Number One: Crude FOB tankcars New York 49N PALM OIL Any Origin: Neutralized palm oil CIF F.R. Nov 25-1/2 N Refined bleached deodorized CIF F.R. Nov. 25-1/4N PALM KERNEL OIL Any Origin: Crude CIF New York Sep/Oct 27-1/2A OLIVE OIL (Spain) “Riviera Type": Edible duty free ex-warehouse (Dollars per six one-gallon tlns)44.50/46.50N OILS (London) SOYBEAN OIL Dutch ex-mlll (Guilders per 100 kilos) Nov/Jan 127 down to 126 Feb/Apl 127.25 127 May/Jly 128.50 palds PALM OIL Malaysian (Dollars per long ton, CIF UK N. Euro ports) Oct 505 sir Malayslan/Sumatran (Dollars per long ton, CIF UK/N. Euro ports) Oct 502.50 Nov 520 Dec 532.50 paid SEEDS (London) COPRA Philippines (Dollars per long ton, CIF N.E. ports) Sep/Oct 420 reseller SOYBEAN US (Dollars per long ton, CIF Tilbury) Oct 323,25 Nov 325 quoted OILS (Rotterdam) PALM OIL Sumatra/Malaysla (Dollars per long ton, Max 5) Sep 502.50 down 2.50 sir Oct 507.50 down 5 sir with 502.50 paid Nov 520 down 2.50 sir with 517.50 paid Dec 535 down 2.50 sir with 532.50 paid PALM KERNEL OIL Dutch (Guilders Open Sep 25.70H/25.65L Oct 25.95H/25.91L Dec 26.45H/26.37L Jan 26.60L/26.70H Meh 27.10H/27.05L May 27.20 Jly 27.25 Aug — Sep 27.30 Close 25.75L/25.8QH 26.10H/26.05L 26.50L/26.60H 26.70L/26.80H 27.05L/27.25H 27.40L/27.50H 27.60 27.60B/27.70A 27.60H/27.50L SOYBEAN MEAL (Chicago) — dollars per Close Sep Oct Dec Jan Meh May Jly Sep 219.2LV219.5H 222.0H/221.5L 227.5H/226.5L 229.0 231.0 232.5 233.5 231.0 230.0 220.7 226.0H/225.7L 228.0 , 230.0 231.7B/232.0A 233.0B/233.5A 231.5 230.08/230.5A RED BEAN (Tokyo) — yen per 60 kilos Open Aug 29,480 Sep 30,160 Oct 30,450 Nov 32,610 Dec 32,620 Jan 32,460 deleted 30,770 (L-up) 30,610 (L-up) 32,620 (L-up) 32,620 (L-up) 32,750 (L-up) WHITE BEAN (Tokyo) — yen per 60 kilos) Open Close Aug 21,350 deleted Sep 21,230 21,970 (L-up) Oct 2.345B/2.360A Unq. Nov 21,380 22,270 (L-up) Dec 20,420 21,310 (L-up) Jan 20,730 21,560 (L-up) IMPORTED SOYBEAN (Tokyo) 60 kilos Open Close Aug 4,820 Sep 4,950 Oct 5,010 Nov 5,190 Dec 5,470 Jan 5,540 deleted 4,990 5,100 5,250 5,500 5,570 * * * RUBBER * * » RUBBER (Singapore) — cents per kilo ONEs Nov Dec Jan/Mch Apl/Jne Jly/Sep Oct/Dec Seller 314.00 311.00 335.00 311.50 314.50 320.50 329.50 337.00 344.00 1 IWHERE TO LOOK WHEN LOOKING FOR BUSINESS . CUES. FOR SALE RZO MILTON WEB OFFSET Specifications: Four-unit web offset machine Cylinder size: 17-1/4" x 24-1/2" Maximum print area: 16-1/2" x 23-3/4" Speed range/hour: 5,000 8,000 I impressions , \ Printed output: Sheeted sheets / \ Roll Feeder: Two / \ Paper used are in rolls and limited / 'K to bond, bookpaper and / N. newsprint stocks. VALLE VERDE CLUB SHARE 50,000 30% D. P. Bal, 1 yr. CALL 883554 or 883474 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE Marbella II 192 iqm Antipolo Valley Town House Call 48-28-91 off. hri. Fe Salazar OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE LOCATION: 72 West Ave., Quezon City INTERESTED PARTIES MAY CONTACT: J.P.MARTILLO Tel. No. 991546to 49 Price is subject to negotiation after inspection of the equipment. ___for R£nT__, 7-STORY OFFICE BLDG. WITH BASEMENT 14 Emerald Ave. (beside Club Strata) Ortigas Commercial Complex, Pasig, MM FIRST CLASS FACILITIES Equipped with 2 elevators, 4 private executive marble toilets per floor, 4 Individual duct type aircons per floor, fire protection sprinkler system, garbage chute system, stand-by generator, unlimited parking space. Avallebla on September 1980 Call: Mice Cariota Toll. 606061-63 SHARES FOR SALE Batu lao-BeechworldCalatagan-Capltol CityClub Strata-Cresta del Mar-Las Rocas • Makati Executive Center-Maya Maya-Valle Verde-Volcano Lakeview Best offer. Direct Buyers only Fe Salazar 482891 off. hrs. ONE (1) MLA. POLO CLUB SHARE FOR SALE 86-42-94 I GROUND FLOOR Area: Approximately 230 sq.m. Feellltles: e 1 comfort room - e 4 A.C. outlets e private entrance Finish: e parquet flooring e spreytex celling • fluorescent fixture II BASEMENT FLOOR Area: Approximately 230 sq.m.