Mines in short-lived rally; oils, C-Is decline further.


Part of Business Day

Mines in short-lived rally; oils, C-Is decline further.
The Stock Market
Business Day Volume XIV (No. 132) August 29, 1980
Stock exchanges--Philippines.
Mines and mineral resources--Philippines.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 16 Business Day Friday, August 29, 1980 The Stock Market lion, 19% less than Wednesday’s P5.66 million. CDCP went down by 5.45%, Conso­ lidated Bank by 2.71%, and First Holdings B by 1.6%. Analysts said current market movements indicate that trading will remain calm for the rest of the year, but minor rallies are not discounted. Combined peso turnovers amounted to P8.81 million on a volume of 236.65 million shares, compared with Wednesday’s P12.ll million on 138.75 million shares. Mines in short-lived rally; oils, C-Is decline further MANILA STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS Thursday, August 28, 1980 STOCKS BANKS BID ASKED OPEN - HIGH LOW CLOSE VOLUME Yesterday’s midsession advances in mines, the only sector that provided the excitement at the stock exchanges, lost steam towards closing. About 58% of the issues traded yesterday closed unchanged (46 out of 79), while the rest generally weakened. Although the activity in mines waned at the last hour, the issues still accounted for most of the 13 gainers recorded yesterday. Oils and commercial-industrials cluttered the losers' list (20 in all). 'Trading slowed down further as the coiAbined peso turnovers dropped by 27%. The mining sector traded P2.38 million worth of shares, 47% less than the previous P4.52 million. Analysts said that the absence of fresh developments in the market made investors postpone their orders. They noted that metal prices abroad, the most influential factor in the mining sector, have been recently showing hesitant movements. They said that there are no expectations, for instance, that copper will move upwards although the US copper mining strike is still unsettled. In the oil sector, the new development was an official announcement of the tem­ porary plugging of Batas 1 well, which has triggered price movements in oils recently. The well was earlier rumored to have en­ countered oil signs but the contents were not as earlier expected. - Analysts said that the market reacted faintly to that rumor as the amount of oil turnovers did not reflect public particip­ ation. They noted that oils yesterday hardly moved in spite of the somewhat depressing The oil sector garnered Pl.86 million worth of turnovers, 5% less than the pre­ vious Pl.95 million. No gainer was recorded in the sector, while losers gave up small points. Redeco led with a 6.66% decline, Basic B with 4.65%, and Interport with 4%. Commercial-industrials traded P4.56 mil­ Bank of P.l. Cons. Bank 213.00 240.00 - 180.00 213.00 175.00 213.00 175.00 213.00 175.00 213.00 175,00 50 620 STOCKS Commercial & industrial board cdcp EEI First Holdings First Holdings ”B" Globe-Mackay Mia. Jockey STF Micro anscOr Ayala Corp. SMC SMC “B" PICOP PLDT SUGARS Bogo-Medellln Cariota MAKATI STOCK EXCHANGE, INC. QUOTATIONS Thursday, August 28, 1980 BIG BOARD ASKED OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE COMMERCIAL Si INDUSTRIAL BOARD China Bank Bacnotan Ayala Corp. ANSCOR Globe Mackay PLDT PLDT 10% S-G EEI Marsman SMC SMC “B” 205.00 — 25.00 26.00 1.28 1.30 1.28 1.30 10.00 10.50 41.75 42.00 8.60 8.70 1.50 1.52 .75 .83 25.00 25.25 25.00 - 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 BIG BOARD Acoje Atlas Baguio Gold Baguio Gold “B” Benguet Explor. Cons . Mines Island Lepanto Lepanto “B” Marcopper Marlnduque Phllex Mlnolco 20 0066 60 0044 89 .14 3.00 3.64 .1425 0012 .007 20.70 .005 .0066 94.00 .0076 .0105 .1375 3.20 3.72 .145 .0013 10.50 41.50 10.50 41.75 10.50 41.50 10.50 41.75 25.00 25.50 25.25 25.50 25.00 25.50 25.25 25.50 650 34,700 3,700 Lepanto Lepanto "B” Marcopper Marlnduque Marlnduque “B” Phllex Phllex “B" Mlnolco 5.05 1.50 9.20 9.30 10.40 60 5.20 1.52 9.30 10.00 10.50 .85 1.50 4.10 1.32 1.32 25.25 3.30 41.75 5.20 1.51 9.20 9.00 10.50 5.20 1.51 9.20 9.20 10.50 5.20 1.51 9.20 9.00 10.50 5.20 1.51 9.20 9.20 10.50 - 23.00 5.00 .0064 20.60 36.00 .0047 23.00 90.00 19.00 .0074 .0076 .0025 .135 .14 3.00 3.68 10.00 .1425 .16 .0012 .007 20.70 37.00 .0052 29.00 .00 .30 .0076 .0078 .0028 .1375 .1425 .20 1.70 .145 .165 91 21 3 3 11 1.00. 1.30 25.00 25.00 41.50 20.60 37.00 .0056 89.50 20.00 .0074 0076 135 14 70 00 1425 1575 0013 10 1.00 1.30 1.30 25.00 25.00 42.00 20.60 37.00 0056 90 20 i.OO .00 .0078 .0078 .135 .14 1.70 .00 145 1575 0013 3. 10.00 1.00 1.30 1.30 25.00 25.00 41.50 20.50 37.00 .0056 89.50 20.00 3 10 1.00 1.30 1.30 25.00 25.00 41.75 20.60 37.00 .0056 90.00 20.00 .0076 .0078 .135 14 3.70 10.00 .1425 .1575 .0013 2.500 11,000 1.500 23,000 1,800 40,000 1,000 3,000 23,800 1,000 300 11,000 2,850 50,000 800 200 3,600,000 3,250,000 1,160,000 255,000 3,000 100 1,695,000 50,000 4,050,000 20.60 20.70 20.50 .005 .005 .005 .006 .006 .006 .27 .27 .27 .0076 .0076 .0076 .135 .135 .135 .14 .14 .14 3.70 3.70 3.70 .1425 .145 .1425 20 135 14 3.70 .145 19,500 1,050,000 550,000 200,000 300,000 415,000 235,000 5,500 480,000 SMALL BOARD Apex Basic Basic "B" Buendla Interport Interport “B" Landoil Leyte Base Manila Marsteel Oriental Richfield Richfield “B” PQDCO PODCO “B" Phllodrlll Sabena Seafront Surigao “B" Trans-Asia Vulcan .0215 .0205 .0205 .0028 .0076 .012 .014 .0086 .0038 .019 .0056 .036 .0245 .026 .0058 .03 .008 .0086 .016 .0135’ .0135 .022 .021 .0215 .0036 .0215 .021 .022 7,250,000 0125 0145 0088 0058 037 025 028 006 0064 031 0086 009 .0078 .0125 .0088 .004 .0056 .037 .025 .027 .006 .0066 .03 .0088 .018 .0135 .0145 0078 .0078 0125 .0125 0145 .014 0088 .0088 004 .004 02 .02 0056 .0056 037 .037 025 .025 . 027 .027. 006 .0058 0066 .0066 03 .03 0088 .0088 018 .018 0135 .0135 0145 .0145 .0078 .0125 .0145 .0088 .004 .02 .0056 037 .025 .027 .0058 .0066 .03 .0088 .018 .0135 .0145 500,000 3,800,000 16,900,000 700,000 500,000 200,000 50,000 1,840,000 1,100,000 300,000 1,600,000 3,200,000 2,350,000 57,000,000 28,000,000 1,550,000 3,000,000 SMALL BOARD Anglo-Phil. Apex Apex “B" Basic Basic “B” B. Buhay CDCP Mining •B” Hlxbar Infanta Inter-Continent Interport Landoil LRM Mining Manila Marsteel Marsteel “B" Oriental Oriental “B” POGEI Phllodrlll Phllodrlll PODCO PODCO “B" Redeco Seafront S. Jose Sierra Madre South Seas Surigao "B” Trans-Asia 007 0215 02 0205 006 001 008 022 0225 0215 0215 022 0205 Comrn’l & Ind'l Mining Oil GRAND TOTAL NOTE: Due to space limitations, certain untradad stocks are usually delated from the published lists. Comm'l & Ind'l Mining Oil GRAND TOTAL SHARES 118,890 43,605,000 144,440,000 188,163,890 VALUE P3,496,105.00 1,390,110.00 1,486,745.00 P6,372,960.00 AVE Comm’l & Ind'l Mining Oil COMPOSITE ■RAGES 39.8661 + 69.9456 — .014054 - 36.5716 - .1686 2.5730 .000070 .7216 ODD LOT................ P 4,391.00 SECONDARY BOND MARKET QUOTATIONS August 29, 1980 Source: Bancom Development Corporation Issuer Amount -Maturity Coupon Rate Bid Offer_ Yield BF Homes P125M 9-29-85 15 75 85 19.75 PICOP P150M 12-22-87 16 75 85 19.75 .012^ .0086 .02 .0056 .036 .055 .0044 .03 .045 .0056 .0028 .008 .0086 .006 .0045 .016 .016 .0135 .013 003 001 0125 0088 001 0205 0076 037 06 0046 031 051 0058 0064 003 0086 0088 0066 005 0165 0205 014 0145 01 001 001 0125 .02 .0058 .0076 .036 03 0058 0066 003 0086 0066 002 .0135 SHARES fALUE .0215 .0215 .022 .022 .0205 .0205 .01 .01 .001 .001 .003 .003 .001 .001 .0125 .012 .001 .001 .02 .02 .0058 .0058 .0076 .0076 .037 .036 031 .03 0058 .0058 0066 .0066 003 .0028 0086 .0086 0066 .0066 002 .002 .0135 .0135 .0215 800,000 .022 300,000 .0205 400,000 .01 300,000 .001 2,000,000 .003 1,000,000 .001 2,000,000 .012 6,700,000 .001 3,000,000 .02 1,350,000 .0058 400,000 .0076 1,000,000 .037 3,850,000 .Q31 2,700,000 .0058 4,600,000 .0066 800,000 .0028 2,650,000 .0086 1,000,000 .0066 500,000 .002 600,000 .0135 1,300,000 AVERAGES PHILIPPINE STOCKS ABROAD Source: Blzcon Investment and Management Corporation In New York (August 27,1980) Low Close Change Volume Bid Asked Open High Atlas 5-1/8 5-1/4 5-1/8 5-1/4 up 1/8 41,300 5-1/8 5-1/4 Benguet 12-1/4 12-5/8 12-1/4 12-3/8 up 1/4 107,400 12-1/4 12-5/8 Marlnduque 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-7/16 1-1/2 up 1/16 51,300 1-7/16 1-1/2 PLDT (Common) 5-3/4 5-3/4 5-5/8 5-3/4 unch 4,000 5-5/8 5-3/4 In Hong Kong (August 27,1980 :: in Hong Kong cents) High Low Close Prev. Close Volume. Phllex 14.25 14.00 14.00 14.25 350,000 Baguio Gold no trade — — 0.70 -