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News briefs.
Business Day Volume XIV (No. 132) August 29, 1980
Current events.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Friday, August 29, 1980 Page 5 Near crash JAKARTA: Four smould­ ering suitcases were found aboard an Indo­ nesian airliner yesterday shortly after the crash of another also on a domes­ tic route, airline sources said. Police are checking the contents of the suit­ cases, discovered when passengers complained of an acrid smell aboard a turbo-prop Electra of Mandala Airlines, airline director air vice-marshal Santoso told Reuter. It was flying from Jakarta to the east Java city of Surabaya with 56 people aboard and the cases could have burst into flames, airline sources said. Only a few hours before, a turbo-prop Vickers Viscount of the domestic airline Bouraq had plunged out of con­ trol into marshland 27 kilometers from Jakarta, where it was due to land after a 900-kilometer flight from South Kali­ mantan. —Reuter Vienna tightens security VIENNA: Vienna will be teeming with security officials next month to ensure maximum securi­ ty for one of the largest meetings held by the Organization of Petrol­ eum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The nightmare of the last high-level OPEC meeting here in December 1975 — when pro-Palestinian guerrillas broke up an oil ministers conference and held the —.delegates hostage for two days — will be on offi­ cials’ minds every min­ ute. The meeting of oil, finance and foreign ministers from the 13 OPEC member states is scheduled for Sept. 15-16. —Reuter 30 die in Turkey ANKARA: About 30 per sons died in political clashes during the last 24 hours in Turkey, a flareup of violence that ended a period of relative calm. The new death toll was three times as high as those during the last few days. Turkish police ap­ peared to be active and particularly tense after an increase in attacks on police stations in Ankara and Istanbul that left one officer dead and several wounded. Armed groups attacked four police sta­ tions in Ankara. In addi­ tion, three wanted terror­ ists were shot dead in a gun battle with police in Ankara, and three leftist militants and a rightist were killed there in two separate incidents. Seve­ ral houses were set afire in the Mediterranean town of Tarsus. —Agence France Presse US envoy shot at BEIRUT: American Ambassador John Gun­ ther Dean escaped un­ hurt when gunmen using automatic rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade attacked his official car near the US embassy here Wednesday. Reliable sources said the attackers opened fire from a car which ambushed the am­ bassador’s vehicle as it left the embassy grounds in the Baadba area of the city. Dean’s body­ guards immediately re­ turned fire. Three people aboard the car were arrested. — AFP Saudi Arabia. Malaysia. Indonesia. Hongkong. And now, IRAQ. CDCP. Pioneer in Filipino international construction entrepreneurship... on competitive level with the worlds best. We’re there because of our record of accomplish­ ments. Todate, our foreign projects total P5.3 billion. For our country, contribution to its dollar revenues. For Filipinos, jobs. For CDCP, an affirmation that we are trusted. CDCP believes there’s always room for a good, capable man. If you share in this belief, WE NEED YOU. delivers. CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES Tierra Factors Bldg., 3S5 Buendia Ave. Ext. Makati, Metro Manila • Tel. Nos. 87-60-61 to 65 COAftSTRAT
Near crash--Vienna tightens security--30 die in Turkey--US envoy shot at Beirut.