Write it!


Part of Panorama

Write it!
Panorama 4 (7) July 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
~To clarify your thoughtWRITE ITI HAS it ever happened that you did not know what to say, or what to do, or how to think? Have you ever lost track of your idea and found yourself going round and round in your mind, growing more and more helpless with each second? Of course you have. All of us have. What to do about it? Go to a quiet place, alone. Take pencil and paper. Begin at the beginning and set down the points as they come to your mind. Line up the facts until you come to the hard place. Now you are ready to prepare for the rest of the job. Writing things down is the best way to clear the way for thinking. Writing is the overflow of thought in memory. It is the result of experiences. If the experiences were sharp, which would mean you attended to them with the full power of your mind, you recalled them easily, they fell into the right pattern, your idea came clear and you were well on your way to intelligent action. If the experiences were not sharp you attended to them with only a fraction of your power and they drifted in like a fog that ]ULY, 1939 scarcely dampened the surface of your mind, making no lasting, no clear impression. You could not recall them. You got back just what you took in, the fog. When this happens to you and you find yourself thinking, "I don't know what to think," write down what you can write clearly. Then go to the authorities, your books, your teachers, those who know, and do the job over while you attend strictly to it. Then set it down in points, in sequence and association. When the idea is written clearly you are ready to act upon it. Practice writing down the ideas that bother you, that interest you. Set down the creams that allure you and the facts that face you. It is the way to test your idea, to bring clarity out of confusion and place yourself. It is the best test of the quality and the quantity of the thinking you have done and the power that you have stored behind your idea. If anything will help you to know just where you stand on any subject, writing it is the thing.-Angelo Patri, from Youth Today. 39