Mongo Sprouts


Part of The Philippine Craftsman

Mongo Sprouts
extracted text
230 THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN pigs. While a great many re­ ported more or less completely on their work, 1,608 members from 11 States, with a membership of 11,032, reported completely on weights, values, gains in weight, costs of gains, and profits. No figures are available from California and Ore­ gon, except as to the number of members. “The figures following are com­ piled from the complete reports. Seventeen hundred eighty-three pigs were reported, or an average of 1.1 pigs per member. The majority of members took weaning pigs to feed in the spring and reported their results in the fall. The average weight per pig at the beginning of the feeding period was 39.2 pounds. At the end of the feeding period, which averaged 166J days, the pigs weighed 1941 pounds. This was an average daily gain in weight of 0.93 pound, at a cost of $0,044 per pound. This low cost of gain can be attributed, it is believed, to the better feeding methods practiced and the wide use of forage crops by the members. “The original value of the pigs averaged $5.24. The average final value was $21.43, a gain in value of $16.19. This gain in value cost $6.91, giving an average net profit per pig of $9.37 and an average net profit per member of $10.29. “These figures are a strong indi­ cation that improved swine, raised in the right way, are profitable even when pork values are as low as they were in 1915. The vast majority of members had carefully selected high­ grade and pure-bred hogs, and to this improved blood, as well as the better feeding methods, can be attributed the large difference in favor of the average final value of pig-club hogs in the fall, $21.43, as compared with the estimated average value of all hogs on farms in the United States on January 1, 1916, $8.40. The pig­ club members have shown their ability as a body to raise pigs suc­ cessfully. They have raised good pigs, cheap pigs, and profitable pigs. “Many are keeping their gilt pigs for breeding purposes. Some already have found it profitable to breed as well as to feed pigs. Fifty-six mem­ bers reporting on their sows and litters reported an average profit of $47.32. With the membership for this year doubled and most of the old members again on the rolls the pig work should prove of even greater economic value in the future.” It remains to be seen how the results obtained from our hog raising contests which are this year a feature of the home work in agriculture for which pupils of the public schools receive school credit, will compare with these. MONGO SPROUTS. Excellent results have been ob­ tained by growing mongo sprouts in a banana leaf. In the average Filipino home there is no convenient place, unless it be the floor, to keep two dishes filled with water and with towels stretched between them. The animals disturb them, and the water and mongos arc spread over the house. The mongos grow slowly and often smell bad before the sprouts are long enough to use. In using the banana leaf, the*’ mongos are soaked over night. In the morning they are wrapped closely in a banana leaf. The leaf wrap­ ping may be four or five inches thick, but it must have no cracks and must be wrapped around the mongos so the moist air within cannot escape. The mongos are kept moist and warm in this way and will be ready to plant in 48 hours. The banana leaf must be removed before the mongo is planted. This is much quicker than the towel method and better results are obtained, as the mongos are better INDUSTRIAL NOTES 231 sprouted and sweeter smelling than when prepared by the slower and less convenient method. (E. B. B.) GARDEN CALENDAR—ALBAY. The following vegetable planting calendar was issued in July as a division circular by Mr. Thos. H. Cassidy, division superintendent of schools, Albay. The data was work­ ed out during the 1915-16 normal institute and was recently revised. It is believed that it should prove of help by way of suggestion to gar­ den teachers in other divisions. Certain it is that such a table should be worked out for every district as prescribed in Bulletin 31:
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