Itogon Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Itogon Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 12) June 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE June 1939 SMAN Vol. Ill No. 12 MAGAZINE MARSMAN PRODUCTIONS FOR MAY ARE RECORD The total gold production for May of the Marsman managed companies was r1,560,786.09, an increase of r169,412.08 from the previous month. This production is from the milling of 87,930 tons of ore and the dredging of 338,145 cubic yards of gravel. Coco Grove production rose substantially to r143,017.52; as did Itogon with a recovery for May of 379,126.29 an increase of approximately 'P40,000.00. The balance of the Marsman mines had a good month, uith the production registering moderate increases over April. -----~._..-..... __ .... ._ ___ _ ITOGON MINING COMPANY The production at ltogon for May was P379,126.29 from 28,647 tons of ore, which represent ~n increase in recovery of approximately P40,~00.00 over the previous mont11. The recovery per ton for May was P13.23 while extraction was 87 .5 % . the old stoped area has been very good most of the month, and some very good stopes look likely from this area. The work of lining with concrete the main Taka shaft from the 300 to the 200 level has progressed satisfactorily, there now being only 30 feet left for The total development advance for completion. The cutting of hitches for the month was 4,599 feet. Of the 2,840 the I-beams below the 300 level is also feet of capital development, 924 feet were in ore. Operating development accounted for 1, 759 feet with 1,191 feet progressing satisfactorily. All mill units operated satisfactorily. In the grinding units routine re-placein ore. ments of liners were made in No. 2 and Capital development on the 23 vein No. 5 primary ball mills. Considerable Sesame amounted to 630 feet on the 5 construction work was completed durlevels. 256 feet of this advance was · ing the month. driven on the 500 level Sesame 15 drift The Engineering Department made west with better than average values. The 23 drift west on the Gilkison split 600 level was advanced 32 feet. On the 4 level, 14 drift west through 3 drift connections, 18 raise connections and 1 ore pass. There were 100 headings running on line or grade during the month.