Coco Grove, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Coco Grove, Inc.
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 12) June 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
COCO GROVE, INC. Production at Coco Grove for the month of May was substantially higher than the previous month. The dredges produced P143,0l 7.52 from a total of 338,145 cubic yards. The mechanical performances of the two dredges, Anne Petronella and Mary Angus, was satisfactory. The dredge Mary Angus handled 170,395 cubic yards of gravel from which PSl,935.69 was produced. This represents a total dredged area of 135,090 square feet to an average depth of 34 feet. The dredge Anne Petronella recovered P6l,081.83 from 167, 750 cubic yards of gravel handled. It dredged an area of 227 ,295 square feet, to an average depth of 19 feet. The Mary Angus operated during May in the beach area north of the Paracale lighthouse. The dredge encountered considerable difficulty with light sand which had a tendancy to fill the pond. Dredge Anne Petronella operated north and south of the road which leads to United Paracale Mining Company's bridge. During part of June this dredge will operate for flotation in this area. Test work shows that at bedrock in this area there is good value. The Rotterdam started dredging her way toward the shore about the middle of May, with advance slow the first part of the month due to heavy swells. Towards the end of the month the swells subsided and operations were accelerated. The Jan Hendrik, the 350 horsepower tug which was recently purchased by Coco Grove, Inc., arrived in Paracale on May 28th. UNITED PARACALE MINING COMPANY United Paracale treated 9,347 tons of ore during May, for a total recovery value of P239,918.80 or an average recovery per ton of P25.66. This production represents an increase over the previous month. Extraction was 92.43%. Total development advance during the month was 1, 708 feet. Capital development accounted for 1,377 feet with 89 feet in ore, while of the 331 feet in operating development, 185 feet were in ore. assaying P71.40 per ton. The 203 drift north was advan~ed 28 feet along the vein 4. 7 feet wide averaging P62.40 per ton. The Longos shaft No. 3, 200 level, was sunk 49 feet bringing the total depth to 68 feet. The pilot shaft at Longos was sunk 73 feet from the surface. The Longos pilot raise, 200 level, was driven 74 feet and connected with the pilot shaft. The power house is about 85 % completed. The foundation of the Allen Diesel at Longos is complete and the installation of the engine is about On the San Antonio 200 level, 207 40 % completed. drift south was advanced 37 feet along Operations in the mill during May the vein 2.8 feet wide in average grad_e were satisfactory. Routine replaceore. ments and adjustments were made on The 101 footwall counterdrift north, the crusher and No. l ball mill. A new in the Longos 100 level, was advanced rotor assembly was installed in the ·No. 5 feet on the vein 1.5 feet wide with ore 2 Fa~e!gren cell. 4 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for June, 1939