Royal Paracale Mines, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Royal Paracale Mines, Inc.
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 12) June 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ROYAL PARACALE MINES, INC. Royal Paracale production for the month of May was slightly higher than the previous month with a gross recovery of P31,922.03 from the treatment of 1,982 tons of ore. The average per ton was Pl6.10, while extraction was 86.6 % . Recovery and extraction also represent increases over the previous month. Total development advance during the month was 683 feet; 413 feet were in stopes. 530 S. D. E. was advanced 33 feet in ore with a better than average result. Construction work on the new ore bin and work on the installation of a fine crusher and elevator was continued throughout the month and the additions are expected to be completed on or about June 10th. Mechanical and electrical departments operated in general routine work with capital development and 269 feet in much of the time ·of these two departoperating. Of the capital, 110 feet were ments devoted to installation work on in ore, while of the operating 84 feet were in ore. Mining operations during the month of May were confined mostly to stoping operations in Nos. 730, 150, 200 and 250 the fine crusher and the elevator equipment. Mine and mill operations during the month under review were normal. TWIN RIVERS Twin Rivers treated 28,151 tons last use sand from storage. All the mill ( month for a recovery of P37,817, with units functioned normally. an average recovery per ton of Pl.34. Extraction was 41 % . Considerable rain hampered obtaining of sufficient sand from the river for operations, making it necessary to A two compartment 16" by 24" Denver Mineral jig was installed for experimental work on various materials. A water storage tank for the engines was completed and will be put into service soon. RECOGNITION OF ANDRES SORIANO Marsman & 9ompany, and the affi- of Mines, on being decorated by the liated companies, congratulate Don An- Spanish government with the Grand dres Soriano, president of the Chamber Cross of Naval Merit. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for June, 1939 9