Paracale Country Club Sports Weekend success


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Paracale Country Club Sports Weekend success
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 12) June 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
An excellent view of the clubhouse, showinq new building just finished for the bowling alleys. .')unday nwrning breakfast in the club. Mrs. C. Hubbard who diil much of the planning for acoommodat,ions for the visitors in Paracale presides at a table with Mrs. Brown, June Brown and others. PARACALE COUN WEEKEN( The Paracale Country Club at Paracale Bay was the scene of a three-day sportsfest, from May 27th to 29th, featuring some of Manila's outstanding sportsmen, alleged and otherwise. The three-day meet marked the annual trek of Manila business men and their wives to the bay at Paracale as guests of the Paracale Country Club. Over 100 Manilans invaded the mining town. They arrived by plane and by train; and after the meet was over every one acclaimed the event highly successful. A well-rounded program of sports events was arranged for the visitors and local sportsmen. There were tennis matches, badminton, bowling, softball and a golf tournament. Hector Maclean ·of Marsman Trading Corporation was highly complimented on the program ard arrangement of ac-. commodations. Guests were placed in private· homes, some at the Club, and th~ remainde~ 1,placed among the various staff houses of the mines. The mining community spared no effort for comfort and kindness for their guests., The tennis matches were directed by C. V. Mittelstaedt, and were played on The caddies are actual proof that Fremont Clark, Charley Hubbard, Charley Hirst, and Clarence Weekley played some golf. TRY CLUB SPORTS SUCCESS Saturday afternoon. The games were played late in the afternoon with a draw for the ribbon. On Saturday night the official reception was held in the clubhouse, as the officers of the club and their wives greeted the guests. Following the reception, dinner was served. The bowling alleys were busy all Sunday morning with Charley Fletcher and Bert Silen coaching their teams to a win. Silen was unable to cope with the situation, and went down to def eat with the Manila colors. Late Sunday afternoon : the longawaited return match softball game was held with Harry Barr pitching and Bill Fertig catching for the Paracale club. The renowned pitcher, Bert Silen of Manila worked hard seven innings to bring Manila a win, 7 to 6. R. E. Roseveare stood the receiving post in fine shape. Manila mad~ the only home-run of the game. Some good material were on the bench in the W(lY of Clarence Weekley, Frank Parter, and Frank Bennett. The game ended with a score of 7-6- in Manila's favor. Manila visitors left the Paracale country club with sure promises to return next year. A portion of the crowd watching the baseball game at Paracale between Manila and Paracale. 4_ rare moment of friendly relationship is this shot of the two bowling team captains -Bert (Flash) Silen on the left, and Charley Fletcher on the right. Moral and vocal support from the gallery for the bowling match. Bud Ewing slams a hit into the field for Manila. Bill Fertig of Paracale thought he almost had an out with the catch.