Mountain Mines, Inc


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Mountain Mines, Inc
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 12) June 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PHILIPPINE SMELTING COMPANY The Smelter operated very satisfac- amounted to 88.56 tons containing torily during May and broke all records 75.02 ozs. gold; 466.3 ozs. silver, and for tonnage treated and metal out-turn. 86,474 lbs. of lead. The sintering machines treated the following materials: Concentrates 1,706.15 tons; limerock 300 tons; silica ores 170.3 tons; and smelter secondaries 472 tons. The blast furnace smelted 2,280 tons of material of which 2,233 tons was sinter and 4 7 tons crushed slag. Ratio of concentration was 13.55 to 1. The total gross value of all products amounted to approximately P987,550.00. A baghouse has been ordered to further increase recovery and to collect a more highly concentrated lead fume. Other improvements at the smelter now under construction are the remodeling of the bullion room and installation of a large size Monarch bullion melting furnace. When this furnace 125.91 tons of smelter products were has been installed two classes of bullion shipped to the refinery containing will be shipped. A high grade lead bul12,939. 7 ozs. gold; 28,842.2 ozs. silver, lion which will go to Selby, California; and 124,066 lbs. of copper. and a copper bullion which will be By-products from the Cottrell plant shipped to Tacoma, Washington. MOUNTAIN. MINES, INC. Following the previous months done throughout the claim area. Trails operations, work at Mountain Mines during May consisted of tunnelling, drifting, crosscutting, and surface work in accordance with schedule. have been brushed out on all the claims along the west boundary of the property. Considerable prospecting is being Development and exploration work is being energetically prosecuted. I. BECK, INC. Provided Miners Since 1898 Retail & Wholesale Wearing Apparel. Haberdashery for Men, Women & Children. Big Line of Household goods. Radios. Phonographs. Beds. Toys. Send for Catalogue For Reference ask any old Mining Man THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for June, 1939 15