

Part of The Marksman Magazine

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
'Qrbe ID.1l.a rhsma n A MAGAZINE DEDICATED TO OUTDOOR SPORTS Published Monthly by The National Rifle & Pistol Associatfon P. 0 . Box 883, 1U anila Subscriptfrni Rates: 1-Year P2.-; 6 .Uonths Pl.50; Single Copy, P0.20. / VOL. I MANILA, JULY, 1939 :;' NO. 1 ~l[)IT1()l2l~IL With this issue, THE MARKSMAN takes a bow before the pub1i<;_as a magazine devoted to outdoor sports, ;;pecially to pistol and rifle shooting. Ever since the National Rifle and Pistol Association of. the Philippjnes. was incorporated in 1934, the Board of Directors felt the need for an organ wherein the views of the association could be expressed. Lack of fund.s pr~vented the establishment of such a magazine, and the , NRPA_ limited itself to the publication of the annual handbook of matches· for each succeeding year. Today, the association is in a position to satisfy this long-felt want. With over 600 active members, the creation of a magazine to keep them in touch with the activities of the association, has become an imperative 10.ecessity. Thus did THE MARKSMAN come into existence. THE MARKSMAN, however, will not limit its scope purely to· pistol and rifle shooting in the Islands. Trap-shooting, sheet, angling, deep-sea fishing, motor boating, yatching, archery, hunting and other outdoor sports, will find welcome in its pages. Contributors, specially those in the provinces, are welcome to submit articles or pictures suitable for reproduction. The aim of THE MARKSMAN can be summed up briefly: 1. To encourage all kinds of outdoor sports, and 2. To encourage marksman.shjp among citizens, specially among young men and womeri throughout the Islands, as .'3. means of National Defense. In succeeding issues we expect to state more fully our views and policies, and in the meantime hope that this initial number will meet with the approval of readers-as well as advertisers. Our magazine cover shows Major General Basilio J. Valdez in the act of firing the third shot at the i'nau1rwration of the N.R.P.A. Ranges on July 31, 1938. A.t hi.s left is Judge Delfin Jaranilla.