18,000 Filipinos die yearly of beriberi


Part of The Philippine Gazette

18,000 Filipinos die yearly of beriberi
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TYPHOON KILLS 260 PERSONS IN THE PHILIPPINES _\I_-\:-; I LA. - Presidential Secrctarv Emilio Ab.Ito \"esterday reported 260 urban deaths i1; a dis~strous typhoon 1·.·hich struck the Isobela Plain oi '.\' egros bland. :\ovember 12. and unofiicial estimate placed the total as high as 500. :\o deaths oi American personnel \\"ere reported_ The _\lanila Bulletin said at least 500 persons were missirg and feared drowned. a,; hean· iloods followed the terrific "·inds. Sor;1e villages \\"ere demolished. :\Jany sectors oi the lsabela Plain re•1ained under water yesterday_ MARINES CLEARED BY FILIPINO INQUIRY _\JA:\'ILA, '.':ov. 17 -The presidential palace today published a report by Representative Ramon _\Jagsaysay 'upporting Filipino charges of manhandling by lJ nited States _\Iarine guards .or Olongapo '.\'a val Base but stating that '"these were isolated cases, not following ~:1y set pattern." The representative, \\"ho conducted an investigation, had found three Filipino civilians who said thev were handled roughly hy the -''larin;s but that they had nor brought it to the attention of _-\::1erican authorities. WILLET & KINT ANA UNION .SERVICE Lubrication rire Repairing 601 L STREET NAVLET FLOWER SHOP "Say it with flowers" TENTH & L STREETS STORE PHONES: 3-3989-3-3980 FISH IGNORE CLERGY COOS BAY, Oregon-Five m1n1sters, and a missionary from \Vest Africa went fishing in the bay. They did not even get a nibble. "Sirs, you don't liv..right," has been the good naturrd taunt fro:n the members of their flock. 18,000 FILIPINOS DIE YC:ARL Y OF BERIBERI Dr. Robert \Villiams, guest scientist oi the Philippine government, rrvralcd that 18,000 Filipinos die yearly of beriberi in his speech made recently at th<' Philippine Central College, at Jaro, I!iolo, Philippines. Dr. Williams declared, "that the lack of vitamin BI" is t!:e root of the trouble. Dr. \Villiams is investigating for the Philippine government a method to fortify the vitamins in rice. MANY ARE RELIGIOUS :\'E\V YORK-An estimated 50 per cent oi the United States population are church members. I']_ -- -~--1'1 CAPITAL J.EWERLY 011'/,\0NDS i,:r WATCHES i,:r RADIOS Old Gold Bought WATCH REPAIRING PHONE 3-4330 62S J Street Sacramento CITY DYE WORKS Stc:.rilizing 'f:i Moth Proofing ~ Cleaning . Upholstered Furniture, Rugs, Mattresses PHONE 2-4431 1217 5th St., Sacramento -12
Date Issued
Volume 1 (Issue No.5) December 1946