Thanks for the trophies


Part of The Marksman Magazine

Thanks for the trophies
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
July, 1939 THE MARKSMAN 27 THANKS FOR THE TROPHIES * * * Donations This Year Expected To Reach An AILTime High * * * The increasing number of sports-lovmg dtizens who have donated medals and trophies for special matches iu either the rifle or pistol is an indication of the growing popularity of shooting as a pastime in the Philippines. The list of donors for last year follows: 1. Salvador •Lopez, rich hacendero of Davao, who donated medals for .45 caliber matches early in 1938. 2. Felix Cortes, national pistol champion now abroad on a vacation, gave medals for .30 caliber rifle competition. 3. Pedro Escalambre who gave a cup and ·medals for the best shooters in the .22 caliber rifle kneeling position. 4. R,a:qion Villamor, crack pistol shooter, who donated medals for tyros in pistol shooting. 5. Dr. Jose Alberto who offered medals to the. best shooters in the rifle standing position. With only half of the year 1939 gone, the same number of trophies for special matches were offered as last year. Through the good 'offices of Juan de Lange, Jorge Araneta, business tycoon, offered a beautiful trophy· for the best pistol shooter in the Islands. The .22 caliber pistol match was made available to all pistol shooters, specially to those in the Visayas, in order to determine who was the best pistol shot in the Philippines. The course offered was the Olymp,ic course. of 60 shoots at 50 meters. Up to the present time, with the match two-thirds through, the .. National Rifle & Pistol Association is leading 1 the Cebu and lloilo Gun· Club shooters. Felix Cortes has practically cinched the championship, having shot consistPntly above 500 points, with the nearest competitor a score of points behind him. Jn the Gil Montilla shoot, the Cebu boys romped away with trophy by a wide margin. winning- first and third places in the individual matches, with Sixto Farol comin~ first. Graciano Castaneda of the NRPA second, and Lt. H. Pacana, thir<l. :s THE MARKSMAN July, 1939 The Cebu sharpshooters ~re also leading in •the D-M-H-M rifle ;hoot, 30 shots· at 50 meters, the Olympic course, although by a i:iar·ower margin. Bu1 t unless the NRP A shooters improve, they will also ose this trophy. Most recent of the donations were those of Tomas Navarro of the Iunters' Headquarters who .. offered medals for the rifle match of 25 :hots at 50 yards, Swiss course .. The shoot was held last 'June 18th. Las't of the donors is Perfecto Cruz, young rifle enthusiast, who •ffered medals in the high power rifle. The match will be held on ;eptember 3, over a course totalling in all- 50 shots, including 20 in the ·apid fire. A :speCial gold medal will be awarded to the high man in he rapid fire course. Gran.daddy of all the special shoots; of course, is that for the Valdes ~up, a beautiful trophy offered by the Chief of Staff of the Philippine ~rmy. _Cortes won it three years ago, then Martin Gison was next, md Cortes repeated last year. This year, several shooters tied with •erfect scores : Cortes, Ramon ViHamor arid Dr. Ramon Soler in the pisol; Dr. J. Alberto, Esteban ·Ferrer and Lt. Carlos Quirino in cthe -rifle. ncidentally, this is tthe first time that rifle shooters have· been able. to nake a bid for the trophy by making _possible 500 scores at 50 yards. The shoot-off to break the tie was held last June 10th. What is the good of a good ''Single" Whisky? JOl-INNI~~ ~T AI,..K•~Il. Born 1820-st.ill going strong SOLE. AGENTS THE MANILA WINE MERCHANTS, INC. Largest Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealers in the Philippines. Head Office: 174 Juan Luna . Tels. 4-90-57-4-90-58 Retail Branch Office : 37 _39 Calle Alhambra Tel. 2-17 -61 July, 1939 THE MARKSMAN ' ' aTH ROUND OF DMHM TROPHY-Shown abov~:are IQ.e~ - ~,rs of the NRPA, Far Eastern University and the U. P. teams that participat~d in the 5th Round of the DMHM Trophy Individual and Team Shoots, 22 cal. rifle. In the team event the NRP A boys emerged easy victors, while Mr .. V. Baltazar romped away with the pennant in the individual event with 299 points to his ·credit. -W-J~STINGI-IOUSE WESTERN EQUIPMENT & SUPPI;Y CO. "PACEMAKER" REF R 1 - G ER AT 0 RS 117-125 T. Pinpin, Manila Tel. 2-45..:91 29