Hang fires and miss fires


Part of The Marksman Magazine

Hang fires and miss fires
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
36 T. H E ::\1 A R K S l\1 A ~ HANG FIRES AND MISS FIRES by ALIBI IKE (A near champion of Skeet) Ben Turpin, the famous cross_ eyed· comedian of the silent screen, eontrary to the popular belief, was a dead-shot with a six-shooter. If you think we are ribbing, try standing ten p~es from him with an apple on your head and let him nick your ear instead of the apple. --x-A Chicago poliCeman was killed by his own bullet. The officer had a running gun fight with a thug. The bandit ran up a tenement house and entered a doo·r with the cop hard behind him. The officer fired at .the door. ThP door proved to be reinforced with steel and a peculiar indentation on the steel plate, at about waist high. made the bullet ricochett in an upward angle and strike the officer ht>tween the eyes.. --x-A rich "hacendero", who all his Iif e sported a super 38 on his belt whene,·er he went about ·his lands, had an occasion to use it. A disgruntled farmhand attacked him with a bolo one day. The hacendero unlimbered his pistol and levelled it at the man. Luckily a farm foreman saw the inrident, came to the aid of his boss and arrested the would-he attacker. When the malcontent was being lead away, the hacendero looked at his trusty, rusty Colt and then fainted.. The gun was unloaded. --x-"Paltiks" are dangerous weapons. Dangerous not only to the one against whom it is used, but to the user as well. Here is one. A "paltik" maker has just finished one of his contrabands. He was proud of his work, so he loaded his piece with a 20 ga. shell, went to the back yard and pulled the trigger. Bang! When the smoke cleared the gun-maker was sprawled on tlie '!"round, his face bloody from several wounds and his right hand was miss:ng. His gun was broken to small pieces and scattered about. Faulty breech, weak frame, and a BUM piece as a whole! A g-roup of competitors in the Club Rifle Championship· of the Cosmopolitan Gun Club iin 1933. Several best shots of the club are shown in the picture: A. D. Hileman, R. A. Thom.pson, R .. McFrederick, M. Flores: J _ B. Hond, Jurlgc .laranilla :_md · :>thcrs. Messrta. F. Corfrs and _ b_, !lh:e!'a n-ere t~en marksm£!!~