122 Straight at skeet


Part of The Marksman Magazine

122 Straight at skeet
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
38 THE ~1ARKSMAN July, 1939 122 STRAIGHT AT SKEET THA rs TOM MYERS' RECORD * * Just two weeks from the date of the 12-gauge Opens Skeet Championship, wh:ch was to be held at the Co3mopolitan Gun Club at San Pedro Makati, July 9, Tom Myers had a run of 122 straight at skeet. 'This surpasse3 his own previous record of 90 straight made three weeks ago. Myers had made 98 x 100 on two previou& attempts to make 100 straight and succeeded finally in making his new record. Tom Myers, howe·Jer, w:JI still have plenty of competition for the Open medal. Oscar Roehr has been hitting them regularly, and then there is Geo. L. Curtis to· reckon with. Curtis has had plenty of eompetitions in the States and has won his share of medals. In addition, there are R. C. Staight, Judge Delfin Jaranma, A. D. Hileman and .T. E. Norton, all of whom can be counted on to give a good account of themselve~. Competitive shooting with the consequent tension either brings 0ut excellent shooting or may cause an otherwise steady shot to crack. Good scores are anticipated, as well as an unusually large entry. Skeet shootin~ has been gaining in popularity in the Philippines and there are now skeet layouts at the Cosmopolitan Gun Club, Baguio Gun Club and Nichols Field. For every Sports need Sbop at HEACOCK'S 108 ESCOLTA ---.--BAGUIO-CEBU-MANILA-DAV AO-lLOILO Ideal ranges of the Cebu Gun Club at Lahug, Cebu, 4 kilometers from the City. Site like the above is appropriate for rang·es from 22 cal. to 30 cal. High power rifle or larger stilJ.