Classification and women's shoot with emphasis on the women


Part of The Marksman Magazine

Classification and women's shoot with emphasis on the women
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
40 LIPA A THE MARKSMAN GUN CLUB HAS GOOD START July, l 939 The Lipa Gun Club was successfully ir.augurated last June 25 in Lipa. Batangas, with Jose Manguiat, Armandc Mendoza and Jose P. ·Heyes heading the local crack sho~ts. Result of the cJassification Ehoot, using .22 caliber pi&tols on 50 yards Nl{A target (10 shoots ~t 15 yards, slow fire) were: .Jose Manguiat, '.J5; Jose P. Reyes, 91; Armando Mendoza, 84; Dr. Vitaliano Luna, 80; Pedro A. Katigbak-Roxas, 80; Pedro Maralit, 80; .Jose Recto, 75. Results of the initiation shots using .22 caliber pistol on 50 yards target NRA ten shots, slow fire, at 15 yards were: Armando Mendoza, 98; .Jose Manguiat, 94; .Jose P. Reyes, 92; Dr. VitaJiano Luna, 92; Pedro A. Katigbak-Roxas, 90; Lamberto Hermosa, 86; Vicente Malabanan, ~6; Tomas 8emana, 82; Pedro Maralit, 82; Francisco Katigbak, 80; Bernar _ <lino Africa, 78; Wenceslao Aquino, 7 4; Gregorio Katigbak, · 72; and ,Tose Recto, 70. The newly-elected officers a;re Jose M .. Manguiat president; Pedro L. Malabanan, secretary-tre;;i.surer; Leon M. Katigbak, Felino M. Katigbak and Jose P. Reyes, charge d'affairs; whH·e Teodoro 1\1. Kalaw and Claro 1\1. RecM are honorary officers. After the. shoots, members and guests gathered at the club's headquarter for a stag luncheon. Classification and Women's Shoot WITH EMPHASIS ON THE WOMEN [By MOD. FLORE8] The adoption of the classification courses as prescribed in the 1939 program of shoots (page 57) of the N. R. P. A. was ag·reed upon at ·che last meeting of the board of ~i!ectors on June 17, a resolution to this effect having been approved by that body. These cfassification course5 will replace the qualification courses, requiring all Tyros of the association to fire the former courses as often as possible, until they make the grade. · July, 1939 THE MARKSMAN 41 It will be recalled here that at the time you applied for membership in the N.R.P.A. you heartily endorsed its objective; "To encourage marksmanship especially among young men and women throughout the Islands as a means of National Defense." In order to live up to this purpose of· the N. R. P. A., each member is requested to fire the classification course in either the pistol or the rifle. We do not expect everyone to be able to qualify even as intermediate class but we earnestly request that he should at least fire the prescribed course. An examination of the list of those who have already fired th~ classification courses scheduled in our program of activities for this year indicates that many names have not been included to date. It is presumed however that the'se parties concerned must have either been very busy or overlooked the matter. In the way of brushing up a little members are earnestly requested to fire the prescribed classification course at their earliest convenience. The N. R. P. A. intends to report later to the Philippine Army the names of those who htve qutlified in either Pistol or Rifle, and it wiH ind~ed by a pleasure to have your name in the list. The ladies of N. R. P.A. members are also being called upon to hustle up a bit, this year's ladies' shoot having been poorly attended. The way we look at it, the members are to blame for this because of their indifference i~ preferring to have the ladies stay at home instead of limbering up in wide ~pen spaces of the ranges and shootin~ at targets. It is beUeved that by taking your wife to the ranges once or twice a week, her household duties will not be sorely abandoned. On the contrary, her experience gained outdoors will win for her self-confidence and good com_ pany. It might also be mentioned, in this connection, that you are not always on hand to protect your family and home from intruders ... In other countries, women are given military training in camps for several months. Here, there is no such law compelling our women to undergo military training. However, the National Defense Act is not for men alone. Women must share with them the burden of military preparedness. The N. R. P. A. has a noble aim to help the Commonweal th Government train the Filipino citizen~y, including the women, of course, in this outdoor sport; which in itself is a healthy recreation. 42 THE MARKSMAN Julv, 1939 The N. R. P. A. board of directors, therefore, requests all the members to urge and encourage their wives and daughters to learn the art of target shooting for the proper care and handling of fire arms. With this end in view, we have included in our annual program the Ladies Pistol Shoot. This year, this event is scheduled for May 7, 1939, but which was postponed to November on account of the negligible number of entries. In passing, we wish to repeat here that the N. R. P. A. ranges are at the disposal of the members from 8 :00 A. M. to 5 :00 P. M. Before firing, however, please report to the administrative officer or to the rangP. officer. You should also inform either officer on duty that you are shooting for the Classification Shoot. DUMAGUETE GUN CLUB GETS ITS INCORPORATION PAPERS The newly organized Dumaguete Gun Club has already received its papers of incorporations and will soon lay down its prograii:i o:f acti_vities. Over at the Matheson farm the club has leased the shooting _range, and ranges at various distances are now under construction. The members of the board o.f directors of the club are: Dr. Santiag:> S. Calo, president; Dr. Eduvigio G. Ruperto, vice-presient; Lt. Benjamin Viloria, secret.ary; Felicisimo -Flores, treasurer; and Robert S. Matheson, member Charter members of the club are: Dr. Emilio _M. Javier, Mariano Perdices, Eduvigio Ruperto, Alejandro Aviado, Dr. Santiago S. Calo, Jose Flores, Miguel Amil, Leonardo Ozoa., Pedro Flores, Dr. Jesus F. Ozoa, · Simeon S. Flores, Lt. Florencio B. Gonzales, Manuel E. Gonzales, Felipe Catadman, Felicisimo Flores, Robert S. Matheson, and Benjamin N. Viloria. During the recent town fiesta prominent men of the province participated in the open pistol competition held at Silliman ROTC range. About 75 entries competed in the pistol and rifle shoots. Winners in the pistol competition were: Lt. Benjamin Viloria, 98 points; Godofredo Jorolan, 94 points; Robert S. Matheson, 94 points; Dr. Santiago S. Calo, 93 points. Winners in the rifle competition were: Henry Flesher, first place ; George Fleisher, second place. Plans are under way for competitions in various distances and calibers, and a program for the month,Jy shoots will be published.