Western boat - Tail bullets


Part of The Marksman Magazine

Western boat - Tail bullets
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
54 THE MARK g MAN .Tul'y, I93°~ WES·TERN BOAT-TAIL BULLETS GREATER VELOCITY BY PRODUCING A BULLET WITH LESS TAIL DRAG As a bullet flies through the air, the air stream passing from point to base tends to create a vacuum. at the base which acts as a drag on the forward progress of the bullet. The greater the velocity, the more noticeable this vacuum or vortex (see illustration). By using a bullet with a reduced tail diameter, the negative effect of the vortex is reduced with consequent greater velocity. This has been known for some time, but until a few ~ars a.go bullets of this type proved erratic' and inaccurate. The Western Cartridge Company produced the first boat-tai bullets from an accuracy standpoint. ';rhese new bullets were .submitted iJI the United States Ordnance Department tests and performed so well that they have since been adopted hy the United States and other_ govern-. ments for their service rifle ammunition. They have been used by the world's best shots on the range and tbeir remarkable accuracy has contributed to many world's records. This is the First Boat-Tail Bullet to Win a U. S. Government ~ccuracy Test Re1narkable photograph of bullet tmvelling 2,700 feet per seco1id, showing air resistance at poin.t and ~ast'!:.. Compare the wide vortex 6r tail d1 ag with that of the boat·tail bullet shown on the opp-Osite picture. Actual plwtograph made by United States Bureau of Standards illus· frating how the Western Boat-tail bullet reduces air resistance. Note particularly how the reduction in l1ase diameter diminishes the area of tail drag or vo»tex. Winner of 10th Far Eastern Olympic .22 Rifle Championship, R. Dixon, one of the ex_ pert riflemen in the Islands. He was the best shot in his time. Sgt, :M. Burlingame: of the Nichols },ield Pistol Club, first prize winner in the 10th Far Eastern Olympic Pistol •Championship.