Dr. Jose Laurel wins popularity by opposing Americans


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Dr. Jose Laurel wins popularity by opposing Americans
Volume 1 (Issue no. 4) November 1946
Philippines -- Politics and government
Philippines -- History -- 19th century -- Japanese occupation
Laurel, Jose P.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
DR. JOSE LAUREL WINS POPULARITY BY OPPOSING AMERICANS MANILA, Oct. 10.-Jose P. Laurel, wartime Japanese puppet president, accused of being the arch traitor ·of the Philippines, is regaining public esteem by lambasting a proposal to give Americans equal rights in developing the isl~nd's natural resources: Laurel is still on bail. On his three speeches he was cheered wildlr for his militant stand against the so-called parity amendment to the new republic's constitution. Todar he appears to be an influential public iigure. Minorit)' congressmen opposing President Roxas backed amendment are even reported urging him to lead the fil[ht against it bciore the March I Ith plebiscite, BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2-5991 Sacramento, California LIM'S TAILOR SHOP CLEANING.- PRESSING Ladies' ond Gents•· Suits Mode lo• Order Alterations of All Kinds All Work Guo,anteed 307 Kay Strool Sacramento Socram.nto, Calif. J FILIPINOS DENY BASES AT MANILA MANILA, Oct. 23.-The Manila Times said Philippines negotiators were standing pat in their refusal to yield any of Manila Bay shoreline for permanent military · installations, deadlocking the conference with the United States negotiators who are seeking bases in the Islands. FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales, Prop. P. 0 . Box 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE NORTHENIAN CAFE Victor Regonon, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA CLARENCE R. CAMERON'S MELODY RECORD SHOP THE HOUSE OF MUSIC COLLECTOR'S JAZZ • Phone 3-2872 624 J Stroot A-N-C Market GROCER'f-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Most Modern Market Edward Pocificor, General.Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. _, _ _