MacArthur asked to look at Philippine troops morale


Part of The Philippine Gazette

MacArthur asked to look at Philippine troops morale
Volume 1 (Issue no. 4) November 1946
Military morale
American overseas military deployment
MacArthur, Douglas
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
JAPANESE SOLDIERS ARE FOUND EA TING SLAIN FILIPINO WOMAN · '.'H AXILA, Oct. !.-The Philippine :\Iilitary Police today on patrol surprised :,even stan·ing Japanese soldiers ghoulishly ieasting on the flesh oi a murdered Filipino woman, at :\lalaybalay, :\Iindanao. The :\lPs killed six oi the Japanese. The sn•enth ~aped. The ~port said that this is the third recent cannabalism found in the Bukidnon plateau. Jr is C'timnr~d that there arc I 00 unsurre,idcrcd Japanese in that area. OCK LEE HAND LAUNDRY ] 1021 FIFTH mEEr Socromento, California I 5TH GonEd·N,AEY HUGHES DRUGS J5TH ond 5TH AYE. PHONE l-5'71 PHONE 5-2''4 SACRAMENTO VICTORY FRUIT STORE George Koronton# Prop. Soaomento I FRISCO FRUIT MARKET Pete Gionopolis, Prop. 401 L Street Sacramento, California MACARTHUR ASKED TO LOOK AT PHILIPPINE TROOPS MORALE WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. -Gen· era) Dwight Eisenhower, the army chief oi staff today asked General Douglas :\lacArthur to investigate reports of disintegrating morale among United States troops in the Pacific area, particularly th~t of the Philippines. The New Times especially expressed concern over the situation in the Philippinl5 yesterday in an editorial commenting on a dispatch from its :Manila correspondent. The dispatch said troops in Manila have been characterized bv the Filipino leaders as "brash, ill mannered, slovenly, contemptuous children." It said that the men have not been indoctrinated by their officers in pride in their units, themsch•ci;, the army or the United States. ANN'S SERVICE STATION Open 24 Hours lubrico:ion, Car Washing, Greasing Tire Repair. Special Rares to Truch 1215 2nd STREET Sa:rom.nto, Calif. l • A-1 Poultry & Marlcet EGGS ond GROCERIES ,hone 2-0815 '===1=20=7=4=th=ST= •• =SA=C=R=A=M=E=N=TO===.: