Republic of the Philippines


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Republic of the Philippines
Volume 1 (Issue no. 4) November 1946
American diplomatic and consular service
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES 1617 Massachusetts Avenue. N. W. Washington 6, D. C. The Philippine Government desires to extend to Filipinos now in the U nited States an opportunity to train for the Foreign Sen·ice of the Republic. The Foreign Sen·ice 1•.·ill be a career service based on merit. It is open onlyto citizeus of the Philippines. Those who are interested in the training offered for this work should applv to this office. Competiti,·e entrance · examinations will be gh·en at a latter date. The following i. a summary of the requirements go,·erning Foreign Sen·ice examinations: (A) Th~retical Subjects-weight 60 per cent. I. International Law or International Trade. 2. History of Diplomacy and Political and Eonomic Geographr or '.\Iodern Histon• and Political and Economic Conditions. 3. Philippine Economic Conditions. 4. Philippine History and Go,·emment. 5. Spanish or French 6. English Composition. Applicants may choose which of two subjects in (1), (2) and (5) he wishes to take. Passing general 8\"erage in theoretical examination is 7 5 per cent provided that candidate gets no lower than 65 per cent in any one subject. ( B) Education, training and experience to be rated on basis of sworn statements in application. Relative weight for this is 10 per cent ( C) Practical examination will consist of an oral interview and actual tests of fitness. Only candidates passing theoretical and oral interview tests will be called for practical examination. Relative weight for this is 30 per cent. Applicant must be; (I) at least 21 not Jess than 4-0 years of age c.xcept G~\·ernment employees in whose cases maximum age limit may be waived; (2) must submit certificates of good moral character from three responsible persons and medical certificate of good health from any rdiable physician; ( 3) must not have anv criminal record or been punished ar~1inistrativel~·; and ( 4) must be holder of either Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, Bachelor of Laws or anv other four-vear Baccalatireat degree maj-;,ring in political science, economics or historv obtained from school of recoimized standing. This press release is intended to enable those desiring to take the examination to prepare themselves adequately. The places of examinations will be announced later. It is hoped that as many of those who have the qualifications should avail themselves of this opportunity. Application forms may be secured by writing to this Office. LUXOR TAXI COMPANY I DIAL 4-1781 100% Uftion--2...,Hour Service-Veteran Owned Out-of-Town Trips Courteous O,i.,•rs TOMMY SHEA, Owner Office: J1"/, I STREET . Stand: 1601 IC St., Sacramento, Calif. HARRIS JEWELRY CO. Guaranteed Watch Repairing JACK & BILL A&N Used Cars PHONE 3-6043 510 CAPITAL AVE. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. -2