Roxas to refuse Franco medal


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Roxas to refuse Franco medal
Volume 1 (Issue no. 4) November 1946
Decorations of honor—Spain
Grand Cross of the Order of Carlos Tercero
Roxas, Manuel A.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Philippine Gazette PUBLISHED MONTHLY COVERING SACRAMENT0. STOCKTON AND SAN FRANCISCO AREAS 1314 Sixth Street •:· Sacramento, California $3.00 per Year Vol. 1, No. 4 MANUEL L. QUEZON THE LATE PRESIDENT MANUEL L. QUEZON STILL SPEAKS . . . It was in 1909, that the militant Manuel L. Quezon was chosen by the assemblv as one of the two Resident Commissioners at ,vashinton. During the se,·en years Quezon held post, he waged a vigorous campaign to influence American opinion both in and out oi Congress. Congressman Jones of Virginia introduced in March. 1912. the first Philippine independence bill which bears his name. The bill provide for complete independence in eight years for the Philippines. 25c per Copv November 1946 On March 24, 1934. the TydingsMcDuffieAct was approved giving the Philippines complete freedom after a short transition of IO years. Quezon Was sick in bed in Manila but he made speeches for its adoption. In I 935 the Commonwealth oi the Philippines was established through the undy ing work of Manuel L. Quezon. On July ~. I 946, the Independence oi the Philippines was given with General Douglas MacArthur, a bosom friend of Quezon. as guest speaker and Manuel A. Roxas. trained by Quezon for the work, succeeded him. Although the late Quezon is now resting in peace .in the grave the \\·ork he has done for his countrv remains immortal. If he were still alive he would say - build up the Philippines to be a modern countrv in the world ... make it a champion for ireedom ... make it the true light of a benighted Asia. ROXAS TO REFUSE FRANCO MEDAL MAN ILA. - President Manuel A. Roxas said vesterday he intended to decline a decoration which he understood the Spanish government was offering him. Roxas said he had no official knowldege of the decoration but had read news dispatches that Generalissimo Franco had signed degrees awarding him the Grand Cross of the Order of Carlos Tercero and awarding the Vice President Elpidio Quirino the Order of Grand ·Cross · of Isabela Catolica.