U.S. Army in Philippines ordered to alert its leadership


Part of The Philippine Gazette

U.S. Army in Philippines ordered to alert its leadership
Volume 1 (Issue no. 4) November 1946
American overseas military deployment
Military personnel -- Conduct of life
Christiansen, G.J.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TRUMAN SEES SPECIAL CONNOTATION IN PART OF LINCOLN ADDRESS WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.—Presi­ dent Truman said “a special and solemn connotation in (present) world affairs” is in the closing resolve of Lincoln’s Get­ tysburg address: “That this nation, under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.” In the proclamation dedicating Nov. 19th as the 83rd anniversary of the de­ livery of the address, Truman said, “those classic lines are enshrined forever in the hearts of Americans.” FEDERAL COUNCIL WELCOMES UNITED NATIONS DELEGATES NEW YORK—A resolution welcom­ ing officers and delegates of the United Nations General Assembly, scheduled to convene in this country October 2 were adopted here by the executive committee of the Federal Council of Churches. CHINESE TO RULE THEIR OWN CHURCHES EDINBURGH—Foreign missionaries in China must be prepared in the future to work under Chinese leaders rather than as “bosses” according to Dr. John Stewart, who returned here from a visit in Manchuria and China on behalf of the Foreign Mission Committee of the Church of Scotland. U. S. ARMY IN PHILIPPINES ORDERED TO ALERT ITS LEADERSHIP MANILA, Oct. 26.—Maj. Gen. G. J. Christiansen, Western Pacific Com­ mander, today urged his officers to show the utmost possible leadership of U. S. Army troops in the Philippines. General Christiansen issued a memor­ andum to all commanders down to the rank of captain directing their best efforts in handling the influx of recruits. “This situation should challenge you to exercise every ounce of leadership you have,” he said. “We have three major jobs in the Philippines,” General Christenson said. “First, we must have an Army which ronducts itself in such manner that the Filipino people will continue to welcome us as guests in their land. This implies that our soldiers be disciplined, courteous, rrsnectful to authority and other people’s rights, properly dressed and properly be­ haved. “Second, we must retrain our Army. Since our non-coms are young and inex­ perienced and our replacements untrain­ ed, it is obvious that officers must supply the experience necessary to make this new Army. “Third, we must perform our current mission—a task which cannot be neglect­ ed.” SACRAMENTO LOAN and JEWELRY CO. Money Io Loan on Watches, Jewelry Expert Watch Repairing Unredeemed Pledges For Sale Wardrobe Trunks Our Specialty 511 Kay Street Sacramento COMMERCIAL HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Italian and Steak Dinners Telephone 3-3688 Emmett Regan, Owner Johnny Flynn, Mgr. 3rd and I STS., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. Lubrication Tire Repairing 601 L STREET WILLET & KINTANA UNION .SERVICE Washing Retreading SACRAMENTO