J. L. Canseco


Part of The Philippine Gazette

J. L. Canseco
Volume 1 (Issue no. 4) November 1946
Filipino Veterans—Isleton (California)
Veterans' membership organizations
American Legion
Canseco, J.L.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
J. L. CANSECO Past Commander J. L. Canseco, foun­ der and first commander of Magellan Post 604 American Legion, organizes another Legion Post for Filipino veterans of wars in Isleton, California. Commander Canseco, suggests that every veteran of World War I and World War II should take the oppor­ tunity to become a member of the Amer­ ican Legion for the purpose of contribut­ ing himself to distinction of honor, bravery and heroism for which country he was fighting for. We must defend America! DEGREE FOR NIMITZ DET ROIT , Oct. 24.—Fleet Admiral Chester \V. Nimitz received honorary doctor of laws degree today from Wayne Lnivcrsity for his “service to the Ameri­ can people.” CAPITAL JEWERLY n^rn' DS + W'TCHES R' D'O' ! Old Gold Bought watch re°a:ring i PHONE 3-4330 G9.G .J Sacramento ; □— -------------— -i/71 3 Photcs; 3 Peso;; 3 Minutes—25: FOTQE7TE STUDIOS Male Life-Like Photos Hannah Minot.Mgr. 402 K STREET SACRAMENTO ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO For Those Who Wont the Best! Quick Service and Reasonable Prices Hove Your Shoes Half Soled Today and Look Like New! Satisfaction Guaranteed SHELBY HARDWARE CO. • COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE Toe Is—Cutlery Household Goods—Sporting Goods Plumbiig Supplies—Points and Varnishes Phone 3-2371 514 L STREET SACRAMENTO Chinese Church of Chrisf Sunday Services Mor.-inq Service........................................11 ;00 °'. m. S ndny School....... -................. 2:30 p. rn. E.cr.irg Sc:*«;c...................-.............-- p. m. Rev. S. W. KWOK. Pester 519 J! S/roet Phone 2-6760 Secramonto, Cclifafia MANILA SHOE SHINE DAN CARBONA, Owner 1016 5th ST SACRAMENTO — 4—