Vice-President Osmena praises gallantry of Chinese people


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Vice-President Osmena praises gallantry of Chinese people
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Vice-President Osmena Praises Gallantry of Chinese People On the sixth anniversary of the Japanese invasion of China, Vice-President Sergio Osmena issued the following statement in tribute to “the bravery, tenacity, heroism and spirit of sacrifice of the great Chinese people”: “On the sixth anniversary of China’s fight against Japan, the sympathy and admiration of the Filipino people go out to the valiant Chinese people. We who have also faced the fury of Japanese aggression with little more than bare fists appreciate fully how indomitable must be the will, how strong the faith, and how true the courage of the Chinese people. Through six long years of painful and arduous struggle, they have carried on admirably amidst dispiriting handicaps and against formidable odds. They have proved that no sacrifice is too great for the sake of liberty, freedom and democracy. More than this, from the ashes of each bloody setback, the Chinese people have risen stronger, more resolute and more united than ever. "Today, the Filipino people join all freedom-loving na­ tions in saluting the bravery, tenacity, heroism and spirit of sacrifice of the great Chinese people. Just as we are bound together in the fight against the common enemy, so do we look forward with faith and confidence to the time when the Chinese and Filipino peoples will work together in the peace that will follow the victory of the United Nations.” 6 Philippines