The Year in Review


Part of The Marksman Magazine

The Year in Review
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
14 THE MARKSMAN August, 1939 The Year In Review RECORDS BROKEN. CRACK SHOTS DEVELOPED AND INTER-CLUB MATCHES HELD The Board of Governors Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation Manila, Philippines Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit a report on the shooting activities of the National Rifle and Pistol Association of the Philippines during the past year, as follows: A decided improvement in the scores made during the past yem· in both rifle and pistol matches was noted. This improvement is specially significant because of the proximity of the Olympic Games next year, and should give us cause for optimism in the ability of our shooters to hold their own in the international matches in Finland in 1940. With a view to training our shooters for the coming World Olympics, we have instituted a series of matches exactly similar to those held at the last Berlin Olympics. This was made possible through the generosity of Don Jorge L. Araneta and the D-M-H-M Publications, donors of trophies in the pistol and rifle events, respectively. In fact, several persons interested in developing the shooting skill of our citizens donated cups and medals during the past 12 months for various events, including· General Guillermo B. Francisco, Chief of Constabulary, former Speaker Gil Montilla, Perfecto Cruz, Dr. Vergel de Dios, Jose Teehankee, Tomas Navarro, Ramon Villamor, Dr. Jose Alberto, and Pedro Escalambre. These trophies were donated in addition to the regular set of medals given by th.e association for other events. Among the outstanding· records made during this oeriod was the score of. 299 out of a possible 300 points made by A. von Einsiedel of the University of the Philippines, during the Philippine Exposition .22 caliber rifle championship, one point lower than the world's record set by Dr. Rogeberg of Sweden in Berlin. ~t is to be noted that the score made by the PhiiHppine representative to the Berlin Olympics was 296 points, placing fourth, a score which has been bettered by half a dozen local shooters at actual competition these past 12 months. Felix Cortes, holder of various national championships in the pistoi, alsc shot ·consistently above 510 out of a possible 600 points in the 50 meters pistol event. Mr. Cortes August, 1939 THE MARKSMAN 15 is at present in the United States on a pleasure trip, where he will attend the American national matches in Camp Perry this September. Fo1~ the first time since General Basilio Valdes offered his trophy three y~rs ago, rifle shooters made perfect scores, thus tying pistolmen headed by Messrs. Cortes, who holds two leg,; of the cup, Ramon Villamor, Dr. Jose Albe1·to, Porfirio Soriano and Lt. Carlos Quirino. The tie will be broken within the next few weeks. Although emphasis has been laid ~n events which will develop a handful of shooters good enough for international competition, the average shooter was not forgotten. Since it is discouraging for the average shooter to enter topflight competition, the association arranged for a series of Classification Shoots in order to keep their interest in the sport. Special handicap and tyro matches were also held for this purpose. To encourage. the sport iri the provinces. several postal and inter-club matches were held in Cebu, Baguio, Malolos, and elsewhere. NRPA teams, it need not be added, won the greater majority of these events, partly due to their greater competitive exper:ence. Incidentally, in the duel postal meet with the Saigon Federation Cochinchinoise de Tir et Preparation Militaire, held nearly a year ago, the scores made by the local· teams in all three events were very much higher than those of Saigon, such that no real competition existed between the two countries. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. To accustom our shooters with the best type of firearms: we strongly recommend that suitable pistols and rifles for Olympic competL tion be purchased this year in order that our best shoots may be trained in their use. For example, at the last Berlin Olympics, our representatives bought the Udo nis.tol onlv one wee_k prior to the matche·s. Their scores would undoubtedly have been higher had they been better acquainted with the new arm. 2. In the event that Mr. FeUx Cortes proceeds to Finland next year, that he be named as a member of the Phfrlippine delegation in the pistol event without further need of a competitive try-out. His past record fully establishes him as our premier pistol shooter. COPY. Respectfully, (SGD.) CARLOS QUIRINO NRPA Delegate to the P AAF Meeting of the Board of Governors. 16 THE MARKSMAN August, 1939 July 29, 1939 Dr Regino Ylanan Secretary-Treasurer Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation Manila Dear Dr. Ylanan: In connection with the annual report submitted by the undersigned to the Board of Governors of the P AAF, kindly include the attached two pages containing the national pistol and rifle championships for 1938, the Trap and Skeet Championships., and notable scores made during a registered match in 1938-39. Furthermore, kindly insert the additional recommendation: "Membership of the PAAF in the Union Internationale de Tir is strongly recommended by the NRP A in order that records maqe in the Philippines be recognized abroad. The Union has its offices at 46 Rue de Provence, Paris." COPY. Yours sfocerely, (SGD.) CARLOS QUIRINO · NATIONAL RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION 19~8 National Pistol Championship .22 caliber 60 shots, slow fire, at 50 meters, International Targets CONTESTANTS 1. Feli.x Cortes 2. Ramon V illamcr 3. H. T. Castelo 4. A. von Einsiedel 5. Otoniel Gonzaga 6. B. Boone 7. Jose C. Alberto 8. Miss Eva Estrada 9. Dr. A. Teehankee 10. B. Ronquillo 11. R. Pansacola 12. Ramon Soler SCORES 496 x 600 487 481 477 468 467 464 457 441 440 433 427 August, 1939 THE MARKSMAN 13. Gregorio Lugtu 14. B. Austria 15. P. E. Lewin 16. Augusto Salas 17. Enrique Katigbak 18. Lt. Adolfo Euf emio 19. Dr. R. Villaroman 20. A. E. William 420 415 402 400 393 389 342 291 1938 National Rifle Championship .22 caliber 40 shots, slow fire~ International Course, at 50 & l 00 meters 1. Cesar_ Jayme 2. Felix Cortes 3. Delfin Jaranma, Jr. 4. Tom Highsmith 5. Frank W. Casebeer 6. Victor Baltazar 7. Carlos Quirino 8. Dr. Jose C. Alberto 9. F. Alegre 10. Albert von Einsiedel 11. P. E. Lewin 12. Esteban H. Ferrer 13. Roy Dixon 14. Dr. Ramon Soler 15. Vicente Manuel 16. Ramon Villareal 17. J. Mata 18 .. J. Hoggle 19. Felix P. Wijangco 50M lOOM Total 197 198 395 x 400 198 193 391 196 194 390 192 196 388 192 196 388 199 189 388 192 194 386 193 19a 386 193 192 385 188 195 383 189 193 382 192 190 382 193 189 382 186 195 381 193 187 380 187 191 378 191 186 377 186 188 374 197 173 370 17 (NOTE: The winner established a new Far Eastern record, 2 points better than that of Mr. Dixon who won the 1934 Far Eastern Olympics in this event.) National .45 Caliber Pistol Championship 20 shots at 20 yards and 20 shots at 50 yards, sloWi fire, USRA 'fargets .. CONTESTANTS 1. Felix Cortes 2. Lt. Williamson 3. Lt. Col. Ramos 4. Mrs. F. Cortes 5. Duffell 6. Dr. V. de Dios SCORES 355 x 400 331 324 322 318 317 18 THE MARKSMAN 7. Dr. J. C. Alberto 8. F. I. Calfee 9. Gregorio Lugtu 10. W. E. Hammers 11. B. Boone 12. Pedro Mabanta 13. E. G. Cowan 14. Modesto F. Flores 15. McNally 16. R. E. Johnson 17. Williams Alvin 315 306 :~05 304 299 291 287 282 270 251 244 August, 193~\ 1939 National Skeet champion ______________ D. Jaranilla, Sr. !}3 x 100 1939 NatiOnal 12 gauge champion __________ Tom Myers, 192 x 200 , (Shotgun events were held at the Cosmopolitan Gun Club, San Pedro· Makati, Rizal> NOTABLE SCORES .MADE DURING A REGISTERED MATCH ,IN 1938-39: Ann Contestant Course Score .22 Rifle A. von Ein.siedel 50M, iron sights 299 x 300 PhH. Exposition .22 Rifle D. J aranilla, Jr. Dewar, iron sights 398 x 400 Cebu lnterclub . 22 Rifle Ramon Villamor 50Y, iron sights · 192 x 200 . .22 Pistol Felix Cortes NRPA Kneeling Mate~. - 50M, Araneta Shoot 524 x 600 * * "' * FOR VARIOUS PRINTING MATTERS AT REASONABLE PRICES AND PROMPT SERVICE, TRY The CRAFTSMAN PRINTING CO. SOCIAL AND COMMERCIAL PRiNTERS 222 Raon, Sta. Cruz, Mani:a Tel. 2 -63-52