Who does God's work will get God's pay


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Who does God's work will get God's pay
Calendar, Boston S.J.
Religious poetry
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
39 First Convent in Quiangan^ with Fr. Hoeman taught, but who willl instruct them? I, you may say, dear reader. Yes, as their missionary I am willing to teach the Ifugaos the road to heaven, hut I can not do it alone. Come and help me ....let us work together for God and Country. Let us togeth­ er work for the Ifugaos, make of them a strong clearminded Christian population. Help me .... for alone, what can I do for 65,000 pagans? WHO DOES GOD’S WORK Who does God’s work will get God’s pay. However long may seem the day. However weary be the way. Though powers may thunder *‘Nay!” No human hand.God’s hand can stay. Who does His work will get His pay. Help me by your prayers, if you can not come here in the mountains; help me by supporting a catechist who will take your place, and with me, visit the hundreds of villages, instruct the thousands of children, help the old people and send the dying to heaven where they will pray for you and secure heaven for you or increase your glory there immensely for ever. Would’nt you like it? WILL GET GOD’S PAY God hurries not, nor makes delay. Who works for Him will get His pay. Some certain hour, some certain day. But God’s high wisdom knows a way. And this is sure, let come what may. Who does God’s work will get God’s pay. —Boston S. J. Calendar.