Mailbag of the little Apostle


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Mailbag of the little Apostle
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
53 MAILBAG OFTHE LITTLE APOSTLE For all correspondence with “The Little Apostle’’ send your letters to The Little Apostle, Box 1393, Manila Dear Little Apostles of the Moun­ tain Province: A few days ago I received a nice lit­ tle letter from some nice little Tots of the Assumption College, Manila. Here it is: Dear Reverend Father. We received the Little Apostle of the Mountain Province and we have seen the picture of our chapel at Mayaoyao. We like it and we are veryglad that Little Jesus has a house now there. We hope the Igorotes will soon be converted at that place if we say the Our Father many times and try to be obedient. The other things in the Magazine we did not quite well understand and it will be very kind of you, dear Father, if you write some stories for the little ones, to make us laugh. Will you answer, please, our letter in the mailbag of the Little Apostle. Your respectful children of the little class who wish to become little apostles of the M. P. A. C. Manila. Judge of my surprise when I read that excellent suggestion and petition to make the Little Apostle more at­ tractive, especially for little Tots. I confess, I did not sleep for several “days.” Brr....the expenses. But can I refuse anything to the most lovely human creatures: little children, the privileged friends of little Jesus? But then if I give two pages to the little Tots, what will the other sub­ scribers say? A terrible dilemma. Should the latter lore two pages? No that can not be. So I have decided to add eight pages more and hence, dear readers, you shall have to pay for your yearly subscription not three pesos, not two pesos, not even one and a half, but as you have done in the past: one peso a year in the Philippines and one dollar a year in other countries. Are you satisfied? So am I, if I can make both ends meet. What shall these eight pages con­ tain? First there must be two pages FOR THE LITTLE TOTS. Would you not like some current events? Some nice stories? Some instructive matter? You will get all that for one peso a year. Tell this, shout it to your neigh­ bors: the number of subscribers must increase to help me pay the expenses. Pass your “Little Apostle” to your friends: you do a good work for God and country in making other people in­ terested in the conversion and civili­ zation of the Igorotes. But I suppose the other classes of people will not come now with new suggestions just because I gave what the Little Tots wanted. Many priests have sent in their peso, some new subscribers added most encouraging letters. Here follow two: 54 xVfacabebe, Pampanga. My dear Father. I am interested in your mission work in the Mountain Province, and wish to subscribe to your monthly pa­ per kThe Little Apostle of the M. P2 for which I enclose herewith one peso bill. Please mail copies to the under­ signed and many thanks. Domingo G. Pineda. Justice of the Peace for.... Dear Father Vandewalle: I acknowledge the receipt of the two numbers of the Little Apostle, edited by you, corresponding to June and July, the reading of which delight­ ed me very much and gave me infor­ mation regarding the Christianization of my countrymen of the northern Lu­ zon. In good and simple English the Lit­ tle Apostle aims at giving an account of the superhuman efforts of the Bel­ gian Fathers for the rescue of the hea­ thens of the North from ignorance by the light of true civilization. Your la­ bors to that end have gathered good fruits and now there are many breth­ ren Igorotes who are baptized and pro­ fess the Catholic religion. History recognises that, if it were not for the catholic Missionaries who brought here civilization from Europe, the Phi­ lippine Islands would have remained in the darkness of an uncivilized na­ tion. But at present this country of mine, thanks to its Catholic civiliza­ tion, is the best in regard to morality in the whole Orient. It is a fact that the heathens of the North and the South of the Philip­ pines to whom the Catholic religion has not yet reached, are an obstacle to the necessary preparedness for the free and independent government of the Islands. For this reason, your labors for their Christianization must be ap­ preciated by all Filipinos, catholics and non-catholics. For my part, herewith I enclose one peso for one year’s subscription and I pray God to bless your missions. Rev. Jose Mercado PH. D. Parochial house of Cainta, Rizal. July 7th, 1924. I could copy many more letters, for instance, of the active Father Abaya from Candon, I. S. who says: “Here is my peso for a subscription. I do not understand English, but I wish to cooperate with your Missionaries in the conversion of the Igorotes.” No doubt the Father will pass his num­ ber of the Little Apostle on to his many friends of Candon. The parish priest of Abulog, Pang, collected 8 subscriptions and promises to find more. “Bravo, Reverend Fa­ ther, mav others imitate vour exampie. It will bring the blessing of God upon your own missionary work in your parish.” And now.’ “go, Little Apostle. Visit the Christian homes and families of the Philippines and other countries. Obtain some more alms and prayers for the conversion of the 300,000 Pagans of the Mountain Province. God wills it.” O. Vandewalle. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Blessed Little Flower’s fund for the Bokod Mission. From a Filipino gentleman to do some «rood for God and Country---- P10O.0O Received before----------------------- — .. 10.90 Total P110.90 For the missions, from Tuguegarao----- F5.00 For the Church of Our Lady of Atone­ ment ---------------- P5.0O We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of some canceled stamps, for the benefit of the Missions from: Miss Marcelina Pech, Pasig, Rizal. Miss Sivestra Prudencio, Pasig, Rizal. Mr. Pedro C. Pangilan, Tondo, Manila. The Little Apostle thanks most heartily the benefactors. All the Missionaries remember them everyday at mass.