The Week's new roundup


Part of National Weekly

The Week's new roundup
Poetry (Literary form)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October 8, 1949 NATIONAL WEEKLY Page 33 Operations Palomar — On the strength of intelligence reports that the district of Palomar in Tondo is a nest of dissident elements the Mani­ la Police at three o’clock in the morning Sunday cordoned the place and launched a ve­ ritable “zona.” Altogether a total of 68 suspects were rounded up by the police, two were held by them for illegal possession of firearms and the rest were turned over to the Philippine Constabulary G-2 for further investigation. The two held by the police were Genaro Ramos, 36, of 1020 Narcisa Rizal street, and Ernesto Estrella, 22, of 821 Asuncion extension. From Ramos an unlicensed carbine was seized and a Japanese rifle from Estrella. The cordoning of the dis­ trict and the screening of all re idents were made on the strength of reports gathered by Capt. Ambrocio Lorenzo who is in charge of the MPD intelligence section that the links had planned to rise up in arms sometime before or after the elections. Although nb top Huks were taken. “Operations Palomar’’ proved to all and sundry that the po­ lice could cope with any situation that may arise. Murray Case — The trial Mrs. Ester del Rosario Murray who is accused of parricide for the death of her husband. George C. Murray, was scheduled to begin Tues­ day at the Quezon City court of-first instance. Mrs. Murray has for her counsel a battery of lawyers includ­ ing ex-Justice Mariano H. de Joya and Atty. Amado Yatco.. On the prosecution side Asst. Prov. Fiscal Irineo V. Bernardo will appear, possibly assisted by legal Experts from the PC and the NBI. “Gloomy Sunday” — Who­ ever wins the Philippine pre­ sidency will not enjoy a holi­ day with the present preca­ rious financial position of the Philippines. With a current annual expenditures of P2I50,000,000, low income and a deficit already reaching to Pl 09.000,000. the difficult situation is further aggra­ vated by the release of P30, 000,000 for guerrilla currency redemption and the approval by the President of P2.000,000 corresponding to two months’ bonus deductible from backpav certificates. PCAFP Vendetta _ Two Philippine Army soldiers were killed and five PC men were injured more or less seriously, one of them a cap­ tain when members of the two units clashed in Bamban, Tarlac, last Friday afternoon. Killed were Pfc.. Alfredo Guimba and Pfc. Juanito Jardeleza, both of the 3rd Heavy Mbrtar Co., AFP, while those suffering from grenade shrapnel injuries were Capt. Felipe Bruan. commanding officer of the 102nd PC company, Sgt. Al­ fonso Mabor and three pri­ vates. Two witnesses declared that the two were drunk and they picked a quarrel with TARUC’S NARROW . . . (Continued from page 5) their objective was Taruc and Taruc was somewhere there. The dissidents would not fight so stubbornly if their Supremo was not among them in that barrio. Thn barrio became a fort. Port holes were cut from the nipa sidings of the houses and rifle slugs sent from them with gaining rapidity. During the battle, shouts encouraged the Huk oarrio garrison. Wo men’s voices singing martial airs gave the scene a touch of a melodrama. Soon the commandos got two PC soldiers whom they manhandled. It was when the matter was reported tn the PC that Capt. Bruan came with three soldiers and a non-com officer. He wa^ trying to effect the surrender of the two privates when one of them hurled a hand gre­ nade at them which exploded. Thn two were afterwards riddled with PC bullets. Check Forgerv — A clerk in the department of finr^c? has been suspended by See. Pio Pedrosa in connection with a US Veterans Adminis­ tration check in the amount of P9.309 which has been col­ lected by impostors. The check belomred to Ruben G. Tiburcio of Barranka. Mari­ kina. Rizal, who came to the offices of the USVA to claim the check. It was only then when the forgery was dis­ covered. “Collusion” — As Speaker Eugenio Perez expressed his fear of a Nacionalista inspired threat to peace and order, within close range and they began using their flame throwers and hand grenades. This precipitated the climax and the desperados made a rush for the back way with the intention of effecting an escape. A hand to hand com­ bat ensued'. The Huks fought their way out of the barrio, leaving behind a few casual­ ties. Taruc narrowly escaped t h e commandos’ clutches again. Part of his fleeing group was sighted by the Ne­ nitas. But the Huk supremo seemed to bear a charmed ex­ istence. A hundred bullets were speeded towards him President Elpidio Quirino charged the Avelino Party and the Nacionalista Partv with “collusion/’ stating that the two partisan groups are conniving to reduce the majo­ rity party into a minority bv excluding Quirino election inspectors from the chairman­ ship of the board. Realizing that the Quirinistas are placed at a disadvant­ age as a result of the Sup­ reme Court ruling granting the Avelino group an inspec­ tor, Perez proposes to file a motion for reconsideration seeking the withdrawal of such inspector. He recom mends that instead of an elec* tion inspector of the Avelino vTing, an inspecto" belonging to the commission on election be appointed. and not one found its mark. He escaped without a scratch, hotly pursued, but never caught. Taruc was apparent­ ly sure of his safety. He had a ready exit in case of a tight pinch and he had wisely p;O' vided ample warning and pro­ tection around his camp. Had it not been for the fact that the commandos were delayed by three ambuscades along the way, Taruc would have been easily trapped. Strange as it may seem, this running fight lasted three days, with scarcely a stop for food or water for the com­ mandos. Upon returning to the battalion headquarters in Araya t, Lt. Cruz and his men v.ere summoned to Manila and individually commended for their courage and braver/ by Gen. Mariano N. Castane­ da himself. \ (Next week we shall bring .you the intriguing story of the capture and release of Huk Commanders LIWAYWAY and ILANG, said to b: the most beautiful women in the whole Hukbalahap or­ ganization. Don’t fail to get a copy of next week’s issue o; the NATIONAL WEEKLY, and read all about the ins’d > story of these Huk Amazrrs. —Ed.).