

Part of The Philippine Magazine

Belrica, Tony
Corales, Pilita Singer
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
the years to come. By TONY BELRICA re ustriK ONE of the highest paid sing­ ers today in the Philippines has just joined the complex and fabulous world of the movies. Pilita Corrales emerged from a wounded life into a new field which offers a wider opportunity for the development of her crea­ tive talents. She never dreamt that one day, offers will come to her to appear in the movies. She knew her li­ mitations and she knew that act­ ing required a lot of courage and a lot of talent Although she is fluent in ren­ dering Tagalog melodies and Spa­ nish ballads, Pilita has not real­ ly mastered Tagalog. Her Cebuana accent is a persistent handi­ cap. This prevents her from be­ ing a first-rate dramatic actress. For one of the most important qualities of an actress of drama­ tic roles is the mastery of the lan­ guage of her art. Pilita knew this so that in selecting her movie parts, she chooses smaller roles as a preparation for the future big­ ger parts. Pilita’s involvement in a rising movie career does not however prevent her from pursuing her first love, singing. She stars in a weekly musical show which, for years, has been adjudged the best on TV by the Citizen’s Awards for Television. In addition, she re­ cently began to emcee and to per­ form in the noon-time extrava­ ganza, “Stop, Look and Listen” every Wednesday. Her recordings are consistent best sellers. She is a definite success in this field. In the movies, she invariably points to the RVQ Productions as the most sympathetic studio. She said that the people in that stu­ dio are patient with herGossips link her romantical­ ly with handsome actor, Eddie Gutierrez. However, she doesn't confirm or deny these rumors. She simply says that she likes Eddie. “He is a gentleman,” she declared. Pilita is a new and exciting mo­ vie actress. It used to be that one can be an actress merely by bulging in the right places. Now the world of the movies has changed. Faye Dunaway and Sid­ ney Poitier have changed the rules of the game. From now on, no idiot can hold for long a preeminent place in the world of entertainment. Thus, the local movies so shrewd in their imitations of for/ eign trends invariably follow suit. This trend is good for industry, good for the people,/and good for the country. The of more Pilitas will definite vive the flagging movie i m m And there are reasons t)/ belieVe that this trend will PHILIPPINE MAGAZINE, FEBRUARY 28, 1969 9