Pangasinan sharpshooters trek to Bonoan...


Part of The Marksman Magazine

Pangasinan sharpshooters trek to Bonoan...
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
44 T--H.--E I11 A R K S M A N August, 1!)39 Pangasinan Sharpshooters Trek to Bonoan for "Bull's Eye." Target enthusiasts of Pangasinan and. the nearby province.;; made a a day of it last Juiy 2 when they motored to the shooting ranges in BonoHn to participate in the target competition held in connection. with the picnic given in honor of Captain Eustaquio Lomuntad, provincial inspector, Angel Llanes, newly assigned provincial treasurer of Pangasinan, and Captain Polotan, provincial inspector of Tarlac. More than 200 members of the Agno. Valley Rifle and Pistol Association coming from Tarlac, Zambales, Nueva Ecija, Manila and neighboring provinces attended. The target competition started at 8 :00 a. m. and concluded at 5 :00 p. m. Ping pong, card games and other amusements were held and the visitors had a happy time; Fidel Diaz won top shoot honors with a score of 231 points~ followed by Jaime Arzadon of San Manuel with a total score of 226. Third place was taken by Dionisio A vecilla of La Union with a total of 221. Because of the enthusiasm shown by the members· who attended the competition, Luis Villanueva, president of the c_lub, announced that the annual target competition will be held in the same place the first week of January, 1940. The members of the association present were: Governor and Mrs. Alfonso Pablo, Captain Lomuntad, Capt. Polotan, Angel Fernandez, Ra.:. fael Monserrat, E. Bisda, Marcelo Balolong Eusebio Dizon, Apolonio Santos, Jose Ticsay, P. Casilang, Fidel Diaz, Angel Giron, Manuel Diolazo, Daniel Rodriguez, Severino Decena, Agustin Tiayon, Pedro Daroy, Bruno Mayandoc, I_sidro L. Cozon, Jaime Arzadon, Dionisio Avecilla, Pelagio Sison, Santiago Caluyan, Ricardo Villamil, Jose Fernandez, Eladio Nuarin, Julian Sison, Mauricio Origenes, Carmelo Yuson, Jorge de Perio, Toribio Guardiana, Deogracias Tactacquin, Claiudio Castro, iCataHno N arvasa, • 1 Irineo Baltazar, Ernesto Quebral, Pio Coqui~, Alipio Aquino, Lorenzo Parayao, Milagros Parayno, Gracia Favila, Prospero Manzon, Carmen Parayno, Luis Gonzales, J. de Venecia, Ireneo Fernandez, Jose Fuentebe!la, Cezar Fernandez, Angel Llanes, Agripfoa Angela, Belen Villanueva, Aurora Quebral, Manuel Flores, Juan Mondero, Nicanor Bustos, Bonifacio Gutierrez, Alberto Maramba and Placido Reyes. August, 1939 THE MARKSMAN 4.5 T. D. MONTEE The following scores were made by the late Tracy D. Montee considered during his time as one of the best shots that the Philippines ever had. Against a big field of contestants, he emerged victorious in both events, and was declared as Pistol and Rifle Champion of the Philippine Carnival Association. in 1933. He was adept in handling all kinds of firearms and won many medals and trophies for his shooting proficiency. He was also an expert motor boat racer and held the Philippine record in Class "C" category. An expert flier, he met with a tragic airplane ac_ cident in Baguio on Ngv. l, 1935 at 8 :44 a.m. when the airpfane. motor failed during the take off. PHILIPPINE CARNIVAL NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SMALL BORE RIFLE DATE: Feb. 5, 1933 RANGE: 50ft. TARGET: NRA 50ft. ARM: 22 cal. Rifle Name 1. t D. Montee, MAP 2. Lt. C. A. Coffin, U .S.S. Heron 3. Sgt. 1 L. T. Clarke, 31st Inf. 4. T. Kalaw, Jr. ·u.P. 5. E. J. Carballo MAP 6. Capt. J. T. Staley, U.S .S. Heron 7. Capt. M. N. Castaneda PC 8. Capt. G. Lugtu, Pol. Dept. 9. A. D. -Hileman, C.G.C. 10. Wm. W. White, 31st Inf. Qtl. Esp. 11. Ira Kizer, 31st Inf. Qtl. Esp. 12. L. Franco, U.P. 13. C. Pescante, Pol . Dept. 14. M. F. Flores, MAP 15. E. Regalado, U.P. 16. Kenneth Rowley, 31st Inf. Qtl. Esp. 17. P. Abiera, Pol. Dept. 18. · Capt. J. P. Villasanta, Dol. Dept. Standing 88 83 85 83 81 76 76 72 76 74 69 74 71 75 76 79 69 79 Sitting 94 ' 93 92 92 91 92 92 97 92 92 98 93 94 91 91 84 94 81 Prone 99 98 96 97 95 97 96 94 93 95 94 94 96 94 93 97 93 95 Total 281 274 273 272 267 265 264 263 261 261 261 . 261 ' 261 ~flO 260 260 256 255 46 THE MARKSMAN August, 193g 19. A. Nicolas, U.P. 68 94 93 255 21. C. Agor, Pol. Dept. 73 87 93 253 20. Lt. C. G. Row, Ft. McKinley 66 93 96 255 22. S. Santos, U.P. 73 84 96 253 23. R. Romasanta, Pol. Dept. 68 85 99 252 24. M. Elizaldi, Pol. Dept. 61 95 95 251 25. W. Silver, 31st Inf. Quartel Espana 65 81 95 241 26. Dr. R. Soler. Atimonan, Tayabas 70 90 90 250 27. I. Hidalgo, U .P. 67 96 93 250 28. Capt. J. 0. Smithl-ey, Ft. Mills, Corr. 64 88 98 250 29. F.T. Berg, 92nd C. A. 61 94 91 250 30. Capt. H. Lovelace, 31st Inf. Qtl. Esp: 77 80 93 250 31. E. H. Knechler, 31st Inf. Qtl. Esp. 64 92 93 249 32. Ocampo, U.P. 68 87 94 249 33. M. G: Earnshaw, MAP 69 82 96 247 34. Roy Dixon, MAP 53 96 97 246 35. A. Bolado, Pol. Dept. 58 92 96 246 36. E. Orobia, U .P. 51 94 98 243 37. E. Liquete, U .P. 58 -87 96 241 38. N. Ohan, U.P., Los Banos 66 81 94 241 39. M. Mendoza, U.P. 59 91 91 241 40. I. L. Bagavisan, Pol. Depa. 59 86 92 237 41. Quirino Cruz, Heacock Inc. 75 .. 79-_-··· 79 233 42. Sgt. Lee Aitkins, 31st Inf. Qtl. Esp. 54 ·82- 96 232 43. R. L. McFrederick, MAP. 53 94 84 231 44. Lt. J. M. Kane, Naval Radio Station 67 88 83 228 45. M. Enriquez, U.P. L.B. 48 80 91 219 46, Roy Morgan, 31st Inf. 46 87 88 216 47. F. Figueroa, U.P. L.B. 50 84 82 216 48, A. M: Paterno, Bur. Public Works 51 80 84 215 49. J. B. Smith, U.S. S, Smith· Thompson 46 80 81 207 50. L.A. Keys, U.S.S: Smith Thomspon 35 73 88 196 51, E. Z. Moreno, 1236 Maquilin 32 75 72 179 52. R. Mendez, 116 Cortuda 36 51 67 154 53. M. Guerrero, 125 M. H. del Pilar 29 45 52 126 PHILIPPINE CARNIVAL REVOLVER CHAMPIONSHIP DATE:. Feb. 12, 1933 RANGE: 12-20 & 50 Target: Stand. Amer •. Arm: 22 cal. Rev. & Pistol Name 12 yds. 20 yds. 50 yds. Total 1. T. D. Montee, MAP 98 172 170 440 2. Lt. C. E. Coffin, U .S.S. Heron 91 170 178 439 3. Lt .. J. M. Kane Naval, Ra. Sta, Los Banos 95 163 174 432 4. Leon Banaag, Malabon, Rizal 83 165 170 418 5. Capt. G. Lugtu, Pol. Dept. . 91 167 160 41~ 6. Capt. J. Villasanta, Pol. Dept. 90 157 169 .U6 August, 1939 THE MARKSMAN 47 7. S. Moldero, Lubuagan, Mt. Prov. 87 158 161 406 8. M. Caldwell, Nichols Field 92 157 157 406 9. A. D. Hileman, C.G.C. 89 164 152 405 10. Lt. C. G. Row, Ft. McKinley 85 152 167 4.04 11, Dr. R. Soler, Atimonan, Tayabas 87 152 165 404 12. M. Bernardino, Baclaran, Rizal 88 160 156 402 13. R. Dixon, MAP 90 162 15C- 402 14. L. R. McFrederick, MAP 94 152 155 401 15. E: C: Von Pelican, C.G.C. 91 153 155 399 16. H. A. Myquist, Nichols Field 83 164 15~ 399 17. M. H. Dobbs, Nichols Field 86 152 160 398 18. E. J. Carballo, MAP 85 152 1'39 396 19. Lt. J. L. Hitching, Nichols Field 85 162 151 Wl4 20. Capt. M. N. Cas_taneda, PC 89 142 163 ;,94 21. A. Pascual, Malabon, Rizal 82 153 155 390 22. M. W. White, 31st Inf. 76 149 159 3~4 23. M. F. Flores, MAP 85 141 156 382 24. J. M. Mangiat, Lipa, Batangas 80 145 155 3~0 25. Dr. C. Quintos, Atimonan, Tayabas 82 129 165 3'i6 26. H. Lovelace, 31st Inf. 90 123 151 3C-1 27. P. Malabanan, Lipa, Batangas 72 133 152 347 28. C. Pescante, Pol. Dept. 81 135 140 356 29. A. Mariscal, Los Banos, U.P. 85 127 129 341 30. A. Floresca, PMC 67 118 132 31.7 31. R. Marquez, Atimonan, Tayabas 76 103 138 :H7 32. Mr. Katigbak, Lipa, Batangas 59 126 114 2~9 33. A. P. Uri, Atimonan, Tayabas 79 88 75 242 34 C. Manuel, U.P. Los Banos 69 125 Unfinished 35. J. Tabor, U.P. Los Banos 83 140 Unfinished 36. P. l\famucod, Pol. Dept. 77 108 Unfinished * * * * FOR SALE l Harrington & Richardson Tar_ escopic bases and sling P85.00 get Pistol, 10 inch barrel, single . 1 Rifle trunk for Win. 52, space shot, .22 cal. ________ P40.00 enough for telescope and guns almost brand new----- nu.00 1 Colt Woodsman, 41;2" barrel, PlOO) with leather holster and extra (Win. 52 rifle with trunk, , 1 Mos·sberg .22 rifle with Lyman magazine ------- ---- P45.oo micrometer sights, true left_ 1 Winchester .52 rifle, cal. 22 hand bolt action, brand new ·Lyman micrometer sights, teL ______ P30.00 NOTE: All these firearms have been used by experts and show little or no wear. Remember . 22 caliber firearms pay no initial or annual fees, and ammunitions are exempt from all taxes. Write Or Call MR .. QUIRINO, 42 Valenzuela, San Juan, Rizal - Tel. 2-14-40