Brother, injustice!


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Brother, injustice!
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
CHECK HAND-WRITTEN WASHINGTON-A federal law requires that the president's salary check be written by hand. BROTHER, INJUSTICE! DU QUOIN, Ill.- Willie Foster told the judgr he shoved his former girl friend and her husband into a creek, because his rival, 11 stole my girl friend, my fi~hing pole and my wonns." A~N-C Market GROCERY-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Jl.,fost 1l1odern Market Edward Pocificor, General.Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. NORTHENIAN CAFE . Victor Regonan, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA VICTORY BARBER SHOP Treat Yourself to !lie Best TELEPHONE 3-2487 JU LIAN G. GADIA. Proo. 32 JI/, L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY ADEVA IS APPOINTED CONSUL GENERAL FOR SAN FRANCISCO Attorney :VIanuel A. Adeva has recently arrived from Manila via the Philippine-owned passenger airliner to take on his office in San Francisco as consul general for the Philippine Republic. lVI r. Adeva is well-known here in the United States and the Filipinos here in California love and respect him. The biggest Filipino population in California, some 20,000, centers in this area. The Filipino Church of Christ of Sacramento joins with the Philippine government in invoking blessings for Mr. Adeva, Mr. ]. C. Dionisio, M. S. Cabatitt who assist him and all those who work with him in his office. l!l FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales, Prop. P. 0. Bo, 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE WATCH REPAIRING Watchmaker - Jeweler - Engraver G. E. NESS Sacramento 1027 6th Street Three Doors From K Street "Keep yourself well remembered by J•our frimds" PHONE 2-1374 1017 9th STREET Sacramento, California JOHNSTONE'S BOOTERY QUALITY SHOES For the Enlire Family J. H. JOHNSTONE Dial 2-7457 518 K ST., SACRAMENTO -7