Six red roses


Part of Panorama

Six red roses
Poetry (Literary form)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
(Six (d^ed Closes In the home of a famous man, there stands a vase which each day is filled with red roses. To that man and his family these six roses have a special signifi­ cance. The roses represent six great qualities: Love, Romance, Faith, Hope, Peace of Mind, and Prosperity. These roses are a daily reminder of the ideals which create a beautiful home life. Glancing at them one is inspired to live nobly. Flowers, it seems to me, are especially suitable as a reminder of life’s higher purposes. Fresh from gar­ den or greenhouse, they have a newness that suggests beginning again. They suggest a renewing, or our resolve, to live better lives. Their color and beauty make the qualities they symbolize highly desirable. They are like trumpets sounding from mountain tops, making us lift our eyes and march joyously along life’s highway. Why not emulate this beautiful habit in your own home? The kind of flowers doesn’t matter—they may be plucked from your own garden, or sent daily from your florist. Have each flower stand for something in your home, and in the radiance of their beauty let the whole family strive toward those things.—The Friendly Adventurer. February, 1939 9