Philippine Smelting Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Philippine Smelting Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PHILIPPINE SMELTING COMPANY All units worked very satisfactorily and at full capacity. The sintering ma­ chines and blast furnace showed 95.4 % and 100% operating time respectively. The smelter set a new all time high for material smelted and values shipped. Total gross value of shipments amount­ ed to Pl,046,633.27. Smelter products shipped to the refinery during the month were as follows: Tons Ozs. gold Ozs. silver Lbs. copper Lbs. lead Smelter concentratea . • 184.46 5,676.67 28,894 209,480 —■— Bullion ............ 13.41 7,787.12 4,799 11,525 — —■ • — Cottrell dust . 83.66 42.82 518 — 71,709 Total ... 281.53 13,496.61 34,211 221,005 71,709 Ratio of concentration was somewhat lower (10.32 to 1) due to the greatly increased amount of copper being re­ ceived. Increase in amount of copper was 70% over any previous month. A total of 3,064 tons of material was smelted, of which 2,043 were concen­ trates, 325 tons limerock, 152 tons sili­ ceous ores, 52 tons flue dust, and the balance smelter secondaries, and 280 tons of coke were used which amounted to 9.14% of total fluxed charge. Excavations for the new bag house have been completed and the construc­ tion work has started. The large #5 Mace furnace is being conditioned and will be put into operation during Sep­ tember. The Marsman Magazine for September, 1939