Marsman returns to Manila


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Marsman returns to Manila
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MARSMAN RETURNS TO MANILA J. H. Marsman returned to Manila September 26 on the Philippine Clip­ per from a five months business trip in Europe and the United States. A large group of officials from the company along with other friends, were in Cavi­ te to greet Mr. Marsman on his arrival. Mr. Marsman told of his experiences in London at the outbreak of the war. The entire city was subjected to the United States of America is our spon­ sor, and how blessed will we be to look to that great country as our savior in case of stress—that is if we see the light clearly as we should.” In view of conditions throughout the world, Mr. Marsman added, “this is no time for us to philosophize or idealize. These things must be put aside for the present. We are confronted today with “Welcome Home” was the greeting Benj. S. Ohnick gave J. H. Marsman. Ohnick was the first to meet Marsman when the latter arrived on the Phil­ ippine Clipper, September 26. black-out law, also it was compulsory to have a gas-mask with you at all times, according to Mr. Marsman. In three days time, he said, over two million children were evacuated from London by the government. “The most peaceful, secure and to me the brightest spots in the world today are those places where the Stars and Stripes are waving, ” according to Mr. Marsman. “Fortunate were the inha­ bitants of these Islands when the Amer­ ican flag was planted here. Indeed, how fortunate are we today that the 2 actualities which must be dealt with in a highminded and practical manner. We look for freedom in the Philippines, but we must have security.” Mr. Marsman flew from Europe to New’ York on the clipper. He com­ mented cn his departure in saying “Yes, I just came cut of Europe—escaped one might say, and came through the Unit­ ed States. The one thought which was always uppermost in my mind, one which would not suppress itself, and that was how lucky we are. All praise to America.” The Marsman Magazine for September, 1939