Coco Grove, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Coco Grove, Inc.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Marsman Magazine for September, 1939 3 COCO GROVE, INC. The production for Coco Grove for rage depth of 45 feet. The total area the month of August resulted in a con- dredged was 95,220 square feet, siderable increase over the previous The mechanical performance of the month, when two dredges covered an dredges during August was satisfacaggregate of P252,346.32 from the tory. dredging of 329,485 cubic yards. The suction dredge “Rotterdam”, The dredge “Mary Angus” handled after having completed the typhoon 169,005 cubic yards of gravel, from shelter at the mouth of the Paracale which P142,844.34 was produced. This River, was moved out into the Bay in represents a total dredged area of 99,- order to dig the channel adjacent to the 680 square feet to an average depth of shore line where both dredges will be 45 feet. operating in the near future. In case The dredge “Anne Petronella” ope- of typhoons, this channel will be util­ rated in better pay ground during Au- ized for maneuvering these two gold gust, with production showing an in- dredges. crease to P109,501.98. This represents Weather conditions during August 160,480 cubic yards dredged to an ave- were favorable for operations.