Itogon Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Itogon Mining Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ITOGON MINING COMPANY The tonnage mined and average per ton at Itogon showed a decrease from the previous month. This may be at­ tributed mainly to the water seepage having penetrated to the lower work­ ings of the Gilkison split causing the 450 level stopes to become very heavy, the consequent result being a decrease of tonnage from the section of the mine providing the best ore. From the treatment of 27,270 tons of ore, Itogon recovered a total of P352,725.25, for an average per ton of P12.93. The percentage of extraction was 87 %. The total development advance for the month amounted to 3,437 feet. Of the 2,647 feet of capital development, 1,009 feet were in ore, and of the 790 feet in operating, 409 feet were in ore. Sesame: Work on the 23 vein has given good results, especially on the 200, 300 and 450 levels. The 400 level has reached the Balatoc endline after advancing through ore which averaged P25.30 across the width of the drift. Average values were mined on the 700 level and around the new 800 level. On the 100, 350, and 500 levels of the Sesame vein, drifting operations opened up ore of average values. Taka: The results obtained from operations in Taka have been quite satisfactory, ore of good value being taken from most of the workings. The shaft guides have been replaced up to the surface. The placing of I-beams and removal of timber in the main shaft between 300 and 350 levels was completed. Due to the heavy rains the construc­ tion department was kept very busy. Operations in the mine and mill were satisfactory during August. The Marsman Magazine for September, 1939 9