Republic Steel joins Marsman trading


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Republic Steel joins Marsman trading
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Marsman Magazine for September, 1939 9 REPUBLIC STEEL JOINS MARSMAN TRADING c On September 1, 1939, Marsman ble steel culverts and steel shelving Trading Corporation announced to the made by Berger manufacturing DiviPhilippines the exclusive agency for sion; cold drawn castings and shapes, specialty products of Republic Steel and pump and piston rods by Union Corporation and its various subsidiary Drawn Steel Division; Weltrus steel companies. poles and metal lath from Truscon Steel vi' ox i x- 'xl Company. In addition to windows and The Republic Steel Corporation with d Eyiectrunite steel tubes, bedstead its more than 40 mills and units is the , , . ’ _ , third lare-pst steel manufacturer in the tubing, and Fretz-Moon conduit from tmrd largest steel manutacturer in the st j and Tubes Inc< The Nile steel PCThaps one of the be^t kn”wn isae Co~ P^duces Apings, pernaps one OI me oest Known IS me «paqc qfppl -niirfci hfjrrpls and drinn? Truscon line of steel windows and P 1 a doors. These products have been widely ^"ral vea?" is in sold in the Philippines, and have been PhaPf f Kwi Steel Division in utilized in a large majority of the more Mar^an Tra5ing. Mr. Fraser first important construction projects. joined fte Repsublic organization The Republic line which Marsman through the Truscon subsidiary fifteen Trading represents, however, includes years ago. His wide and varied experihundreds of items covering practically ence in steel business, assures a every requirement for steel and iron thorough representation by Republic products. Among the more important Steel. Assisting Mr. Fraser will be Mr. of these are Enduron stainless steel, Wm. Maguire who for the past six Tuncan iron and Exlite tinplace manu- years has been engaged in the construcfactured by Republic Steel Corpora- tion materials business in the United tion; Berloy steel lockers, Acme nesta- States.