

Part of The Marksman Magazine

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56 THE MARKSMAN August, 19a9 AMENDMENTS TO.THE ABSTRACT OF THE GAME LAWS AND REGULATIONS ========~========1. For painted snipes and any all species of plovers, sandpipers, curlews, godwits, tatlers, turns.tons, lapwings, stilts, phalaropes and jacanas, the open season is from September 16th to December 15th of every year. (F. G. A. Order No. 5_2, Nov. 20, 1936). 2. For other species of snipes, the open season is from Sept~mber first of one year to the end 9f February of the following year. (F. G. A. Order No. 20, 1936). 3. For male of all species of deer in the followfog .·areas~ (1) Sitio Mampok; (2) Sitio Mariling Maliit; (3) Sitio Berg; (4) Sitio Kuring; (5)Sitio Igay; (6) Sitio Lumber Camp of the Islands of Culion; closed season is from May 16th to December 31, inclusive, of each year. For male of all species of deer within the other territorial jurisdiction of the Islands of Culion, Municipality of Coron, Province of Palawan, closed season is from October 1, 1937 to September 30, 1940, inclusive. (F.· G. A. Order No. 10 of June 4, 1937). 4. The taking of tamarao, except for scientific purposes duly author ... ized by the Secreary of Agriculture and Commerce, is prohibited~ (Commonwealth Act No. 73, Oct. 23, 1936). FISH AND GAME ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF FORESTRY, MANILA COMMONWEALTH OF' THt PHILll'PINES DEPARTMENT or "GRICULTURE ANO COMMERCE FISW ANO GAME ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF FORESTRY MANILA ABSTRACT OF THE GAME LAWS AND REGULATIONS Painted snipe. p!mrs. undplpers, cYrie..n, 1odwlls, tattlers, turnslone9, •~JJWlnrs. stills, ,ru1aropas 1NI Jacanas. Slli,.s cuctpt palnltd uipe). All SJ'l'Cles ol ducks. DGYSS (1'1Ctpl urrtd lllUH dllft), JlportS, putrldps, 4111lls, phas11ts and 11ild chickens. Cools, 1alllaule1 and rail•. Hornbllls, peacock·p~s11b 11• f!IOUad lrullde!l.. Edible ltlrd'1 nest Squirrels and le~!Jft.. Deer and wild carallm ( 111f1). Mom deer (mile). OPEN AND CLOSE SEASONS (Bleek shede lndlce'eo clese seasons) OTHER IMPORTANT RULES lllllES 81111mlt:50 snipes and 12 curlews pe( dlJ. 111 lhall: 50 snipes per day. 111 limit: 25 ducks per day. 111 limlt: 25 birds pfr day. There is more honor in 1lvi111 the (&mt a squire deal Iha a In pltln1or11ceedin1 tt. llmll I-Open July, 183!, 111d mrr second rar lherufter. I T1ki11 or edible birds' DtSts under . mualclpal license (Acl 3379). I I ' X-Opea Januarr. 1939, and emy ~C· ond year !herealler. 812 limit: 2 male deer per month. The Island or Culion, Palawao, '1osed until September 30. 1940. 1 Mountain Province, closed until July I 15, 1941. X-Open January, 1940, and ewery SIC· ond 11ar the11aller. Birds and mamm:ils not inc.laded in thll Uat ahaJI not be taken or diatnrbed in any maoner; neither their nests. To hunt with a firearm or an &lr gun "'1tboat a bontlng lie~ or during close season ia lllepi. Hunting in game refogea, bird aanctll8rlea and mHitvy or naval reserves i! prohibited. Hunting lieense9 may be issued by the Director. Burenu of forestryManila. upon application and payment of annual {Hof n.oo. For •·iolation of the game law, a line of from rIO to P200 or 1mpnsenmeot may be imposed. Fifhl per C61ttum of !M jiM shall he pa wf to r.he i1'/orrMr. Any •iolation of the law and regulat.iODI may be re~.ed Insular Game Warden, Bllreau offorestry. Manila, chief vf police, or Philippir1e Constabulary officer. 8£ A FRIIN.D TO WllD LfFE HnP PROTECT AN" CONSERVE THEM